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Posts posted by Vice

  1. 2 hours ago, A Piece of Garbage said:

    + Support

    +Excellent Leader

    +Always looking to improve quality and overall enjoyment of the PD constantly

    +Amazing application clearly spent time and effort on making and coming up with his own acronym

    +Very active

    +Easy to approach

    spoon said this and i kinda agree try to have a better approach to meetings other than that great LT

  2. + support cause it does show clear abuse 

    if he didnt say anything i would say it looks like an accident but it doesnt appear to be.

    but i really dont think anything major should come of this as it was just a grab of the car and nothing else but none the less it still happened and the staff member should know better  

  3. - support

    for a whole community blacklist it has to be a pretty major offence 

    most times its a more grow up person or teen. so they know what there and there actions have consequences 

    and if its a little kid being stupid we give them that good life lesson of the actions have consequences and not to say dumb shit

    and its a gmod community its not a huge loss like a job. maybe this can even teach them how to act accordingly 

    This is to protect the whole community and keep people from harming this great community and make it stay amazing 

  4. while i like the idea im gonna - support this 

    while i think it would add a cool aspect of RP it feel like it would make things for both crims and Gov alot more difficult 

    - i feel like this would also lag the hell out of the server with the amount of data that is being made and kept for a database. thats really my main concern is how it might affect the performance on the server.


  5. 12 hours ago, Lime King said:

    -dude does nothing but hope on the server just to cop bait/minge 24/7
    -30+warns on his way to 40

    i have seen it a few times so i agree hopefully this ban will realize to act better

  6. 2 hours ago, MasterKing said:

    For everyone saying warns are not appealable i already know that, thats not what im appealing for, im appealing my Ban not my warns

    Were saying a ban from getting 40 warns is not appealable

  7. 3 hours ago, jackyman21 said:

    -Support Warn Bans Aren't Appealable,


    You had FORTY chances and threw them all away.

    As said above you had plenty of time to correct your behavior now you deal with the consequences 

  8. - support

    While yes he should not have said it this is very old case and is kinda irrelevant now. in a way ( no disrespect intended) this seems very petty to report this 5 months after this happend. 

    Plus the player has owned up to his actions in a post above and has since improved his actions. and from what ive seen this player is good PRP player      

  9. 6 hours ago, Cammy said:

    + Support 


    Good guy 

    Knows what hes doing 


    Overall i believe Carrots deserves to be CPT as he has great leadership qulites and also conducts himself brilliantly on the job and knows what to do in most situations and is active aswell he is also very mature and always helps everyone 

    Good luck Carrots 


  10. On 9/6/2020 at 5:26 PM, frog milk said:


    Bad Attitude
    Has a bad temper, I have seen this player get very upset
    Have had more than a few bad experiences where you've broken rules and been very mingey
    Doesn't have proof for warns

    Overall I do not think this player would make a good addition to the staff team.


  11. +support

    as stated above this is clear abuse deal with three PT's is annoying but you could have called for other officers or something else. 

    now i think all that is needed is a strong talking to about this as this is a minor mess up and shouldn't ruin his entire time ( still up to SMT) 

    otherwise this is a great person and staff member

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