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Posts posted by Vice

  1. + support

    Tyler John is a very active and helpful part of PD. He has alot of knowledge and is very mature, i feel like he is more than ready for the rank of Major

    sounds like Zeeptin sometimes though and scares the crap out of me with it

  2. Hey everyone. Starting tommrow I go back to a full week(except wendsday)of physical school instead of online now. Meaning I wont be able to be as active anymore

    Due to this im going to have to leave DOC. I really really did enjoy the department and the people in it but unfortunately I just won't have anytime at all anymore especially with my other duties in SCO19, PD and Staff. 

    ChipDail- thank you for being a good warden and I hope to see you take DOC far

    Rhammer- go get DOC high command my guy you can do it 

  3. 15 minutes ago, tylerrobinsonty said:

     im not a rasict guy like i said i made fun of a crimnail who is a bad guy i wont do it again pls unban me you trail mod said he was gonna just warn me pls i want to play i just got over a three week ban man pls dude i was not being rasict and its not in your motd like you could have just warned me like the trail mod said you took this out of proption it was just simply a joke that me and the other guy laughed and you had to ruin my day ITS NOT IN THE FUCKING MOTD SAYING I CAINT MAKE FUN OF CRIMNAILS like Holy fuck dude i just want to play


    No Disrespect/Racism/Inappropriate or offensive content (In anyway shape or form)

    that is in the MOTD in the first section

  4. Thats not what happend at all

    I was called over by Requis i believe to ban you because of what you said 

    I asked what you said and you started berating me and the other staff member. As well as saying that george floyd deserved it. So I gagged you and asked what was said from the staff member and he informed me of what was said. 

    Jokes like that are not tolerated whithin gaming light and I wont either.

    I informed you that you are receiving a week ban for it. As per staff guidelines stuff like that is a warn and a 1 week ban or in more serious cases a permanent one

  5. Your In-game: Vice


    Your SteamID:STEAM_0:1:111395341


    The player's name in-game: OFC szn 1ab1


    The player's steam ID (required):  STEAM_0:1:121292986


    What did the player do: Hit 40 Warns on PoliceRP


    Evidence (REQUIRED): https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198202851701


    What do you believe should happen to the player: Perm ban from the server per Staff guidelines 


    Any extra information: Has no Intent to Roleplay on the server and staff disses every time he is brought into a sit


  6. -support 

    Besides this being a mess to read 

    Advertising is a permanent ban through and through. Im pretty sure it has always stated that in the motd and as soon as you click out of it when your first join you accept it. 

    Advertise in a different way then going on other servers

  7. 51 minutes ago, The.Batman (Faustin) said:

    Cant SMT just make the cudtom car dealers be allowed based on Steamid and not job? Then they could just add everyone with a cc to the dealers via dteamid and not each job

    the thing was that is thats gonna take up SO much SMT time with having to add and remove steamID's even then i dont know if its possible.

    - Support for the reasons above and i dont think its gonna be possible

  8. 2 hours ago, BruceyBoyo said:


    Entered an area you're not allowed to enter in order to do something you're not allowed to do in order to help an SNR handle a command member's "negligence" of getting brought to a sit by staff at a bad time. Sorry, nothing personal but you really shouldn't be going into gov bases besides DOC as crim unless for some reason you're either told to enter by staff or brought there by government, which would both generally be rare.

    Brucey put it perfectly 

  9. 18 minutes ago, Takeo said:

    Magics video is what travis used to warn me. This is what i mean by i felt like i was being ganged up on a little. Because the video doesn't show much at all but travis said the video shows enough evidence for a warn.


    i call bias then. there was way to little in the vid for a warning. its a 8 second side view clip that barely shows what's going on

  10. I'm more leaning towards a plus support for now. 

    While it doesn't look great or professional their is no player diss in  "shut the fuck up" it is rude but nothing that needs to be warned for. and if you think it is,  Pimp was constantly talking over Melvin so he couldn't get his side out and that's just as disrespectful

     if he was trying to talk and Pimp kept talking over him. the staff member should have gagged pimp.( i have had a problem with pimp talking over people before)

    now on the subject of the FearRP. It is super hard to see in this clip when Pimp pulls his gun out. but lets assume that he did pull it out before. 

    while this is more valid than the Player diss. SCO19 members are trained to react for for Melvin i believe his instinct just kicked in and he pulled out a weapon when pimp became aggressive but it was  pimp had his gun out a second sooner.  Even then Melvin admitted that he was gonna comply with pimp but then the bank employees pulled out weapons and pimp died by them.

    Melvin just misunderstood how FearRP worked their and it is a weird situation then 

  11. - support 

    An officer has a suspect under FearRP and right when the officer pulls out cuffs to arrest the suspect, the suspect cannot pull out a gun or run away. you should have know that as a Senior admin.  thats just a clear rule violation.


    I'm chaining to as Frog a Senior admin and can be trusted to make a decision 

  12. 1 hour ago, Mag1c said:

    No Proof
    Even if he did remove the building sign he was helping you as it was FailRP to have it...
    Seems like Frog is 100% in the right here


    I gotta agree. If your gonna accuse frog of something you gotta have evidence of this. 

    Also it seems that frog wasn't even raiding your base it was some other group

    You said he was covering his freinds back. Who was it then?

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