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Posts posted by Vice

  1. What is your in-game name?: Vice

    What is your steam name?:[GL] Rage Vice

    What is your steam ID?:STEAM_0:1:111395341

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) i joined the GL staff team around 2018 in MillRP and was an admin over there for quite some time then transferred to Police rp and have been and admin for even longer over here

    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) 2017

    What date did you make your forums account? November 4 2017

    Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Admin\Event team

    How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? 1 warn for RDM from 2017


    Have you donated? Yes for 104 dollars

    What rank are you applying for? Senior Admin

    Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? I am not

    Have you read the staff guidelines at: yes i use it daily

    ? You will be tested on it:

    Timezone: Central Daylight time 

    Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): PoliceRP Manager- Eternity  Police RP HOS- Jimmy James, ImperialRP HOS- Emoo, PoliceRP Head Admin- Max Holland, PoliceRP SuperAdmin- Magic, PoliceRP Superadmin- Will

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum):


    I believe I deserve the promotion to senior admin because of my undying love for gaminglight. I played millRP around 2015 when I was little and it was always memorable and what made me come back to MillRP around late 2017.

    From that point I knew gaming light was where I wanted to be. With an amazing community and management that care for each other and have great memories with one another

    So I have always put as much effort and time as I could into Gaming light and Staff so it could stay this amazing community that has a lot of love, time and effort in it.

    I think i also deserve the position cause i always try to be on PRP when i can even when i can't be in game i try my best to help gaming light as a whole.

    I try to treat all members and fellow staff with respect and make sure they have a great time on our servers

    I am also a member of support as a support supervisor so that i can continue to help others and help Management deal with lesser situations and get rid of people who wanna harm this community 


    With both being a support member and holding an admin postion on two different GL servers I have experience with a lot of different cases- cases that many other staff members are unaware of how to handle or can't handle at all. I know the proper ways of going through COC and when to go to a certain person or when not to. I can handle most of every case or sit without having to call for others and i believe that moving me up will only increase this my efficiency in dealing with sits making sure everyone can continue to enjoy the server


    I follow a basic set of core values that i use in both real life and in game of integrity first,

    Service before self and excellence in all i do

    I use integrity first in staff when i decide on how i to approach a sit or situation-

    I use service before self constantly when i decide to hop on staff instead of my different positions or roles on the server to make sure other players are enjoying there time on the server

    I also follow excellence in all i do by making sure both parties of the sit leave with a satisfactory experience after being in a sit


    Overall i think i would be the best fit for this position over other applicants due to my experience and undying love for gaming light and my willingness to help

    Thank you for your time!



    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?

    If I brought someone to a sit and all they do is curse at me I would attempt to calm him and just explain his side and if he refuses I would gag said person and hear the reporters side of what happened. I would then explain that they have to type now and what they have in defense if any at all. If they explain there side i would go along with what i think is best- but if they continue to curse at me i would hand out the proper punishment that i see fit as well as according to the staff handbook 


    17. These questions are only for people applying for Admin/Senior Admin/Super Admin:

              -What would you do if you think a player is an alt account?

    If i believe that a player is an alt account i would not confront the player and discreetly collect evidence that i think proves the player of alt accounting as well as get any previous evidence of who i think is alting so that it can be compared 


              -What would you do if a player is threating to chargeback?
    If a player is threatening to chargeback either through text or speaking i would collect the necessary evidence without dealing with it and pass that on to SMT so that they may deal out the proper punishment to said person 


              -A family is mass minging and causing issues, how would you stop the family from minging? If every member of the family is mass minging i would bring the family and advise all of them to to stop minging and to follow the rules or all members of the family will be punished and the family disbanded
    If individual people in the family are breaking the rules while the rest are fine i would pick out the specific members and tell the same thing to them to stop minging and follow the rules of RP 


              -How would you deal with a situation you don't know what to/don't know the answer to? (Don't answer with "I know everything!") i would ask a member of the same rank of mine if they know the answer or how to deal with the situation so i may learn from it
    If they dont have the answer i would go the next rank above me (which would be Super admin) and ask the if they know how to deal with a situation or question and follow the chain of command until the problem can be resolved

