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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Mike_da_noob

  1. - Support I am sorry but this is not sufficient enough and is just like your old apps. You also did not wait the 14 days to do another app. Good luck!
  2. Please do not reply to ur own app idk why but ppl dont like it
  3. + Support Yes I know they do not have a poll or the best app, but I have played with them before and they are very good rp's and are friendly. I also see them on quite often recently. Please add a poll though... Goodluck!
  4. I don’t think training is gonna help, they just gotta keep driving to get better. But they could be tought simple driving tactics that they rlly should know with common sense.
  5. In the future don’t reply to your own app, idk why but ppl rlly don’t like it ;)
  6. I agree with that, but admin and above do not need to give sits for “obvious” offenses such as rdm. It’s in the handbook Srry
  7. Mike_da_noob

    Poor Doge

    #RIPDoggo He will forever be missed ?
  8. +/- Support Please make a poll on the post by clicking the poll tab. You have a good amount of experience, but then again a lot of warns. You also just started a forum account with this being your first post. I have also never seen you play. Good luck!
  9. +Support This would be a great way to make more players go to CC, it’s almost always empty. Also there are a lot of people who have a lot of money just sitting their so that would be a good way to spend it. And maybe in the future we can add a heist there for criminals so that we rlly can reenact oceans 11 xD
  10. ahhh thank you, but is it a breach of the rules to not deliver them to me after three adverts?
  11. Before they would spawn in the court room when they where arrested, I still don’t know if that’s how it works though
  12. So I have had the Judge rank for a long time now and I never actually had a successful case because I do not understand what is actually supposed to happen. Yes I understand the actual preceding in a real court case, but in this am i supposed to advert for the player to come along with a police officer or what. In the past they teleported into the court room and I could edit their sentence and fines on a screen that would pop up. Now nothing appears so how do I actually remove or edit a sentence when we find the verdict. (Plus I advert three times like the MOTD says and they never come nor do the cops). Please help me :)
  13. So I decided to read the FBI information again after a while and noticed a few parts that said FBI could torture people in an interrogation and that the president can pardon people, my question is if this is actually allowed and how one would perform a torture in the server.
  14. I look forward to meeting you!
  15. + Support You seem like you really tried hard to make this app and you are a long time player, that I have seen around before. I am giving you this support without regards to the large amount of money you donated because I feel like that should not judge any factor in this process. You have also staffed here before. Good luck dude!
  16. +1 Support Thank goodness that this computer incident did not get any worse and nobody was injuried. The last thing he should worry about is his demotion, I feel he should definitely get a second chance for this relatively small infraction.
  17. + Support You seem like an honestly good player who only wants the best for the server. Along with that two years of playing is much more than many of the high ranked staffed have played and you have managed to play pay that long. I hope to see you as staff in the future, good luck!
  18. + Support +I have seen play before +Low warns +Put work into app +Staffed before -Very new forums account -A bit new Goodluck! Is this already in the accepted tab for anyone?
  19. Hey you seem like a cool player!
  20. + Support You seem like a great player and the amount of time you say you can play a day is impressive. You also do not have any warns so thats a plus too. The only down side is that you have not staffed before, but we all have to start somewhere! I hope to see you as staff in the future, good luck!
  21. I don’t rlly like either, Dr. Pepper is better :3
  22. What is your in-game name?: Mike_da_noob What is your steam name?: [GL] Mikedanoob (Michael Winthrop) What is your steam ID?:STEAM_1:1:171626137 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes, I have staffed the SPD SCP server as an admin, superadmin on No DownloadSandbox, Owner on a few of my friend's servers, and owner on my server (I have a large knowledge of the ULX Commands) I AM NOT CURRENTLY OWNING AND/OR STAFFING ANY OTHER SERVERS What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) March of last year. What date did you make your forums account? April of last year. Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? VIP+ How many warns do you have on the server? I have one warn for self supplying. Have you donated? Yes, a well spent $50. What rank are you applying for? Trail-Moderator Have you read the staff guidelines at http://gaminglight.com/main/topic/8889-staff-handbook/? You will be tested on it: Yes I have read the handbook thoroughly and feel prepared to take any test required with ease. Timezone: I am in the Eastern Time Zone as I live in Florida. Permission (Admin+ need this): N/A Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Can be any length) I feel that I deserve this rank because I have played this server with a friendly attitude toward the staff and my fellow players. for a while now. I plan on continuing to contribute to this community through the server and through the forums as well. If I was to receive my rank I would work hard to ensure that everyone is happy and that I succeed in the goals that my higher-ups set for me. I would continue to treat all players just as I would treat the owner himself and I would always put staffing before having my own enjoyable RP experience. My overall goal as staff would be to administrate the minges and poor players so that everyone can have a safe and friendly RP experience. Finally I would never abuse my powers or use them outside of my administrative duty and I have a large knowledge of the ULX Commands, a mic, and a high typing speed for good communication. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? I would TP them to a secluded area away from the rest of the players and attempt to mediate the player. If they continue to be an interruption during the session I would promptly jail them and gag them so I could explain their rule violations and the consequences. I would then administer the proper anti-minge punishment on the inflicted and continue to monitor them and others. During this time I would stay professional and ask that they report any complaints to the forums. (Please comment are vote along with a reason as any up votes and down votes without any written reasons will not be counted, as stated on the forums :)
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