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Posts posted by Vice

  1. On 4/14/2020 at 2:40 PM, Your Local Soviet said:

    In my opinion, warns should be permanent. Think of it as a criminal record, it can be looked at to judge a persons actions and responsibility. It factors into the idea of whether or not a person should receive a harsher punishment then last time due to the history that person has. To put it in my perspective, if a person breaks a rule they will have to reap the consequences, and if the person breaks a rule again after being warned then they should have learned what they did wrong the last time and avoid doing it again, so therefore if they get a harsher punishment there is no one to blame but themselves.


  2. - support

    he had his gun on you for a semi valid reason he thought you were hurting a member of him family.

    DS is mainly to blame as he did nothing about it. i understand not dealing with it at the time but it should have been afterword

    i dont see a problem with the healing its not against the rules. as DS didn't heal will which even then i think its against department policy not server rules 

  3. 1 hour ago, Herrman said:

    Has a lot of command experience
    Has been around quite a long time
    Very helpful
    He needs Colonel



    4 hours ago, Fizzy156 said:

    I'm not trying to start any arguement here but you also have to take into consideration of Cammy's time zone. He lives in the UK, the majority of you live in the US. Which is a massive 4-5 hour difference between the UK and US.

    And plus, its a good thing that we are getting different Commanders from different timezones, so atleast one commander will be available in each of the time zones.

    I just don't see how its fair for people saying Cammy isn't active enough, but in fact he is active. Its just he isnt online at certain times when you guys are.

    i agree with fizzy 

  4. 1 hour ago, Mag1c said:


    I haven't really seen you on

    Seems like you haven't played the server in a while

    You were warned today for "Helping Gov | RDM"

    Last question is wrong

    You do have some experience in staffing though

    If your talking about GL MillRP you were not staff when the server shut down as i was an admin at the time and never saw you

  5. 6 hours ago, Will said:

    Major -Support

    NGL, I just got on the forums and noticed that you commented on practically every first post of each sub-forum to increase the number of posts you have. I also haven't really noticed you that much on the server and would like to see more activity from you in-game and on the forums (an no, spamming and topic bumping does NOT count).


  6. 4 hours ago, Will said:


    Myself and other staff members have received a lot of reports on you and other ABG family members over the past few days/ week for a number of different topics, just today I watched you and other ABG members breaking priority rules on a number of occasions and cop baiting police into chasing you. After dealing the the line of sits that came in about y'all, I decided to spectate you and make sure you guys weren't doing anything foolish that would maybe warrant a sit from a player. 

    The video you provided was what I went off of for the player dis warn which as I attempted to say to you on the few times you called me over, was for the tone of your voice and language you used, which can be considered disrespectful even if taken out of character. You guys should know the rules by now considering the fact that I have let you and your family members off with verbal warnings in the past, with hopes of you taking some time to read the MOTD and become proactive in following the rules. 

    to many problems with you all

  7. Hello!

    To gets you weapons to the center of your screen go into the q menu and click on the options tab on the right side 

    go into the section that says TFA SWEP Base

    click on the tab Weapon Behavior 

    scroll down and check mark center view model and this should center your weapons


    If you have any more questions let me know !

  8. 9 hours ago, Jager said:

    -Support your knowledge on the MOTD is not favorable  there was 3 times i saw you break rules

    -Very Low forums posts

    -you are very new and i think personally need a little bit longer


    8 hours ago, tEDDY34 said:


    -Low effort on application (You didn't take the time to exclude parts of the application that weren't designated for it, one of the answers required a paragraph and you only wrote a sentence that is also wrong.)

    -Low forums post

    -Edited your application

    no idea who you are play for a little bit longer

  9. In-Game Name:Vice

    Steam Name: [GL] Rage Vice

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:111395341

    Are you a Staff Member Within Gaminglight? Previous MillRP Admin and current Police RP Sen Mod

    How often are you on TeamSpeak? Everyday for most hours of the day 

    Why would you want to join our Support team (Word Count 150+):I would to join the support team cause i enjoy helping not only the Gaming light staff team but also its members as there what makes gaming light. I try to remain professional at all times while on the job and make sure every member has an enjoyable and memorable time on our servers so they can come back again and again to enjoy what gaming light has to offer. 
    i would also say im fairly well know from my times of MillRP and PoliceRP and would like to get meet more people and i believe i can achieve this. 
    i have also experience lots of times where people have to wait quite a while for support cause there either busy or not checking. i would like to help mitigate it. im not gonna say ill be prefect about it but i will definitely try my best it. dealing with minges and helping people get to the correct spot would also be very help tool to have.

    How do you think you could affect support staff in a positive way? I am very dedicated to GL and the Staff team I am always willing to help a everyone at anytime of the day or night. I have a lot of patience and and keep my cool while under pressure. i always try to be as kind as I can to everyone cause every ones deserves human decency.  I can be on later than most support members and I'm usually willing to drop what ever I'm doing and help them first before i continue what I'm doing.

    How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our support channels? "Hello I'm Vice with the gaming light Support team i will be you support member today how may I help you today?"

    Have you read our rules and do you promise to uphold all those rules to the best of your ability? I Promise to follow, enforce and up hold all team speak rules to members and fellow staff. 

  10. - support

    you are a good guy and its good you have improved

    but it was a mistake you made when you got on the server and you gotta live with it. 1 warn really wont affect you at all most of everyone in GL has gotten 1 warn, even JMT and SMT got one or more when they started of

  11. now this is a confusing case.

    the one thing i will give immediate + support for is Potential Bias. As Val was there and im sure other staff members could have been asked to hop on to avoid Bias ( i do also agree it is hard sometimes cause most staff are in the same family and hence forth)

    i belive the PD member was just trying to listen to what he was told and not get in trouble or anything like this

    i do not believe removement  is necessary as i belive the staff memeber was just trying to do his job and enforced it a little to hard.  a slap on the wrist is all thats needed here (aka a talking to) 

  12. - support

    for the sole reason of i would need more evidence. specifically with hacking cases you need alot of evidence and then that would need to be review by SMT as this stuff leads to a perma ban or blacklist.

    it is quite easy to flick on a person in gmod and sometimes things (like arms moving) dont function properly.    

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