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Posts posted by Vice

  1. 10 hours ago, -=GHS=-baconwindu (MCBros) said:

    + Support

    While you could be more active on the forums, your old account has plenty of time; and your new account is basically at one week; and you are often in TeamSpeak. 

    Along with this you are

    - Helpful

    - Mature

    - Active

    - Professional

    Travis Sandman would make a great addition to the staff team!

    i think more fourms activity would be great

    other wise travis would make an AMAZING fit for staff, 

    (hey those are my printers yah snitch)

    • Like 1
  2. In-Game Name: Vice

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:111395341

    Current Rank: Major

    How long have you been in your current rank?: 4 weeks

    What time zone are you in?: Central standard time 

    How many Warns do you have?: 1 warn

    Permission: Deputy Commissioner Adams and Chief Max Holland

    Why should you be promoted (200 words Minimum): 

    I think I should be promoted because I always strive to be the best command member I can be. Making sure everyone under me has a great experience while serving and will remember it. Making sure they can get life lessons and proper discipline out of this. I feel like Receiving the Promotion to Colonel will help me do that even more than I do now. It will give me more opportunities to make sure people that work hard and mature get rewarded for their good deeds. 

    Another reason I think I would make a good candidate is all of my current and previous command experience. I am a current SCO19 District Superintendent and PD Major. Before its shutdown I held 3 command positions in MillRP of US VCMDR, USMP Chief, and US Drill instructor commander. Due to those Experiences I know how to give proper Corrective training and punishment. As well as make quick and firm decisions on most of anything from what to do about a misbehaving officer to Decide what's best for said branch/Department. Whenever I make said decision I will always try to get the best angle and have a clear cool head. I always strive to have a good unbiased judgment about anyone. I stay calm and collected under stressful moments and decisions.

    I wanna be an example to both enlisted and supervisors on how to act and how to treat the citizens of our community. To be nice to everyone even if everyone else is being rude. To set a good example as that's what makes our department one of the best out there.

    I am always willing and wanting to help anyone who needs it or wants it to the best of my abilities. So that they have the proper knowledge on the field and for their safety of both their life and career.  As well as the safety of the people. We all want at the end of the day for everyone to go home safe and having the proper knowledge will do that.

    You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes 

  3. 20 hours ago, Killer. said:


    Would ruin the experience for Gov as if you can PM someone while in cuffs would make you get released by your friends 80% of the time, and it just wont be fun for Gov. Plus you are in cuffs and you can't really sneak a phone in your back pocket even though its Semi-Serious RP, in real life the cops would check you before even sending you to jail / into jail. 

    how are you expected to type? your hands are bound and Cops are more than likely watching you and have Searched you clean

  4. + support i personally havent seen alot of you butttt. from what i have

    -mature and responsible Supervisor

    - Shows wonderful coordination with his fellow Enlisted and Supervisors  

    i think he would make a good addition to the PD LC Team 

  5. i asked both Raze (senior admin) and Will(super admin) if spawning a printer in DOC is failRP and they both said yes

    i didnt care about the weed i destroyed the weed and didnt do anything about it 

    a few mins later he spawns a printer me and another DOC member see it and hear it. i went to open the cell and heard it explode right as the other DOC member was going in. you also ran out and away while DOC Requis had a gun on you ( he had it out the entire time since it was opened) so after that i warned you for failRP for the printer

  6. 12 minutes ago, BruceyBoyo said:


    -Active, mature, knows what he's doing and does it correctly

    -Trains cadets a lot (like, a lot)

    -Has a positive attitude towards others of all ranks

    -Always willing to seek advice and accept feedback

    -Overall the type of person we want in LC

    I agree with brucey Mike Simoa is the type of person I wanna see in the low command team 

    He is a very good person and shows some good command promise

  7. 2 hours ago, jackyman21 said:


    none of his actions seem malicious but a talking to is needed

    i gotta agree i dont think Jawadre means anything bad he just needs to be re-informed 

    ive made the mistake before of taking my own sit cause i just didn't know right away but it a quick fix

    And physgun rules are pretty clear so he definitely needs a talking to (especially making an EMS car fly that's to far)

  8. 7 minutes ago, Niko Bellic said:

    Major + Support

    - Great Application

    -Active for his time zone

    -Helpful and quick

    -Does his job great

    -Knows the rules

    -Great experiences with him in EMS and FR

    Good Luck!


    I really don't see boh to often but I know thats casue of his time zone. When I do see him he us very Mature and professional. I have no complaints about him what so ever. Goof luck!

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