In-Game Name:
Jack Ron
Steam Name:
[GL] Jacktheguy
Are you a Moderator+?
How many posts do you have on the website?
241 and rising.
How often are you online on the forums?
At least 1 hour a day.
What timezone are you in?
Why would you want to join our Forum Diplomat team?
I would like to join the forum diplomat team because I have lots of time on the forums! I like to post on peoples forum posts if its either they are needing help or they have a random topic to talk about. So I would like to keep rude people away from other peoples forum posts. I would also like to be on the team because I have read everything I need to know about it and how it all works, and how to deal with most situations and when I see someone that did something wrong on the forums I always want to remove it/change it to make it a better and more fun forums page for everyone. That is why I would love to be on the team.
Would you consider yourself to have good judgement?
If so, how? Yes, I think I have good judgment. I think that because I have been in many situations as staff on the server in the past and never take other situations that have made them seem bad into it. I always look at both sides of the situation and make a good judgment call from there, like if they broke the rules, staff diss, racism or anything else.
How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming the Shoutbox due to getting banned from one of our servers?
First off, I would hide all the messages so nobody else could see them. After I would message the person saying you aren't allowed to spam in the Shoutbox. After that, I would send him a link to the rules and tell him not to do that again. After he learned his lesson and we talked about it, I would send him the link to the Ban Appeal section on the forums and teach him how to make one. After he made one I would remind him not to spam in the Shoutbox again or he will be punished.
Thanks For Reading!