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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/25/2018 in all areas

  1. Well here i guess I now realize how dead i look here
    4 points
  2. You are not going to be unbanned ever. You crashed the server multiple times.
    2 points
  3. 1 point
  4. As for the PM's I was warning deathstriker because I HAD gotten reports about you( @TheDrunkenKoala) from today so I was spectating you to prove if any of these were valid. As I spectated I was letting him know because I try not to just let people get in trouble at the fault of others mistakes. This was from today, after I had gotten reports of him breaking rules so I had full reason to spectate. As well as it seems warns don't teach him to learn from his mistakes and he does attempt to break rules when he thinks we aren't watching such as this video provides. And I did not want to call you a minge to death due to that being a more Bias and Disrespectful kind of word. This will be my one and only post within this thread -Kyle
    1 point
  5. +Support Great person Friendly Responsible Mature Knows what he is doing GOOD LUCK!
    1 point
  6. +Support Jason Tucker is sincerely a great person. I have never heard anything rude come out of his mouth and I think he is very responsible and prepared to be a support member. He is super friendly and deserved the position. Good luck Jason!
    1 point
  7. I do deserve the minge and warn to be honest, I was really mingey yesterday which I don't know why to tell you the truth. Im not naturally that mingey but I was and I do deserve the warns since the evidence is clear (By the way I never heard the Come over here I think your mic was glitched)
    1 point
  8. Well first I would like to point out that every police department is different and trains differently. For example, some police departments who can not even afford tasers (yes this happened, and over half the police officers left the department because of it. Sadly I was unable to find the news story again.) should not compared be compared to the NYPD. Anyways, it depends on what happened prior to you arriving on scene. First you need to know that he is a threat to you or others. If the suspect runs towards you he becomes a threat to you and your life. This same principle applies if they are running away towards other people. It does not matter if they have a weapon or not, but rather if you had a reason to believe that he or she had or has a weapon on them. If you would like to know how this was determined in law, it is backed up by the fourth amendment and the most recent supreme court case, Tennesse v. Garner. If you would like to read more about this I will provide a link to the report of case. To quote the 4th Amendment: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." Supreme Court Case: https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/471/1/ Summary: To summarize, if you suspect the individual has a weapon on their persons and is hopping towards you or other players, then yes you are allowed to use lethal force.
    1 point
  9. + Support Was a mistake, what a silly goose!
    1 point
  10. They don't quote me because I'm a head admin, they quote me because they agree with what I said because it's the truth
    1 point
  11. -Support As a Senior Moderator on Police RP, you transferred to Clone Wars RP and got Super Admin, than you left for 1-2 months, came back to Police RP as a Admin. You need to get way more active and wait more, as well as put more effort in your application.
    1 point
  12. September Accepted List LCPL Scoot 1A83 [STEAM_0:0:69016571} // Speak to an FTO to get your training - 9/2/18 SM Armysecret 1A97 [ STEAM_1:1:82357798 } // Speak to an FTO to get your training - 9/3/18 MSGT Elapin [ STEAM_0:1:237084328 } Speak to an FTO to get your training - 9/3/18 LCPL Stump [ STEAM_0:0:64763403 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 9/4/18 LCPL Garth [ STEAM_0:1:89820460 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 9/5/18 SM Alistair [ STEAM_0:0:76861966 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 9/6/18 LCPL Krusty 1B86 [ STEAM_0:1:158696056 } Speak to an FTO to get your training - 9/8/18 SM Josh [STEAM_0:1:181545127] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 9/9/18 MSGT Soileau [ STEAM_0:1:197317065 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 9/12/18 LCPL Adam [ STEAM_0:1:95295033 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 9/12/18 CPL Duv [ STEAM_0:1:48244868 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 9/12/18 SGT Kade [STEAM_0:0:178907499} Speak to an FTO to get your training - 9/17/18 SM Robs [ STEAM_0:1:65457711 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 9/20/18 SGT Not Nick [STEAM_0:0:92226179} Speak to an FTO to get your training - 9/25/18 SM Kiki [ STEAM_1:0:190683417 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 9/25/18 CPL Warcub [ STEAM_0:0:160121837 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 9/30/18 LCPL Bob Semple [ STEAM_0:1:156476763 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 9/30/18 LCPL Robby Peppers [ STEAM_0:0:143018883 ] Speak to an FTO to get your training - 9/30/18
    1 point
  13. Proof is REQUIRED in order to make a staff report! Your In-Game Name: Your SteamID: Staff member's In-Game Name: What did they do? Evidence (REQUIRED): What do you think is an acceptable punishment?
    1 point
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