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Tim Brown

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Everything posted by Tim Brown

  1. +Support Saying shut up isn’t a part of player diss and I think pfrazier jsut overreacted a bit. At the end of the day, the consequences are up to the staff member but if I was in his shoes I would’nt have warned you for player diss.
  2. Plus a monitor. Do you have any recommendations that arent super expensive?
  3. Hey TaiKwondo Nice to meet you! Thank you for your interest in PoliceRP and Gaminglight in general. One tip I would like to give you is be friendly to everyone on the server. Being friendly and helping out community members goes a long way and gives you a lot of respect in the community. Also try and be active on the forums and in Teamspeak. When applying for Trial Moderator and other jobs, Activity on forums and in game is looked at so make sure to be updated on the Forums, MOTD, etc. Thank you for playing Gaminglight and hope you enjoy your time on here! Have a good day!
  4. Well Said. Will keep the keyboards in my prayers.
  5. Lmao Zeeptin Doesn't Mess Around
  6. *Thinks of comment* *Is unoriginal so posts a "Thinks of Comment" Comment *
  7. Name: Tim Brown SteamID: STEAM_0:1:148816513 Current rank: Sergeant Major How long you have been in your rank (The rank you currently are) : 4-5 Weeks Rank Wanted: Lieutenant How many warns do you have? 2 Do you have a Working mic? Yes Permission(Not required If applying for Lt-Cpt): N/A Why should you be promoted? : Lieutenant. A rank of great honor and passion. A rank given to only the best of Sergeant Majors. A rank I feel that I deserve due to my dedication and respect towards the Police Department and all other departments in the City of Rockford. I remember being promoted to a Patrol Officer, ready to take on the criminals of Rockford and make my superiors proud. I was new to the community and didn’t know much about the citizens. Throughout my time as an officer, I have gained respect for the citizens, criminals, and my fellow officers and feel very welcomed in the City of Rockford. As a Patrol Officer, my dream was to be a Senior Patrol Officer, to have my own car, to take Officers on ride along's with me, was all I wanted to do. The day I was promoted to Senior Patrol Officer was the happiest day of my life and after that everything just fell in place. I started to learn more about the community and started to get involved in the activities of Rockford, the Forums, and opened up to the community. I have even started my own family in PD consisting of my cousins. The Brown Family. Together, The Browns have risen in the ranks and have gained the respect of the community. I now sit here, as a SM, writing an application for a rank that seemed out of this world so long ago, but now seems so close that I will put all effort required to achieve the rank of Lieutenant. As a Lieutenant, I feel that I could bring many great qualities to Low Command and could help out fellow officers wishing to be promoted by teaching them procedures and how to approach different situations. I would also help to enforce rules in the Police Department. One problem in the Police Department is a problem with OFC’s running around without a partner to ride with and learn from. I will make sure that every OFC has a ride along and even put SNR+ with a partner if needed. Another problem is Officers disrespecting their higher ups. Personally, I have never and will never disrespect anyone in the Police Department , higher up or not, because I feel it is very unprofessional and something I would never do. I respect and look up to all my higher ups as should all of PD. Last but not least, training cadets is sadly also a problem. I have seen a Master Sergeant walk away from a cadet and make an excuse just so he/she wouldn’t have to train the cadet. That is a problem. Personally, I enjoy training cadets, and when I train a cadet I go that extra mile to ensure they understand everything and have no problems while on duty. As a Lieutenant, I will make sure cadets get trained properly and will happily train any cadets that need training at any time of day. That is just the basics that I will achieve as a Lieutenant. Thank you all for taking the time to read this application. You agree that complaining or breaking any rules put down by High Command will result in your complete removal from PD Command(Yes/No): Yes, I Understand.
  8. Just get more activity! Glad that you are taking the game seriously and hope you are enjoying it! Good Luck!
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