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Max Holland

Retired Staff
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Posts posted by Max Holland

  1. On 10/28/2019 at 12:59 AM, Timmemes said:


    Great application


    Been SM for quite some time

    Extremely active Ingame and in TS

    Helps lower ranks


    Nice guy

    Not alot of warns


    Would be a GREAT addition to PD Low Command!


  2. OK so what happened was i got a sit saying he nlred and fear rped, i took it and asked him if this was true, he said no i found out in logs he did i asked him if he had any proof to back it up. he said that he is getting a video, then he leaves the game but when i check logs it said timed out, i didnt think anything of it at first but then ryan the epic guy says no he unplugged his wifi. ryan then explained that if it says connection closed that he turned his wifi off. i looked into this and talked to mikey and joe about it. at this point Ryan then decided to unplug his wifi and it said the exact same thing in the logs at it said when jacob left it said - dispatch trainee superjacob (connection closed) then when Ryan did it, it said Ryan DDI (connection closed) i wait for jacob to join back. once he loaded in i bring him straight to the sit and ask what happened and the sit then went on for 30 more minutes about this. after gathering enough evidence to believe that he did unplug his wifi i explained that he will be getting warned and banned for lying to staff and ltap. lying to staff is because he said he did nothing wrong and that he crashed. i honestly do believed that he ltaped and thats the reason i banned him. 

  3. -support 

    low activity in game. I have only seen you once 

    low forums/ts activity 

    Q15 isn’t a reason it’s saying you have donated and your a great rper. 

    Q16 is just wrong, 

    sorry dude but I don’t feel like your ready to make the jump into the staff team. Your application isn’t at the standard that it should be. It’s all jumbled together and the questions are hard to read. I would suggest you take some time join a department and get better know in police rp. 



  4. 2 hours ago, Voxis said:

    +/- SUPPORT

    While it may be true that you are remorseful. If I were you, if you REALLY and truly decided you wanted to come back into the community, you would make an effort to appeal what warnings you have. As it stands at the current moment, you have 50 warnings. Typically perma bans stay until you can get below 40 warnings (unless the value of your actions is at play). 

    So, get started on warn appeals if you actually want to come back. 


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