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Max Holland

Retired Staff
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Posts posted by Max Holland

  1. 1 hour ago, (Blrp) MasterChiefWM1 said:


    +Good naval leader gives out more orders then most other naval when there not on

    +Friendly to all troops when not/on duty 

    +calm during battle helps out troops and helps lead everyone if needed 

    +overall good person to be around

    +good app


    • Thanks 1
  2. On 9/14/2019 at 11:40 PM, Smokin said:

    The Inquisitorius battalion aka Purge, would be a great fit. They are Inquisitors main protection.
    It also adds a purge electro staff and a whole new battalion.


  3. In-game name: Max/ apprentice max 


    Current RP rank on StarWarsRP: sen mod 

    Have you donated to the server?: yes 

    Have you been banned on any GL server before?: nope 

    Have you received any warnings (please give reasons if applicable)?: yes i have 1 warning on prp for failrp 

    How much time do you have on the server?: i dont know my time it doesnt show  

    How well do you know the LORE? Explain: i know the starwars lore very well i have seen all the movies and read most of the comics. 

    Why do you WANT to become a Gamemaster?: well the main reason i want to become gamemaster is because im very experienced with events as i was on the event team in police rp and i ran an event team on another server. i have good knowledge with the lore of starwars and the characters., i have good knowledge of the races and planets in the starwars universe. making it less of a hassle when we want to use different characters and different races. one of the main reasons that i want to be apart of the gamemaster team is because i love doing events and know how to host/ help in them. i love starwars and would love to have a opportunity to host events in imperial rp. i love gaminglight and would love to be apart of the gamemaster team.

    Why should you be trusted to be a Game Master?: well i was a trusted staff member on police rp, who never really broke any rules. this is shown by my very low warn count. i was a good event team member in polce rp who always help out the team when they were hosting an event. i am also very active and very mature. i will always follow orders given to me and i will always stay respectful. 

    Are you familiar/experiences with ULX?: yes i have loads of experience with ulx. i was a head of staff on a darkrp server, admin in a military rp server and a sen mod in police rp

    Are you experienced with being a Game Master and how they function?: yes i understand that gamemaster is slightly diffrent than some other event teams in gaminglight. i am not experianced with gamemaster but i am with event teams. but i do know how the function

    Give a brief example of an on-ship event, as well as an example of an off-ship event:

    on ship event: three rebel troopers disguise themselves as clone troopers they hack into the radio/comms system and say that they are clone troopers transferring from another ship to this ship. once excepted they will find a droid and hack into its memory and its general settings, and give it orders to goto the bridge and download imperial secrets. then they will call upon the rebels to get them out of the ship.

    off ship event: information was received about a possible rebel base, we gear up get a debrief going and explain the mission then we goto what ever planet its on and try destroy the rebel base. there would be two jedi masters there this is when the sith would step in and kill or capture the jedi  

    Do you know how to give a weapon/SWEP to yourself/someone? (Give an example): !give (player name) (weapon) !give ^ (weapon name) for yourself

    Do you know how to model yourself/someone? (Give an example): !model ^ (model) !model (player name) (model) 

    Have you read the Gamemaster Guidelines?:Yes

  4. On 9/10/2019 at 4:20 AM, Honeycoatedwolf said:



    + Great App

    + Experience 

    + Know by the Community 

    +Been a Great Cap for a while now 

    Has always been a great leader and always will to do anything for his fellow PD.



    Good luck ~max 

    • Thanks 1
  5. -support 

    no poll 

    format not fully completed 

    low forums posts

    can be mingy sometimes in game 

    said he hasn't read guidelines 

    fill out the proper format and get more active then i will consider changing my support, but right now its looking like you haven't read the post requiered to become a good/decent staff member.

    good luck ~max holland 

  6. On 9/4/2019 at 4:01 AM, [GL] Mikey said:


    Shows RDM

    "Dude i'll reset you i promise"

    Has 12 hours on the server so he should know the rules

    I think it could be a good idea to remove his weapon


    On 9/4/2019 at 9:20 PM, [GL] Mikey said:

    I'm just gonna add something from today.


    It says in donation menu if you rdm with tomahawk it will be removed, he is clearly braking the rules and needs the weapon removed +support 

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