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Max Holland

Retired Staff
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Posts posted by Max Holland

  1. On 11/17/2019 at 7:41 PM, Masterson said:



    Also Calamity told him to remove it out of the parking lot but he placed it back soon after 


    18 hours ago, Ryan The Epic Guy said:

    Several staff have explained this to them. Their shooting windows are blacked out, the fences are too tight to fit through for most playermodels, and several staff have told them to get rid of it. They claimed to have “Updated it” but they only made the floor a dark grey so they can say it’s not the one they can’t use. They were using it today as well


  2. 37 minutes ago, Revan said:


    I am sorry but I really do have to take into account that your immaturity especially when advertising ARU is quite toxic. Also, Col. Eternity is right about your time spent on ARU. At this moment in time I don’t agree with your assessment of being PD Low Command. I would advise you spend time on your SM rank and do your best to remain professional while on the job.


  3. In-Game Name:  

    Max Holland 

    Steam Name:




    Are you a Senior Moderator+? 


    How many post do you have on the website (150+ REQUIRED)?  

    I have 410 posts 

    How often are you online on the forums?

    i am on the forums everyday. I check it around 10 to 15 times a day. No joke. 

    What timezone are you in?

    (GMT +1) IRELAND 

    Why would you want to join our Forum Diplomat team (100 Words Minimum)?

    well I would love to join the team becuse I am a very mature person who is always helping people in need. I am extremely active on the forums. I have experienced with playing on all servers with this experience. I am a support member so I am  helping people a lot and now I want to help people on the forums a place where I am active on. 

    I am always finding my self helping people on the forums and now I am deciding to take a step up and apply so I can fully help everyone and make sure everyone on the forums are following the rules and having a good time. 

    I want to show my dedication to gaminglight by helping it in any way that I can. 

    Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, how?

    i believe I have quite good judgement, the reason I believe this is becuse I have past experience with being a forum diplomat when I was a head admin of a medium sized dark rp server I ran the forums with the owner of the server. i was a head developer of a military rp server and in this I made the forums/website. And was apart of the forum staff there.

    i have good judgement aswell becuse I am a active staff member who helps everyone in anyway I can. I deal with all types of situation including forum stuff. 

    i am also a support member meaning I help people a lot 

    How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming the shoutbox due to getting banned from one of our servers?

    If a player was spamming shoutbox i would hide their posts and Then ask them what server they play on, once I have gathered my information I would direct them to the correct ban appeal section. I would then tell them not to spam again or I would have to take further action and I would give them a link to the forum rules and tell them to please read it.


  4. 3 hours ago, Ronin said:


    Discord =/= in game, ergo something done wrong on discord should be HANDLED on discord. Warning someone on a platform that the offense did not take place on should not be done, IMHO. Also, it's an old warn.


  5. 7 hours ago, HamsterOfTF2 said:


    • I've seen it on other servers and it works very Well
    • Very good RP like
    • A recent mod
    • Can just stack guns in inventory
    • You can still just ask for a certain weapon If its not up
    • Police Raids can now arrest someone for possession of a gun

    Only - is that its 5$



  6. 3 hours ago, Ronin said:


    When I try to raid as Gov, or heck any class, and the only fading door prop is a tiny cube in a corner that I can't see, it's entirely failbase worthy.  There've been times where the entire Gov raiding force gets slaughtered cuz we can't find the prop to battering ram it.


  7. -/+ support 


    + good rep

    + been mod a while now 

    + great leader 

    Torty your a really nice guy who is always giving me everything I need in terms of evidence for sits. I think if I saw you on staff more often and if you put more detail in your app it would be a big + support from me.

    Good luck 


    • Like 1
  8. What is your in-game name?:

    Max Holland 

    What is your steam name?:


    What is your steam ID?:


    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain)

         yes i do i was head development/admin in a millatary rp server. and i was head admin of darkrp server. these server have both shut down.

    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly)

    august 4th 2018 

    What date did you make your forums account?

    august 4th 2018

    Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)?

    sen mod

    How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)?


     Have you donated?

    yes (477)

    What rank are you applying for? 


    Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)?


    Have you read the staff guidelines at? You will be tested on it: 

    yes i have 



    Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this):

    Manager- Friendly Steve

    head of staff- Matthew

    head admin- joe mama

    super admins- calamity and jeff 

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum)

    I feel like a deserve this rank for a lot of reasons. I am a very active player who will stay up to anytime just to help players and other members of staff with any questions they have or just anything in general. I have good experience with being admin+ in different servers. i have learned a lot in the few months that I have been with gaming light. it all started with me joining police rp as a trail moderator and I worked my way up to senior moderator now I feel like I am ready to advance in the staff team. I am a very dedicated staff member who is on every single day, and this has not changed even with exams starting. I will always help anyone who asks and even if they don’t i will try my best to help them. I make sure no one feels bullied and hurt from playing police rp or being in gaming light as a whole. I show my dedication to gaming light by being active on forums, in game, discord and ts3. I also give respect to everyone and do other things to show dedication 

    because of my true dedication to gaming light and police rp I want to take the step up to admin, so I can help more staff members and just regular players. I know all the commands and admin gets and what I can do. I know most of the rules in police rp off by heart. I would love for me to take the step up to admin and continue my journey in the polcie rp staff team. 

    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?

    Well first of all i would jail tp the player outside of any rp situation, doing this would give me and the player some privacy also doing this would make sure he cant kill anyone or curse at anyone. I ask him why he is going around mass rdming and braking rules. I would be calm and would check the logs to make sure I have all the evidence I need to punish him. I would take into consideration that he might be having a bad day and just taking his anger out on this server. I would then tell him that I have evidence of him mass rdming and disrespecting other players, I would go on to check to see if he has any other warning those reasons. This would build my case up and determine what punishment he should receive then I would tell him that he is being warned and banned for those reasons. I would go on to explain how long the ban will be for and what for. I would then warn him for. Mass Rdm|NITRP|STAFF DISS and depending on what he has said I might add in player diss. Then he would get banned for one to two hours for MASS RDM|NITRP|STAFF DISS.

  9. What you want to see? -  a  new rule stating that crips and bloods can kos each other in certain areas. so we could made it that they would have their own territories. smt/jmt can pick where this is could be two or three houses in suburbs or motels ect. that could be outlined with blue or red blocks or something like that and a big textscreen saying crip/blood base something on the lines of that and anyone on the crip or blood job would own the doors. i would suggest that you would also have to advert if attacking another gang in their territory something on the lines of /advert drive by or /advert gang attack. 

    Why should we add it? -  well some info ive gathered is that new players or just a lot of players in general who dont have vip would go on the blood and crip job and have amazing rp but then would be warned or jailed for killing another crip or blood. the rule stating you can kill them in your territories or theirs would make it much more realistic and the jobs would be much more fun to play and you can have actual rp. if it came to it you could have a head crip or blood someone who would act like a commander so that the bloods and crips dont just minge. this is really just a suggestion to try bost the jobs the commander would only need to be implemented if the jobs were just being used for mass rdm. 

    What are the advantages of having this? - more people on the job. even better role play. more realistic. it would attract the new players to play that job.

    Who is it mainly for? - everyone 

    Links to any content - N/A

    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Ronin said:


    Hell, I discovered that the other day, and spent like an hour on a back road just having fun with it. I also showed higher staff and nothing was said. He wasn't using this to get into a base, or in any malicious manner.


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