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Max Holland

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Posts posted by Max Holland

  1. 15 minutes ago, austin9675 said:

    You guys realize I’m on every day right? I see a lot of you. I’m on more toward the afternoon and night more then anything but it’s everyday. I’m addicted to this server. 
    sorry that’s the only thing I had to point out. 

    - support 

    Replied to own application. 

    Low Forum activity 

    i got no clue who you are never seen you in game.

    also i got no clue why you put the question stuff in, not in the format so not really needed. (its still your own app you can have it if you like)

    Replied to his application 

  2. Ok so what I see is prop block. In the second video you can see props over the doors of pd and the bailer. Now if myan or high ranked staff/ command members wanted to do that then take money from the counter something like that it would be fine but they were just at that point doing it to annoy sx or what ever they were called at the time. The Doors where also propblocked from what I saw in the video so it’s a +/- support from me 

    no staff member/ member of the community should be acting like this. A staff member should know the rules.

    i just don’t know why they had to block off the doors.

    nothing against y’all but it’s just my opinion 

    • Like 2
  3. +support 

    mature ( seen on prp) 

    nice guy 

    fixed app looks ok now 

    i only play imperial rp 1 day a week but ive still seen you on. your a mature guy and i think you would make a great fit in the imperial rp staff team.

  4. i mean you could of put more effort in the long questions. this applacation is like the shortest ive seen since my year playing gaminglight. 

    no offence but you could of taken time to add wayyyyy more detail. 

  5. Your missing the last question and your also missing a poll. 
    also that’s the wrong app format. It doesn’t really matter but the long question is 150 words + so as long as you have 150 words in the question your good. 
    Overall it’s gonna be a -Support 

    since you missed a question it shows me that you didn’t bother reading trough the application format and the guidelines since it’s stated thst it’s an Instant denial if the format is incomplete. 
    Oh and also I believe some of you app is copied from others 

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