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Increased Ransom Max Amounts - Denied


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What you want to see? - 

  • Increase in max allowed ransom for hostages. I am requesting an increase of 2x or 3x the current amounts.
    • Current Max allowed amounts:

      • Civilian -­ $10,000 

        Officer­ - $20,000 

        Senior Officer / Corporal ­- $30,000

        Sergeant ­- $40,000

        Master Sergeant/ Sergeant Major- $60,000

        Lieutenant -­ $70,000

        Captain ­- $80,000

        Major - $90,000

        Colonel - $100,000

        Assistant / Deputy Chief - $110,000

        Chief of Police (or Department heads) - $125,000

        Deputy Commissioner - $150,000

        Commissioner - $200,000

        TAC Enlisted - $50,000

        TAC Supervisor -$60,000

        TAC Low Command - $80,000

        TAC High Command - $110,000

        Vice President - $50,000

        President - $60,000

Why should we add it? - 

  • As it stands right now, there is no reason to use ransom as one of your 3 demands. 10k for a hostage? That is not even enough to spawn in your car as a crim.
  • The server has suffered major inflation. These amounts may have worked in the past, but as it stands now they need an increase.

What are the advantages of having this? -

  • More diverse negotiations instead of the same 3 every single time. 
  • More ways for new players to make decent amounts of money without just AFK basing.

Who is it mainly for? - Criminals

Links to any content - N/A


Former: Shadow Legacy Senior Command | S.W.A.T | PD Command | State Command | C.E.R.T Command | FBI | SRT | E.M.S Command

Former: Administrator for Police RP | Forums Diplomat

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Gov mains will just become poorer and poorer. Most times crims have a hostage they are robbing gen stores or bank so they make extra money because a hostage if done right can basically buy them the time to rob the bank or gen store plus get money for the hostage. 

Previous Positions: Ex-Death Trooper | Ex- Inferno Squad Leader | Retired HRT LT | Retired FBI DCOS | Retired FBI FTO DD | Retired PD Major 

Current Positions: SRT Member spacer.png


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14 hours ago, Trumpo said:


only because I feel gov mains shouldn’t have to be spending tons of money to rescue the hostage. Especially if they are a gov main.



Gov mains are main on gov, that means that they don't farm money. I understand the idea but nah. 


Im back


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  • Head Admin
12 hours ago, [GL] Locus said:


Gov mains will just become poorer and poorer. Most times crims have a hostage they are robbing gen stores or bank so they make extra money because a hostage if done right can basically buy them the time to rob the bank or gen store plus get money for the hostage. 


PoliceRP I Head Admin I PD: Colonel I Retired SWAT Commander Deputy Sheriff 

ImperialRP I Retired Grand Inquisitor 47th Battalion I Chimaera Legion I

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On 3/28/2023 at 9:37 PM, [GL] Locus said:


Gov mains will just become poorer and poorer. Most times crims have a hostage they are robbing gen stores or bank so they make extra money because a hostage if done right can basically buy them the time to rob the bank or gen store plus get money for the hostage. 


Currently: PoliceRP Lead Admin / JMT, Senior Forum Diplomat, Support Advisor, EMS Chief Car 1, SL Boss (Family Head), PD COL 1L93, State CPT 1H05, CERT 1LT 1CR01, FBI AD RA13, HRT CPT LC2, DF PVT 1U21
Reserves: SRT MAJ 1X33

Ex ImperialRP: Super Admin / JMT and Senior Forum Diplomat, DT VCMDR RU8/ TI-23 L21, 69th/ MC VCMDR and first ever ParaRescue Lead Marshal and last Rescue Squadron Marshal, Lord I, Purge CPL, IC CSVL SSS DME 2LT Maroon, Shock SPC/ SGT/ MSGT, K2S8 SK385, Pyke Muscle II JSR RussTime

DMs are always open (russtime)

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On 3/28/2023 at 9:37 PM, [GL] Locus said:


Gov mains will just become poorer and poorer. Most times crims have a hostage they are robbing gen stores or bank so they make extra money because a hostage if done right can basically buy them the time to rob the bank or gen store plus get money for the hostage. 

maybe increasing the prices will cause a domino effect, the more poor they get, the more likely they play on crim and base with printers etc.


Ex FBI DCOS | Ex FTO Director | Ex HRT 1LT | Ex PPD Overseer | Forum Diplomat | PoliceRP Admin | Ex Event Team Co-Leader | SL Capo | Negev abuser

Former | State 1T | Lord III | PO2 | Imperial Senior Mod | GM3

Barret Deleter 28-7

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1 hour ago, Bartholomew said:

maybe increasing the prices will cause a domino effect, the more poor they get, the more likely they play on crim and base with printers etc.


Na by forcing gov mains on crim isn't there type of rp they play government because  it's more of an  serious roleplay  environment  I find it because there's more guidelines and you have to be professional  to move up maybe increasing  government pay checks would make this suggestion  work but now it just seems like a cash grab for criminals to get free money %90  it's a win  in a hostage situation if you're good enough. 



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On 3/28/2023 at 5:33 PM, Trumpo said:


only because I feel gov mains shouldn’t have to be spending tons of money to rescue the hostage. Especially if they are a gov main.


PoliceRP Moderator.


Previous: USMS CMA,SS DD, Police RP SNR Mod.

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On 3/28/2023 at 4:33 PM, Trumpo said:


only because I feel gov mains shouldn’t have to be spending tons of money to rescue the hostage. Especially if they are a gov main.


Police RP (retired): Staff | PD Major | SWAT MSGT | Blaze President

Imperial RP (retired): Naval Commodore | Staff & Gamemaster

Military RP (retired): USMC Captain | DI LT | kamikaze pilot

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- Support

we don’t need to change the ransom prices for hostages depending on their rank in PD or a TAC department and so fourth it’s already fair and decent enough as it is on the MOTD section where u see prices for different hostages and so fourth 


Edited by Ecott

DF Commander | CERT CO Commander | Gaming Light Legend Mr Top Donator




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On 3/28/2023 at 5:33 PM, Trumpo said:


only because I feel gov mains shouldn’t have to be spending tons of money to rescue the hostage. Especially if they are a gov main.



Ex 2iC of Shadow Legacy

Ex S.W.A.T. Co-Commander

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