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Everything posted by Hunt

  1. Bruh Ight I see nothing wrong with murdering another trooper not the golden rule or anything nahhhhh
  2. I do have you on snap so.... k
  3. Hunt

    DGs GM app

    PENDING Come speak to ME in teamspeak
  4. ACCEPTED Congratulations! Come speak to a Senior GM in teamspeak to recieve GM training!
  5. ACCEPTED Congratulations! Come speak to a Senior GM in teamspeak to recieve GM training!
  6. ^^^ he’s got a point It doesn’t really need to be a rule just don’t buy printers from people you don’t know lol
  7. The thing is in reality those minges boost our player count when there on the server and having no training in our title makes it more likely for them to join so our player count gets boosted so the server is ranked higher. Also just because someone spends 5 mins talking to someone doesn’t mean there going to change there attitude because someone read the text on the wall to them.
  8. Hunt

    Matthew’s birthday

    Well Happy birthday cutie
  9. This exact addon was already denied ages ago and as a compromise the fusion cutter was added with works more than well
  10. When you realise it was Matthew’s bday on 2nd of august but you didn’t get to say happy bday
  11. Nah he spelt it correctly
  12. So let me get this straight you were banned for being a minge so you come back on an alt ( very against the rules) and you think becouse you think you have changed we should ignore all the past and the alt account.... yeah I don’t see an issue - support bruh
  13. Yeah this jimmy guy did his job what a terrible person let’s remove him for doing his job! -support obviously [reasons above by Jimmy and echo] also if your going to make a report make sure you don’t expose yourself for fail rp (sitting down in a raid) and staff diss
  14. -support In my opinion most of if not all of this is not needed IF are already Powerful they don't need to be OP. If IF was nurfed like you said There is A REASON FOR IT you don't just get nerfed randomly and it isn't a reason for you to make suggestions to become more powerful. Half the weapons you have asked for in this update you removed from the class in the past IF is fine as it is now . It is a balanced branch You do not need to be the most powerful even if you are Special Forces. Just because a weapon has become " common" as you say doesn't justify it being changed for something more powerful. Also the NT-242c (rw_sw_nt242c) is Overkill it does 500 damage which is enough to 5 shot a rebel event character. Also not to be disrespectful but you change your weapons almost every couple of weeks it is unneeded.
  15. ACCEPTED Congratulations! Come speak to a Senior GM in teamspeak to recieve GM training!
  16. DENIED We do not find you as a suitable candidate for our GM team at this time. You can reapply in a week
  17. DENIED We do not find you as a suitable candidate for our GM team at this time. You can reapply in a week
  18. Hey lads n lasses who follow me I’m guns go over GM apps tomorrow so yeah go give your opinion On them 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 𝙹𝚘𝚜𝚑


      you failed to do so XD

    3. Hunt


      I’m debating on two of them leaning towards denied tbh 

    4. 𝙹𝚘𝚜𝚑
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