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Everything posted by th3

  1. Kade suggested it but SMT is easy to reach and its HA+ who can do things like that
  2. Nice to meet you! Hope to see you in game!
  3. Contact a super admin in game on policerp to get your warn (appeal was accepted) removed. -support
  4. This post was originally in the ban appeals section.
  5. Nice to meet you Butters, Hope to see you ingame often!!
  6. +support Would be beneficial for multiple reasons.
  7. that is only allowed if they died in a criminal vs criminal situation. If they die in a police shoot out they can't be arrested.
  8. -Support The current system we use is optimized for Gaminglight Unless proven that it can allow non-staff members to utilize it then I'm sticking with my -support B_Whitelist would allow this but again we switched off of it to something else
  9. -support Not needed, either staff get on duty when needed or they get striked, I dont think having this will improve anything
  10. Because rules for that need to be made as well
  11. -support make rules over it otherwise you'll have 5 cops responding to a huge base with a ton of money silos inside late at night.
  12. th3


    Stop Youve suggested this before and it's either pending or was denied...
  13. th3

    FBI SAIC th3 LOA

    Name: th3 Rank: SAIC LOA Time: 6/2-6/5 Reason (Private if needed): At the hospital
  14. th3

    False Warn

    -support no proof.. Also on a separate note, stop asking every time you or a fellow pd member gets warned for the proof why he/you were warned. And stop moaning in chat or back talking staff because when the pd gang is saying a tmod kicked one of your members it's ridiculous and stupid. Show some restraint, roleplaying without killing or breaking rules you agree to in the mots and lying to staff.
  15. th3

    False warn

    +support russian told me it was false in the future appeal it yourself as that's the quickest way
  16. th3

    False Warn

    @Munchies1 Stop tagging SMT.
  17. th3

    Double warned

    -support -time stamps show a clear difference from the first warning for failed and the second one for player diss. -Personally I think you tried to portray this as double warning to get something removed that was rightfully given.
  18. th3

    NoOne Breaking NLR

    ^ However damage logs could have vanished by the time the staff member looks at it.
  19. +support you don't see unmarked undercover tahoes driving around unless secret service is on. And only specific ranks in it have access to it.
  20. It's understandable why it would be beneficial but most of the time the person who was handcuffed could easily tell you the name of the person and you would get them easily. I don't think it's needed so -support
  21. th3

    Car theft

    As it is right now people are able to spawn in multiple cars, if this can specify which car to go to then I will +support it.
  22. @Fame Need your side -/+support
  23. This would make Prisoner Transport a thing you know? I like what Hannah said. Also the crazy amount of staff calls regarding rdming,nlr, and overall minging have drastically increased. This would bring it down. Massive +Support
  24. You rely on advice from higher staff members. Contact someone higher than those who said the base was fine to get final approval
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