Your In-Game Name: th3 Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:170490584 Staff member's In-Game Name: , Zayn Price, daft punk, SRT CPL Vinny 4D13 What did they do? Failure to maintain ratio. Evidence (REQUIRED): What do you think is an acceptable punishment? Zayn-Strike, Im tired of him talking about how he will just tell SMT staff who wont maintain ratio while he himself wont do it. daft punk- Strike Vinny- I think he was the only one who was afk so just a talking to, plus he is never slacking off on ratio and maintains it almost religiously. Reason for what i said above was after my game crashed, no one would get on so Jack Black had to get on staff. Seriously? Also Screenshots are from jeffe. Kudos to him for actually responding to me and letting me know when he would get on.