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Posts posted by Vice

  1. 1 hour ago, 𝗕𝗹𝗮𝘇𝗲 said:

    - Support

    -Low forums posts

    -Don't see you on much. Maybe different time zones?

    -Low effort on application. It doesn't look like you spent much time on your application. 

    I really don't know who you are at all 

    I agree the application looks low effort

    Other wise low warns and im sure and over all good person

  2. 49 minutes ago, Cammy said:


    - Active 
    - Mature 
    - Knows what he does it 
    - Nice 
    - Great Guy 

    Over I Firmly think Chipdail deserves Col as he's active mature nice responsible knows what to do In most situation and is happy to help he is always is just a nice guy that deserves the rank of COL as he's just a nice guy and is good at what he does 
    /me Kisses Chips Cheek 

    Good Luck Chipdail


  3. - support

    Racism isn't tolerated by GL and if you read the MOTD you would know this.

    Now if your lucky it might get shortened to a while from now but either way 

    either way this is a valid van on Rookies end

  4. Rank You are Applying For: Lieutenant 


    In-Game Name: Vice

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:111395341

    Current Rank: SM

    How long have you been in your current rank?: 3 Weeks (Nov 23)

    What timezone are you in?: Central standard time 

    How many Warns do you have?: 1 ( RDM from 11/04/2017)

    Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum):

    I Have plenty of experience in a command position. Running 3 different Branches in my time on MillRP before its shutdown. I know how to act and deal with multiple situations may it be on the field or dealing with fellow PD members. I also have experience with situations as a Police inspector in SCO19. I want to take all of this experience to make PD an enjoyable place for not only its members but the people as well.

    I have always loved to train and help people where I can and I feel being a lieutenant can help me achieve that and help people get to where they want in PD. it always makes me happy seeing members grow and that i helped them along that journey. Also making sure that each and every one of those PD members has a good time on this journey with other follow friendly Enlisted and supervisors 

    I always try to main proper discipline and maturity on and off the job. I always follow the guidelines and standards set by the department and make sure other Low command and PD members uphold them as i feel like these can also be applied in real life to better mature every member of the Rockford City Police Department 

    You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): i agree to all rules set by High command and accept any punishment.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Alex Raddish said:


    Personally, I don't know you well, so I can't comment on your character. However, you are pretty new to the community, and I suggest you stick around for a while longer and let the community get to know you.

    You do have good previous experience staffing which is a big bonus.

    Your forums account was made 8 days ago, which isn't a terrible thing, but you should probably interact with the community and up your forums activity first.

    Your application is well written, and it seems you have a solid grasp of the MOTD. However, in the last question, you said you would ban them; then get it extended. Trial-Moderators cannot ban, nor can Moderators. Senior Moderators can ban for 4 hours. 

    I would like to see what others have to say about you, as I personally don't have much experience with you, overall, I wish you luck on your application 🙂 

    i do remember your name but i dont quite think "oh yeah that guy" 

    i agree with alex spend some more time in the community and on forums and then your all set

  6. Kinda like ChipDail i have test and school coming up so i dont have enough time with all my other departments as well as staff to keep up and put in time 

    thank you to EMS for the opportunity i really enjoyed it and enjoyed getting to know the people here including the one the only... Seb

  7. 21 hours ago, Cammy said:

    + Support 
    - Active 
    - Mature 
    - Great guy 
    - Deserves LT 
    - Role Model 

    Overall I Firmly Believe Brucey Should be LT as he is active mature an amazing guy to be around him he always train CDTs when needed and knows what to do in situation in all my time in gaminglight he is one of the best SMs I have met he is such a role model to enlisted ranks and more and has a good presence and just a good guy to be around 

    Good Luck Brucey 


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