  2. + support 
    the only reason i plus support is because personally is because like his dispute said this isnt really player diss-
    to me atleast

    it just a character interacting with another character and this just seems a little petty to me 
    now he does need to watch his mouth with some other things but 

  3. I had already had problems with you before this point of you breaking the rules on purpose with your friend.
    and there was evidence from an OFC- i cant provide it cause it was a file on his computer that he showed to me via a discord call which i got to him when he said it. you claimed i didnt see it when i did 
    and per the MOTD- 
    Going into any government base, is considered Cop bait unless you are raiding DOC (Must be adverted)

  4. In-Game Name: Vice

    Steam Name: [GL] Rage Vice

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:111395341

    What is your staff rank and the server you work in? Admin- PoliceRP

    How often are you online on the forums? i look at them daily whenever im free

    Why do you believe you're qualified to serve as a Forum Diplomat?

    i believe im qualified over other applicants due to my extended experience- as a member of the staff team since 2018 and have reached the rank of admin twice.

    i have also been a part of the support team for quite some time since December 12 of 2020 and am now a support supervisor that has trained new support   

    as well as the many command positions i have held within gaming light on both MillRP and PoliceRP holding 3 commander positions on MillRP and 2 HC on PoliceRP

    i always am fair and treat others with respect as everyone deserve basic respect 

    Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, please describe a situation that required you to make a difficult decision?

    i would consider my self to have good judgment as a long time staff member and support supervisor where im required to use good judgement daily 

    i would also consider my self to have good judgment due to the many command positions i have been in on both MillRP ( i was the last VCMDR on the server as the Army VCMDR, Commander of Military Police and Drill instructor commander)  and PoliceRP ( Reserve Co-Commander of SCO19 and current Deputy Chief of Police- Both HC positions) 

    one such example is when I had to remove an LT from his position due to a big error he made of advertising his application for the next rank to other members, telling them to support it. i tried my best to make it a learning experience and let him know of his mistake but sadly he had to be removed for his mistake that i was firm on the choice 


    How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming in various topics due to getting banned from one of our servers?


    if possible cause im not sure quite how it works i would prevent said user from posting, delete any posts or reply they made with the spam and message them advising them to stop spaming the fourms or action will be take

    if you feel like your ban was false you can appeal it at *link for the server they were banned from* one you have submitted you appeal please wait up to 7 days for it to be denied or accepted!

    How would you deal with a situation where two users are aggressively arguing with each other in a warning appeal?

    i would first give a warning on the post to keep all responses to a plus and minus support and to stop arguing and if it contines you i would lock the post from further replies and put on the post that the post is now locked for SMT review only

  5. 16 minutes ago, Waifu Mewy said:

    +support  staff member didn't even show the recording  to the other player to even get his side of things  stating "We Don't Have To Show You Anything" that was kinda improper and bias staffing if i would say so  also before he got warned he asked for an higher up  he refused to give him that and just warned him.. 

    staff dont have to show evidence if they dont want to

    • Like 1
  6. The reason i warned you is that i had tried to pull you over 2-3 different times before this 10-36 and you ran and then got involved in a random 10-80 for no reason and still ran from that

    i attempt it again and you stop and just start mic spamming and yelling without saying you have a hostage or any such thing. you pull into Taco bell and stop for a second and then run. at that point you had done it 3 times ( i was unaware you had a hostage considering you hadn't said anything and just mic spammed at me) so i warned you for it 

  7. + support

    i was the VCMDR of the army for millRP and an admin at the time when nova was staff and also the CMDR of the army and many other positions 

    Nova was a great staff member and was always respectful and wanting to help! 

    now if he was restricted for some other reason then it cant be helped but nova was and still can be an Amazing staff member


  8. 9 minutes ago, Idle said:

    Massive +support

    - Helpful 

    - Kind 

    - Easy To Approach

    Overall I think tactical is ready for support!

    Tactical is very VERY friendly and always eager to help

    Is extremely active and almost always in TS, discord or else where 

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