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Everything posted by Lut

  1. long time no see, its been 7 months I'm on leave rn, if your wondering why I was gone for so long I joined the Navy so that took up a lot of time, I'm on leave rn for 2 weeks so I have about a week left but I plan to bring my laptop while I'm in A School (I just finished ATT) but just wanted to say hi to all the old-timers who remember me a lot has changed from what I'm told but I plan to stick around for a bit and talk to people. I'll probably be in my channel on TS.
  2. Lut

    Vodniks S-Mod app

    -Support -Advertising Application
  3. Small update: at the time of the accident I didn’t notice any problems but the day after I had a lot of back pain I assume it was due because of the whiplash so I’ve been in and out of the doctors trying to get it sorted out, just in case anyone cared why I haven’t been on
  4. I’m ok physically, my car just has a busted tire and rim so I replaced it with my spare and my wheel alignment is off now and I do in fact have a dash cam so I need to try to see if it was even recording. The intersection had no cameras that I could see but I do know what the car looked like, it was a sliver Ford F-150 with a black cage attached to the back
  5. I just had a car accident 2 hours ago, I was driving and my light was green going maybe 40 and this huge truck with a cage pulled in front of me because he was turning right even though he had a red light, so I slammed my brakes and spun out and flattened my tire, I’m ok just that guy took off and didn’t even stop so I don’t haven his insurance or anything idk what to do
  6. not from what I’ve seen
  7. isn’t it 2nd not 2ed
  8. In-Game Name: Lut SteamID: On phone (Don’t have computer) Rank: Senior Moderator Length of LOA (Time must be Specified): 5-16-18 | 5-25-18 (HOPEFULLY I GET IT BACK BEFORE THAN) Reason for LOA (if private that is fine): I got grounded cause I have a ****ing 68 in physics, A 68! (I will still be Active on the forums, so you can PM me and stuff)
  9. Hello Agents, My name is Deputy Chief of Staff Lut and today I'm going to talk to you about Respecting Command and Undercover Operations. Due to some unnamed Agents, it seems they think they are higher than command and I simply can not have that in FBI, You respect the rank and not the person is what I go by, although I may dispise the person that is higher than me I still respect him due to the fact he is a higher rank and that's how I want my Agents to think, now most of the FBI enjoy the command, but a few oddballs seem to dislike us and I just want to take what I just said into consideration. Now that I have said that I will move onto the next topic and that is Undercover operations. I'd like to say a very good job to SAIC Saint for putting together a sting while I was supervising everyone, very nice. But as I was overseeing the operation I noticed a few very very key mistakes that will make or break the authenticity of the operation. To start with the obvious ones, Agents were going undercover BEFORE they changed their name, so it makes it very obvious when an Agent goes undercover when it say "FBI DCOS Lut has been made a Thief" so next time we need to change our name before we go undercover, and a little tip id like to tell you guys is when you go undercover you can do "/job VIP Thief" and most people won't take the time to check the scoreboard to see that it shows your a thief, and although people would say it dose not matter it would be meta game is they thought you were undercover, I think that does not really matter because although it is a rule people break it all the time, and if people think you are undercover they will treat you differently than the rest of the people they are with. I will go over a few more things during the next FBI meeting and I will try to hold an Undercover Training so I can show you guys tips and tricks I used when I was a Special Agent and still making "The Lut Files". Thank you for taking the time to read this, See you on the field Agents! -FBI DCOS Lut
  10. Lut

    EMS members needed

  11. Lut

    EMS members needed

    same school ends in 3 weeks for me, but i still have one more year since im a Junior rn
  12. Lut

    EMS members needed

    yes my plan is falling into place, we are still hot on the forums, JOIN EMS! oh no we arent hot anymore, welp i did what i could see you in game everyone GG
  13. Lut

    EMS members needed

    you are going to drop out of school? smh lol ecks dee, i can do skype tutoring for english also dont you think a command member should know who his command is if he has access to view the roster
  14. Lut

    EMS members needed

    you should join ems yes very good, new player models, (PS this is good there is a lot of comments cause it appears hot on the forums so more people will click on this and join EMS) we should keep talking on this so people join EMS
  15. Lut

    EMS members needed

    probably cause i was on LOA, if you looked at the roster and read the high command names it shouldve rang a bell, dont test me
  16. Lut

    EMS members needed

    are you ****ing kidding me, does EMS RR Assistant Chief Lut C3 not ring a bell, we are going to have a talk later.
  17. Lut

    EMS members needed

    im serious how do i join EMS
  18. Lut

    EMS members needed

    lmao this is a very funny, ID LIKE TO JOIN EMS HOW DO I APPLY?
  19. Arma III, Anyone wanting to play HMU
  20. I just ****ing joined
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