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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/22/2019 in all areas

  1. Introduction Hey guys, I am making simple/quick teamspeak banners if anyone wants one! PM me on discord (Calamity#0272). Glad I can help you guys out! Tell me what you want it to say (Normally I do staff rank, and some in game ranks) What color you want the background to be What do you want in the banner (Normally do custom classes, logos, Gaminglight icons/design) If you want anything else on it, you can always ask for me to do so and I can do my best Examples
    3 points
  2. Please make sure suggestions are pertinent and relevantο»Ώο»Ώο»Ώ! What you want to see? - A set off communication commands that would work like adverts EG. /mtf /e11 /a1 /nu /ci /f and these commands would be job restricted. Why should we add it? - it would be a better solution to comms seeing as people can use that to metagame. What are the advantages of having this? - less metagaming, redacted info stays redacted. Not everyone uses /r and not everyone can be in the same radio channel at the same time. Who is it mainly for? - everyone Links to any content - addon is done just need to add job names, its less than 1mb EDIT:
    1 point
  3. Accepted! Come talk with me over the weekend to get trained!!! Congrats!
    1 point
  4. Adding commands is very simple. Adding a way to steal comms is a good idea but at the current moment, I'm currently occupied with my own projects. I will attempt to implement it in the feature if it is requested by igneous but it will not be my top priority
    1 point
  5. Support cause i created it <3
    1 point
  6. You replied on your application if you read the staff handbook correctly you would know that is a instantly denied
    1 point
  7. -Support -Asked me to +support his app in game.
    1 point
  8. If you are writing a staff application its common not to use words like IG (In game) Write in game
    1 point
  9. I didn't think I would be making this post, but I don't have much of a choice. A lot of IRL things have caused me to shift focus away from Gaminglight, including SCP-RP. I need something new, and sadly SCP-RP isn't what I remember it to be. I want to thank Fool and Site Administration for giving me this oportunity, as it means a lot. I want to keep this brief and short, but in conclusion, it was a good run. MTF NU-7 COL Carpenter ONX1, signing off.
    0 points
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