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Max Holland

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Posts posted by Max Holland

  1. -support 

    Kinda power hungry 


    not that mature

    you shouldn’t be threatening a staff report for no reason. You shouldn’t be constantly dissing state and state command. 
    Since you got major and admin you’ve become kinda power hungry and started pulling rank on loads of people I want to see those things improve before I give you a +support 


  2. 5 minutes ago, The.Batman (Faustin) said:

    I agree with you, I am not against the current Rockford map we've been using (before the christmas map) my suggestion is just that we switch things up once in a while (not too often, atleast 6 months apart if not longer) between the OG Rockford map, highway map, and possibly a new map if they decided to make the investment to making a new custom one. That's my view and suggestion.

    This map was only for like a few weeks it’s getting changed that’s final the problem with og Rockford was that it was very small and got very boring I have no problem playing in Rockford again it’s just not the best map that’s the same for highway, highway had it’s problems and as much as I want to play on it again IT will still have the same problems. I think a new map would be good and if highway got a little big of a fix it would be good aswell. 👍🏿

    • Like 1
  3. What you want to see? - a new map

    Why should we add it? - well since we are definitely leaving Rockford snow and people don’t really want truenorth back since the bases aren’t that good and mountains are not really used I believe it’s time for a new fresh map. This is just a suggestion I’ve played on this map loads of times before and its been very fun.

    What are the advantages of having this? - well it’s a big nap that has loads of facilities eg a casino , large police station suburbs ,outskirts , gas station , DOC and loads more the map is also Big it has lots of areas for bases and police chases. ( it’s not too big but it works for everything. Unlike truenorth people I believe would actually use all/ most of the map.  

    Who is it mainly for? - everyone 

    Links to any content - (Map)https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1526892946






  4. Yes you want to get unblacklisted so bad that you took so long at your application.

    ye bud no offense but if you want any chance at getting unblacklisted then maybe just maybe you should take some time to look over your application. Reason I know you just put this together in 5 minutes is because you didn’t take the time to look up what dispute means. Smh -support please take time to add detail to your app ect. 

  5. Yeah tbh I agree with that viper I think becuse there was so many of them I just lost the will to live and now that I think of it i should of just given you a verbal to try use the right advert

    in conclusion this whole situation was hard to deal with and I do believe I made a mistake by warning you so yeah I’ll + support it 

  6. Ok so let me explain this one more time I go into a sit with 4+ crips who have been mingeing all day and then start warning them for correct reasons most for not adverting then I get to train sx Roxanne. He shows me that he adverted. I see this then see that another person adverted kidnap before he did. Because he didn’t advert assist I go ahead and warn him. I looked up in the messages and see the proof that the other guy adverted kidnap first. I was told that to assist you must advert assist. That is the reason he was warned

    i do believe that you guys are missing what I’m saying. Again just trying to say my side and it be heard 

    only 3 of them adverted. One of them was Roxanne the other two were chad gang members. None said assist that’s why Roxanne was warned. the person who adverted first was let go as he actually adverted. Now I could be wrong in saying that you can advert kidnap as an assist but I was told differently 

  7. during the sit you said that you forgot to change your name and advert assist after the first advert was sent out. you then told me that you adverted second so did everyone else and when i checked it showed that one of the chad family members adverted first. 


  8. yes but he never adverted assist. he only adverted kidnap once the hostage was kidnapped. ive been told before that you must advert assist not kidnap after the first kidnap advert was adverted. 

    if that advert counts as an assist then it would be a false warn yes. but i was told that it has to be a assist advert

  9. -support 

    1 you kidnapped without restraints 

    2 you didn’t have the same family member name. You were the one assisting as the rest of your family members said. 
    This means that your advert meant nothing as he was already taken hostage.

    in the sit you ammited to being apart of the kidnapping with the chad family yet your advert was after one of their members did it and you never had the same name 


  10. On 12/28/2019 at 8:34 AM, Yobo said:

    - Support

    Recently refused to leave a State TS Channel when told to by command kept coming back and back..


    When the staff isn't online the minge comes out..

    The past hour have been nothing but pure mingery from him and his family. Constantly shooting his family in spawn and breaking NLR, Cop-baiting by saying "help hes gonna kill me" then sniping his family member over and over. "Reseting" each other in front Police. Entering pd constantly and doing nothing but disturbing roleplay and making it difficult for Police with out staff online.

    I personally do not want to see this member becoming staff in this community. Staff are supposed to be setting the standard and have good moral highground. His actions in the past hour have proven to me that this individual is 100 percent not ready to become staff. I am disgusted by this behavior you have shown.

    Low forums post only one post..
    Low effort I expected for someone that talks big game on the server that you would have more effort in your application.

    I have to fully agree with Yobo and state command here. If this is true then I don’t believe you are ready for staff as those acts show you to be immature. Tbh your family’s actions reflect a lot on you. -support I’m sorry dude I just don’t believe your ready yet.

  11. Yes amazing staff report. One person says something someone says something else. Woooooo. Yeah I mean with no actual evidence of the situation I think it just ends up being one side against another. -support 

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