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Everything posted by Lut

  1. Yea I've never seen you other than one time and that was on SRT, Maybe Time zones.
  2. Lut

    New map

    -support current map is better
  3. Lut

    Staff Report

    yes naby had a reason but not Carpenter
  4. didn’t even know you were an LT
  5. Whitelist system is broken Staff can’t see other people’s warns
  6. Also put a poll @noot
  7. Vote: Who Cares (user was kicked from your channel)
  8. We already have too many departments no need.
  9. Name: SM Lut 1D31 SteamID: STEAM_1:0:65285859 Current rank: SM (Sergeant Major) How long you have been in your rank (The rank you currently are): 3-5 Weeks Approximately Rank Wanted: Lieutenant How many warns do you have? 2 (Two) (One from an Abusive Donor Mod that was later Demoted the same day.) Do you have a Working mic? Yes, I Do, I have a Blue Yeti Microphone. Permission(Not required If applying for Lt-Cpt): Lieutenant Forrest Why should you be promoted? : Why should I be promoted is an excellent question, hello my name is SM (Sergeant Major) Lut 1D31 and first off I’d like to thank you for the taking time out of your day and reading my application. Gaminglight is the best Garry's Mod community I’ve ever had the honor of being apart of and the thing that makes the community is the people. The reason I applied for staff is the reason why am applying for Lieutenant because I want to make this the best PoliceRP server in all a Garry's Mod. My Dad is currently a Police Officer and I know how he operates and how he works and I’ve implemented some of those things into how I play on PoliceRP. I get extremely serious when I need to be and if the hammer has to fall then the hammer fall. I am easy-going when it comes to people making mistakes for the first time but if it’s a repeated offense I’m going to make sure it is corrected and it will never happen again. I’ve learned a lot of command experience in my time as the Assistant Chief in EMS. I currently still in the Assistant Chief and EMS just so you know. I know how to train people, I know how to get people motivate, and I know how to lead team especially in my time in my real life time in Junior ROTC (Reserved Officers Training Corps) in High School. If there’s one thing you guys didn’t know about me it was probably this I’m a Captain in the Air Force JROTC. There are very little other people on the server that I know to have been in JROTC. If you need me to do something I will assure you that I will get it done. If you think I have no experience on the server let me go ahead and tell you a couple of departments I’ve been in and maybe that will change your mind. The current departments are EMS, State Trooper, CERT, Secret Service, FBI, and Sheriffs Deputy. I am a former SWAT member and due to my time being in CERT and SWAT I have learned a lot about working as a team, bank raids, hostage situations, and Raids. My time in Sheriffs Deputy and State Trooper has taught me how to drive, how to pull people over properly, and how to use proper 10 codes. My time in Secret Service and EMS has taught me how role-play should be done. I can assure you that if I become Lieutenant I will make a difference in the Police Department, you will see improvement, not by just me it will also be by the other people that I train or lead. Right now the police department is my first priority that’s why I’ve been recently spending a lot of time on it especially late night when there’s not a lot of people on each that way the people that are on PD at those times I can go and help them out. What I just went over were the reasons I believe I should become a Lieutenant in the Police Department. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns you can go ahead and leave them down below in the comments or if it’s a private question you can PM me. I’m free to talk anytime and if you need me I’m always in the TeamSpeak Just send me a message or poke me. If you ever need training on certain things like breaching or how to do a proper traffic stop you can go ahead and ask me and I’ll help you out no problem. Once again thank you for reading my application. You agree that complaining or breaking any rules put down by High Command will result in your complete removal from PD Command(Yes/No): Yes, I Agree.
  10. -support -seen being a minge in game -needs to follow the rules
  11. yea everyone already knows what the undercover cars look like and all that there are two obvious and don’t server to much other than looking cool, if we do have undercover cars they need to be less obvious like the ones the secret service use
  12. I still stand by my opinion but if you got that much -rep wouldn’t it be for a good reason? No one is just going to spam -rep on a post for no reason, there has to be a reason and if it was all the way up to 80 something than obviously people did not like what you were posting and also about your staff rank it’s not just your rep, your never on duty, people say you abuse and it just goes on and on
  13. Requirements Moderator+ on one of our serversGood reputation amongst other players and staffSuper active on the forums (+50 post)Friendly, helping personalityGood judgement
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