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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/12/2018 in all areas

    1 point
  2. ^ @Rhenic is an absolute mad lad and is too quick! Yeah, SMT can get the job done.
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. The Rockford map has been editted before, although you probably weren't around when it happened. People liked it and it helped the server, glitches weren't present as I am sure it was tested before it was released. +Support - Maybe make a bigger federal building for NSA/FBI/SS? - Restyle buildings not in PD, State, or the tactical base like BSIs new office to fit in more. - Fix the shooting range under PD so it works like it did on the old map and make a kill-house down there in the empty room like we had on the old map. - Maybe add a prison down by lake houses (not saying we should necessarily bring DOC back, but having a off-site prison was cool)
    1 point
  5. I’m going to go ahead and reply to this because you obviously can’t think about the situation on a greater scale and you seemed to think it was ok to insult me. Warns are like insurance, everybody needs insurance and it’s a fact that almost everybody, even the most mature of all of us are going to get warns in their early days on the server and are likely going to want them to be removed. If we make the donation option $40 there’s a likely chance that it will be one of the servers best sources of consistent income due to the fact some departments require low warn counts. As well as the fact I personally believe in second chances. If someone joined the server two years ago he would have been much less mature and most likely mingier than he is today and It is of my opinion that with evidence of change using feedback from the community that SMT would allow this to happen.
    1 point
  6. Knows the motd like it's the holy scripture. Would be an amazing moderator and keep GL good
    1 point
  7. +Support Would be nice for a map change, also could be some more off road tracks or make the ravine have a little less water so trucks can drive all the way down it ?
    1 point
  8. -Support PLAGARISED AGAIN 0 EFFORT (CTRL c + CTRL v) "I want to have a good reason to play on gaminglight" lol...
    1 point
  9. -HUGE -SUPPORT -App copied from Toxit AGAIN -You can see He barley changed words from his app - Some little proof Kind ofhttp://prntscr.com/l4ohtk Even more proof right here http://prntscr.com/l4oi30 Look at the read circle http://prntscr.com/l4oib4 -Same color and everything Shame on you, I can clearly see that you copied it AGAIN from toxit. You just changed some of the words and I beleive you should be staff blacklisted. If I am wrong I am sorry but I have seen enough Bud there is a few people like me that look at applications
    1 point
  10. + Support Very active Friendly Role model Responsible Can remain calm in hostile situations Helpful Doesn't watch anime
    1 point
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