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Posts posted by Vice

  1. 1 minute ago, JeffTheSniper said:

    As I see it. I consider it FailRP since how is he suppose to now Solomon is undercover and as of the sit I don't know the exact rules PD high command have to follow going undercover.

    yeah and thats okay you still did your job and thats a good thing know you now PD HC dont follow FBI undercover guidelines 

  2. Just now, Adams said:


    PD does not follow FBI SOP and an Undercover HC member does not count as a civilian assisting officers

    yeah i was gonna say 

    Going undercover is not a FBI specific feature. and PD high command sure have their own guidelines 

    + support I think jeff just didnt know better as thats okay. he did his job properly but didnt have the right info 

    Just now, Manscaped said:

    So what you are saying is that there are no rules broken here? 



    Video is restricted

  3. - support 

    if im being honest this has only made you look worse than just warn does. 

    the warn wasn't even gonna make you look at all bad. we all make mistakes and what not. even the Deputy commissioner has a warn he is even holding a part for it because we all make mistakes. 

    Mar did his job and he did it right. thats not corrupt at all 

  4. im not 100% Certain cause it doesnt specify.

    but if the car is already added i dont think you have to pay the whole price. the 100$ if just if you want to add a new one under 4mb

    someone is gonna need to clarify. 


  5. What is your in-game name?:Vice

    What is your steam name?:[GL] Rage Vice

    What is your steam ID?:STEAM_0:1:111395341

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?:i helped develop ULX for a server before so i know how it works pretty well. I was an Admin on MillRP before its shutdown.

    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) Around 2016 left until 2018 and started playing again there 

    What date did you make your forums account? November 4, 2017

    Current rank on server: Send Mod

    How many warns do you have on the server: 1 warn https://gyazo.com/7707f239e4d4a2bc8aeee5175153dcde

    Have you donated: yes $104

    What rank are you applying for: Admin

    Are you staff on another community: I am only staff for GL

    Have you read the staff guidelines at: Yes i reference it daily

    You will be tested on it: Understood

    Timezone: Central Standard Time

    Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): 

    Manager: Matthew

    Head Of Staff: Eternity 

    HA: Emoo 

    SA: Max Holland, Jayden

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum)

    Gaming light is a community i have dedicated my self to like nothing i have before. its a community of excellent Management, Moderation and community. one that i love and try to work as hard as i can for.

    I would like to achieve the admin rank so i may take the next big step in my Gaming light career and so i may help everyone around me to the best of my ability. i am always willing to help who ever i can day or night so they can enjoy there time on the sever and in the community as a whole.

    i have been an n GL admin before so i know the immense responsibility and trust that comes with the rank and i am ready for both as i want to dedicte my self to staff and helping people who need it 

    i would also like to achive the admin rank so i can help my fellow staff members on there path of being a staff member as we all have to start somewhere. i want to be able to answer any question they have and be able to help with with whatever they may need it

    i always try to get both sides and as many facts as i can before making a decision and make sure everyone is happy on both ends of the sits so that no one has a bad time and doesn't want to return. i make sure everyone gets a fair and just punishment. 

    i almost never get angry as i am a very laid back guy but i can be firm when needed to and i will stand by my firmness 

    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? i would bring them to the sit and calmy ask 


    17. These questions are only for people applying for Admin/Senior Admin/Super Admin:

              -What would you do if you think a player is an alt account?: If I have evidence or suspect an alt account i would avoid that person and not interact with them. I would then immediately inform a SMT member to spectate or ban such person depending on my current evidence 


              -What would you do if a player is threating to chargeback?: I would record the audio or save the text of that person threatening to charge back and immediately inform my nearest JMT or SMT 


              -A family is mass minging and causing issues, how would you stop the family from minging?: I would bring all member of the family and ask them to please stop breaking the rules and minging around or punishment will be handed out. If I get continued reports of them I would bring them all again and inform them that I will be warning them or disbanding the family

  6. Your in game name: Vice

    Your Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:111395341

    The player's in game name: Shoot me in the fucking brain 

    The player's steam ID (required):STEAM_0:1:47614645

    What did the player do: Gun Dealer's Mass RDM'd in spawn

    Evidence (required):https://gyazo.com/6378bcc58b1533593e130021939797be




    What do you believe should happen to the player: 1 week long ban or more 

    Any extra information: i pre banned the person to get rid of them this is more of an extension 

  7. +support

    Great SM and Trainer. has produced alot of good new members to PD

    professional and would make a great member Of LC


    good luck BOH and hope you make to PD LC i look foward to working with yah and "not" beating you with a shield   

  8. 4 hours ago, Will said:


    Jeff has proven himself to be kind, helpful, and cool headed (from what I've seen of him through RP and times we've worked together on Event Team). I feel that he is ready to be given a shot at the staff team as a Trial Moderator so long as he keeps his activity up both in game and on the forums.

    Good luck!


    Please make sure to keep your messages plus and minus support. Don't argue or conversate (not you will just for the people up above)

  9. 13 hours ago, Ruben On The Radio said:

    huge + support or i might be biased cuz im in DS but i dont know maybe a - cuz its exsessive

    What are even the Armour amount for DS? 

    And like ecott said this is really something you should bring to a command member so that DEPARTMENT HC can decided if thats needed or not 

  10. 17 hours ago, Will said:


    I suggest you try and overlook your app and make sure you have filled it out correctly before sending it out if possible. I also suggest you work on your activity both in game and on the forums before you consider applying, along with trying to revise your reasoning as to why you deserve the rank and review the final question.

    Good luck!


  11. 11 minutes ago, Niko Bellic said:

    Major -Support

    -No proof of warns, you have 29 (18 on PoliceRP and 11 on MilRP) Warn Page: https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198244352244

    -I've never seen you on, nor really know who you are

    -Last question isn't fully correct, you would issue a warn as well

    -Saying this with no disrespect, but the reason you deserve the rank is hard to read and a bit repetitive

    -Public Poll

    -Edited application 

    -Not very active on the forums (Just started posting things an hour ago as of this post)

    I do not believe that you are ready for staff at all, it seems like you've just started to get back to being active in the community. 

    Yeah I have no idea who you are at all

    High warns

    On the last question you would warm them and in more intense cases once the admin gives the ban nothing more is required.

    While you have a good application alot of the points you bring up I have yet to see or heard off 

  12. -support 

    I think I have seen you once on pd in my time of playing

    And as other have said you need to be way more active and I do believe you are unfit for a LC spot at the moment both activity and knowledge wise 


    In your app you say your gonna make pd to what it should be and make sure people are following guidelines. How are you gonna do that if you not in game and active. If I were to see that effort as a supervisor from you it would look alot better 

  13. 6 hours ago, Carrots said:


    Zerg is a mature, dedicated, professional, active and certainly experienced staff member and is well known among the community. Like others have mentioned before me Zerg is always around to help out and doesn't hesitate to give help to those who aren't as experienced as him. I have no doubts he will do very well and has earned his chance at JMT.

    Good Luck Zerg!


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