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Max Holland

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Posts posted by Max Holland

  1. 8 hours ago, Calamity said:

    My Side Of The Story:

    Starting Off: MiKeY and I have been sitting there spectating these "alt accounts" for around thirty to forty minutes.

    While watching these alt accounts they constantly minged by cop baiting (ramming into police cars on purpose). Breaking FearRP and FailRP. They were pretty consistent in minging which gathered our attention.

    MiKeY was looking through their steam accounts and said that their steam accounts were very new, made within that day. In which that is normally the biggest hint that they were alt accounts. 

    Looking through the menu via the tab menu. The ALT accounts only contained an hour of game play within the server. When dealing with ALT accounts, they always seem to have an hour within the server.

    When spectating, there was a quite of few of them. They talked normally so it was pretty obvious that they were alt accounts due to the senior staff team knowing about these alt accounts. Which was interesting because they used voice changers in some situations which hints that they were trying to hide when staff were around.

    After the conclusion of going through the evidence with MiKeY I made the call to being them up to a roof and initiate a permanent ban. 

    The first person I was brought up to a roof automatically disconnected from the server and auto rejoining using a command via console. After seeing that I banned him off the spot since I already have conclusive evidence. 

    I brought up the next alt account and he was wondering why he was up here. I told him that we had a suspicion that he was an alt account. He looked at me and told me to politely ||||||||||||| Off. After that he said that I got him, and he threatened he will come back on another alt account. I initiated a permanent ban after that.

    We brought up the next guy who was with the other alt accounts. I told him that we had a suspicion that he was an alt account. He proceeded to say “Oh yeah you banned my friend, don't worry he will get back on another account here soon”. I initiated a permanent ban. 

    Then, as I remember we saw in chat who adverted “Smoke is my dad”. In which that name is belonged to the old blacklisted members. We teleported that guy to us. He was a bit confused saying why were his friends banned. Looking at his account he had a good steam profile but very new to the game. He was minging with them being suspicious since knew them also. He also sounded way different when we spectated him, MiKeY and I just agreed he was using a voice changer. Looking through the logs he changed his name three different times when we tried bringing him. He seemed to be avoiding being brought up to the sit. This was a very shady guy who had no intent in roleplaying. He tried arguing with us about this issue, sounding like Maral. So we banned him for being an alt account.



    Dealing with ALT accounts, we deal with this daily. Despite the many times they get back on the server, we find them and initiate a permanent ban with gathered up evidence have watching these accounts roam for a while. You doing all of the things listed is not good. This is why I did the ban!




    6 hours ago, War Gamer said:


    I did some background checks into your Steam account and found some signs of an ALT account.


    First Thing | Your account was created recently, and it is public which is important for the last imageInfo3.PNG.6045388151276dd8e390f2472b3fc4e4.PNG

    This is just a rep check which of course you have none since the account was new, with no Bans on record, and reassures that your profile is public.




    1: You have a steam level of 0, also indicating a new account

    2: No friends (The Only part that is surprising, but could be a coverup)

    3: Names (Nothing Really interesting)

    4: Your profile is public


    Your profile is PUBLIC which means I can view the games that you have etc.

    The big question is "WHERE IS GARRY'S MOD?!"

    Since you don't have the game that means you are using a family account as not to waste money on a community that you were banned on. OR you cracked and hacked your original game so it institutes a

    Denial-of-Service when steam attempts to verify the fact that you bought the game, but skips by and bypasses it. I what I think the server has security-wise one of these autos bans you.


    Still, we can never know for sure unless we check IPs, but you could be using a VPN, so in this case, we have reasonable suspicion and evidential standpoint to issue a PERMABAN which justifies Clamitiy and MiKeY reasons for issuing it as an alt.




    Yeah -support 

  2. 1 hour ago, C. Perkins | 101 said:


    -Great app

    -Amazing LT

    -Always on



    Also, sorry you don't get a pretty colorful comment like everyone I comment on. I'm on my phone and can't be bothered... ❤️


  3. On 11/4/2019 at 4:32 AM, [HRP] Curry said:

    Just saw this


    instead I would say have weekly duel tournaments and the winner gets a crystal or hilt or whatever is being handed out. Not only does this allow for someone to get something new but it would be fun for all IQ and be a challenge to improve your dueling techniques. It could also improve activity.


    along with getting a hilt for the winner. You could allow spectators of people who arent fighting to bet on who would win and keep track of it on roster for some nice fun as well. 


    overall this method would

    1.increase activity 

    2.Put some friendly fun and competition in for IQ

    3.Lower the pay to win aspect of IQ.


  4. Yep.  You can get a gov cc although it’s an extra $50 on top of the original donation (would be paid using custom donation at the bottom of the buy credits section) you need anymore info you can look at the custom job format 

    if you are going trough with it make sure you don’t purchase credits or another custom job package, make sure you purchase the custom donation. 

    • Like 1
  5. - support 

    like I see your sorry but every time I was on staff/ the server there would be sit against you. Me and other staff members gave you so many chances. You had so many chances to change the way you acted but you didn’t. Becuse you bought vip doesn’t mean you get special treatment. I don’t think the ban should be lifted. Once you meet the requirements to appeal  your warns you should then make a ban appeal 

  6. 11 hours ago, Catsro said:

    +Support Bread is a very mature person inside and out of discord. I see him active in the discord and I think he could help the discord team in many positive ways. Another positive is that he doesn't have any punishments that had intent behind them which is a plus. Good Luck Bread!


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