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Posts posted by Vice

  1. 7 minutes ago, chad long man said:

    check logs

    Give us a date when and there is no guarantee that logs will go back that far. 

    And will doesn't just ban to ban. Why where you jailed on roof anyway?

    The full reason you were banned was: Mass RDM | Mass NITRP | FailRP

  2. 6 hours ago, Alex Raddish said:

    Massive +Support

    Will has held the position of Senior Admin since I joined the community. In that time he has proven that he is capable of holding his position and is ready for Super Admin. He is extremely professional and has the utmost discernment when dealing with complicated situations. He is polite and respectful and always helps out the lower ranks when they need it. All in all, Will is a fantastic individual who not only is ready for Superadmin but deserves it too.


  3. Major + Support 

    Herrman is easily one of the best PD LC members on the server 

    He is always on and waiting to improve pd as much as he can including its members and making sure there following guidelines 

    Very kind but can be firm when he needs to 

    Overall I belive Herrman would make for a perfect COL and would use the rank for a great and amazing purpose 

  4. 20 hours ago, Niko Bellic said:

    - Support

    - Only 2 forum posts

    -I've never seen you on before today (Different play time?)

    -Very high warns

    -If I'm recalling correctly, my only experience with you was you playing Loud music in a car, and hopping from car to car (could be wrong, but name and pic both seem to line up)

    -Last question is a bit questionable to me, MRDM is a 5+ day ban



  5. On 1/7/2021 at 4:56 PM, Cammy said:

    + Support 
    Seems to know what to do 

    Overall I feel Kevin would make a great LT as hes active very mature he trains a lot and does his Supervisor duties and i feel he is ready to take on LC Duties as hes always happy to help 


    Kevin is super active and friendly . One of the nicest people I know in the server 

    He is mature and very experienced 

    He would be a great command member and would make pd look good

  6. + Supoort 

    Tyler john is an active and good member of the Rockford city Police department 

    He is mature and always listens to orders 

    Has former experience 

    He is always training cadets. Even tho for a bit he had some roughness in his training he smoothed it out and produced amazing ofc's

  7. Honestly 


    -this genuinely looks like alot of fun and another good RP aspect to at to the server 

    -quite simple to use and the light don't create barely any light which is nice for performance 

    - seems to work smoothly and won't create any problems for the user

    I feel like this would also give suburbs a small population boost due to all the grass space and back yards

    The only potential thing I see is just lag with the amount of entities and what not. Other wise I would do this

    Selling is also another problem since it requires and NPC and while that could be set up at key points around the map its still gonna create some lag with them

  8. 2 hours ago, Cammy said:

    - Support 
    - I Haven't saw you a lot on PD (might be timezone)
    - I also haven't heard or saw about you training 
    - I didnt even know you were a SM 
    - Was promoted on the 17/12/20 which isnt 3 weeks away fully 

    + Seems Mature 
    + Seems like a good guy 
    + Respectful 
    Overall I dont think you should be low command yet as I have not so you on PD a lot and feel you need to show yourself a bit more first other than that when ive saw you on other Depts you seem a nice guy that's mature and respectful 

    Good Luck 

    Yeah I also didn't know you were a SM (which just could be me)

    Other wise techy is a good member I just don't know about low command ready yet

  9. On 1/3/2021 at 12:22 AM, [GL] Spoon said:

    +Major Support
    Sorry for the late response, Windu is all of the following and more:

    -Shows Leadership
    To say the least, Windu is more than ready to become a Captain.

    Good Luck Windu!


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