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Everything posted by Phil

  1. Phil

    False Ban

    Keep in mind of 2 things, 1. there is a chat filter that auto bans people for racist or homophobic slurs. 2. As stated before Donating doesn't excuse you from any punishment handed by staff or from Console.
  2. Phil


    John me lad hope your doing okay!
  3. Phil

    Jay's 48 Hours

    sad to see you leave us! thanks for time for your time and effort in FBI always welcomed back anytime
  4. my hair will grow back before you stay in the community for more than a month
  5. Phil

    Vaders Resignation

    thanks for your time with us vader!
  6. to add onto what Ice said Mini does a excellent job while on staff and presents himself well on and off the staff job, he deserves this promo!
  7. agree with iZz, chad defs deserves this spot!
  8. +Support but woah woah woah i didnt get the wrong steamID kale did lmao
  9. Phil

    100 POSTs

    i remember my first 100
  10. Truly sad to see you go Cecil, you went above and beyond in your time as a command member and I can't thank you enough for the time and effort you put into FBI, you'll always be welcomed back anytime. Bes of luck in your future endeavours o7
  11. +Support Darby is a active member within the community knowledgeable on the server rules Previous staff experience Great app Friendly dude For these reasons and more Darby has my +support and deserves a chance to join the staff team
  12. Out of the 3 only 1 would be punished "Temp kyuubi big jill" for having 2 family names in their name +support for "Temp kyuubi big jill" the other 2 are fine
  13. DENIED Sorry, but community blacklist's are no longer appealable. You may not attempt to appeal this again!
  14. You forgot the buff of "if you get a multi kill it grants god mode" smh
  15. Player was banned for 2 weeks, didn't see report till after oops
  16. I mean you shot him in spawn, while we were dealing with 3 people killing each other in spawn and they were frozen in air you were pushed away for interfering then you shot tactical. You were doing the same thing in which the 3 people we were dealing with for Btw he doesn't have to be cloaked for a sit, usually sits are taken away from rp but it was spawn with 3 people killing each other hence why 3 people were frozen and he was no clipped with myself there also no clipped -support
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