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Posts posted by BigJohnny

  1. 37 minutes ago, myandabeast said:

    Also guys, you do not need to be so upset after the fact you killed many officers as soon as they entered the base and we gassed you for it. There is only one way in and one way out of the theater.

    10 gasses ? You have us backed up into th  corner and you just throw another gas into our corner and finish us off with the 10 health we have remaining lol. I didn’t see SRT fire a single shot until they killed more than half of my family with gas and then you just shoot the others that have 10-5 hp left once. Meanwhile you guy have 155 more armor then us. It’s wayyy to unfair for criminals right now if commanders are going to spam gas into the base and on the outside so it goes through walls. There needs to be gas usage guide lines 

  2. 15 hours ago, Munchies1 said:


    • I don't see you on much
    • Application needs more effort
    • Trial-Moderators cannot minge for "10000"
    • Your pretty new to the community, I suggest for you to get well known among the community.
    • Good Luck


  3. 2 hours ago, Roleplaygod said:

    + Support

    Very well done application

    Very nice person

    Good Roleplay

    Good SGT in PD - Shows he can lead

    Would love to see him part of the Staff Team


    I’ve seen you around your mature and seem fit for staff 

    • Thanks 1
  4. What you want to see? -  A gas limit 

    Why should we add it? -  more fair for criminals

    What are the advantages of having this? - being more fair for crimanls because 10 gasses being throwin inside the base and outside so it goes through the walls SRT and SWAT dont even have to fight they just throw gas on the outside of the walls of the base and theres no countering it you only have one option and its to die. you cant fight gas going through walls.

    Who is it mainly for? - crims

    Links to any content - 

  5. 37 minutes ago, Jack Ron said:

    + Support but maybe add it with the job bundle so there isnt as many minges on it

    Would the people with the job bundle currently get it?

  6. 3 hours ago, Danny Muller said:

    As i said it was not my sit to begin with, It was a T-Mods sit. I was asked to come as KIKI was reportedly running away when the T-Mod was trying to talk to him

    I didn’t know the TMOD was trying to talk to me because he was just floating in the hallway with his phys gun like he was doing for the past 5-10 minutes I was in that building. I told my friend to flip the switch to open the door so I can evade the police since I was really close to my door and my family member would be able to uncuff me before the swat could break down the door. As soon as he said that I was running from a sit I apologized and I walked out of my base.There would be no reason for me to run, unless I felt like getting in trouble, which I don’t. If the TMOD told me there was a sit going on I wouldn’t have tried running. Me and maddog were just arguing back and forth about if he had evidence or not and the TMOD wasn’t saying anything so I assumed RP was still going on. Then the TMOD randomly says I think I’m above him and don’t have to listen to him because I’m a donor mod. I’m not sure where he got that idea from as he was just floating in the hallway and didn’t say there was a sit so I assumed rp was still going. If the TMOD could add his part of story that’d be great . And honestly if a sit is being conducted it shouldn’t be conducted in a chaotic hall way the way it was. There was shooting and killing all over the place. I was barley able to hear anything and the TMOD wasn’t talking. I just saw his phys gun. So again, I didn’t get pulled or Told there was a sit going on because the admin was just floating in the hall way for pretty much most of the time I was in that building before that cop bait claim came up. If anything it was all a misunderstanding on my part and the staffs part. And miscommunication. And I don’t feel the sit was conducted properly being in the hallway. We should have gone to a roof or a clearer area so I am actually hear what’s going on.

  7. 16 hours ago, Chad B said:


    -#15 should of had more to it

    -I believe you didn't type this out right, lots of spelling errors   "Before I rarly got on but now when i have my own PC I will be active When I can IF it is a Emergancy I will not be online"

    -#13 I don't think anyone should start at Admin 

    -#11 isn't answered  

    -#8 because you are tired is never an excuses to break the rules and 30 warnings is too high 

    -#6 you can find out when you make your account by clicking profile 

    -No poll


  8. Your In-game: KIKI

    Your SteamID:STEAM_1:0:190683417
    The admin's name in-game: Ahead dispatcher Danny 
    The admin's steam name (If you know it):
    What warning did you receive: lying to staff
    Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED):  evidence is below I think  in picture 
    Why do you think this warn was false: I think the warn was false because I was not trying to lie to staff I was trying to lie to the SWAT wanting to arrest me. So what had happened was I ran out of my base with a printer and saw SWAT maddog and so I ran upstairs threw the printer over a door into someone else’s base and then we had this argument whether or not i had a printer or not.the printer was flipped over and no one could see the name on the printer so no one knew it wasn’t mine until an admin flipped it over . I wanted evidence of him seeing me with a printer before I got arrested either a video of screen shot of me holding a printer. An admin was called and I still didn’t want to admit to having a printer due to cops always gathering any evidence possible to put me in jail. Like if Danny took me somewhere away from the situation we could have had a clam sit he could have had much side of the story and then we could  have maddogs side. I would have told Danny everything about what happened but didn’t want to while DEP chief kitty Tcoops and maddog were standing there . I didn’t want to admit to anything. When honestly I don’t even think. A sit was necessary due to what the situation was. But I just wanted proof of maddog actually seeing me with a printer. My plan was never to lie to Danny it was to lie to swat so I don’t get arrested.. maddog was originally wanted staff to warn me for copbait for shooting inside my base when I was blowing up bitminers that’s why staff was originally called. And I didn’t know a sit was going on and was waiting for my family members to break me out of custody of the police. If the TMOD told me that he was trying to conduct a sit I wouldn’t have tried running. It as pretty much all day the admins would spectate with their phys gun out so I just ignore the physical gun until I get pulled up or specifically told to stop RP so a sit can conducted be done  I was trying to run from the police not the sit. As I said I didn’t even know a sit was going on until the TMOD said I think I don’t have to listen to him because I’m a donor mod and he can’t move me. I literally just got off a ban I’m not going to leave a sit knowingly there’s a sit going on. As soon as he said he was doing a sit I walked out of my base and returned into the sit. Not even sure why the sit was conducted in a chaotic hallway . The main reason I’m maddog wanted a sit in the first place was because I was shooting bitminers and he thought it was cop bait
    Any extra information:



  9. 11 hours ago, Voxis said:


    In my opinion, him saying "Give me the warn and I'll get all y'alls staff removed." sounds like a pretty heavy threat to me. I think a 1 week ban sounds appropriate but its all according to SMT. 

    honestly at the beginning he sounded pretty mature lmaoo

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