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Remove/rework call card system fucks with hitreg - Denied

Sean Johnson

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This may be a coincidence but the day call card addon got removed because it broke hitreg was much better.

Hit reg is definitely worse than any gmod server I have played, despite what people will try gas light you to believe. It is not just gmod.

This literally affects every person on the server and should be the number 1 priority for SMT.

If this got fixed/improved it would be better than any branch update or feature change.


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55 minutes ago, Dick Grayson said:

+support when it was broke the server felt way better we dont need it is useless 


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I do remember for a day or two when the Death Cards were broken and the Hitreg was so much better then I have seen it before. The kill cards are basically a way to show how much damage was dealt to you and who actually killed you. I feel like it would be more realistic in a sense where when you die, you can only see what your ragdoll sees. 


You know what would be better, instead of having death cards, you can make a custom command that appears in chat that tells you who killed you, what job they were on, what gun did they kill you with, and how much damage they dealt to you. I feel like this would take alot of coding and work to do for the SMT's, however I feel like it could work without it affecting the Hit Reg on the server


However I will admit that this might recieve some push back from those who bought custom deaths cards and which to I agree would be unfair. 


This topic is like a double edged sword no matter how you view It. But I would put a +support if it meant fixing the hitboxes on the server

MTF Delta-5: OFTO CMDR Shadows SHDW, G9  GT1, DO Agent New York, CTF ODIR Polaris OC01, Overseer Raptor Operative/Creator of Raptor Operative's  MTF Alpha-1 COL Ghost | OH-1 Guardian Squadron/Salvus Unit Sierra 11 (1st Salvus) | A-1 Guardian Sierra-11
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The main cause of the issue is the way the card counts the damage dealt in X amount of hits, as well as the damage received. Its a simple script fix/removal which could be done, but in the smallest of circumstances it could break the entire card system if a backup isn't made. If this can be done then the server could benefit although TTK may need to be decreased as the hitreg would be fixed or the HP phase of gaminglight be reintroduced (where most classes had abundant amounts of HP to accommodate the guns kill time with hitreg being good)

Current:  CI COL CI RND SVA Proud Rho 36 Shaman and Rho 36 "Infiltrator" Group Vanguard 
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On 12/21/2022 at 3:14 PM, Bossatron1924 said:


The main cause of the issue is the way the card counts the damage dealt in X amount of hits, as well as the damage received. Its a simple script fix/removal which could be done, but in the smallest of circumstances it could break the entire card system if a backup isn't made. If this can be done then the server could benefit although TTK may need to be decreased as the hitreg would be fixed or the HP phase of gaminglight be reintroduced (where most classes had abundant amounts of HP to accommodate the guns kill time with hitreg being good)

ahh the good ol days 

  • Heart-Eyes 1

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On 12/21/2022 at 3:58 AM, ShadowRiders- said:



I do remember for a day or two when the Death Cards were broken and the Hitreg was so much better then I have seen it before. The kill cards are basically a way to show how much damage was dealt to you and who actually killed you. I feel like it would be more realistic in a sense where when you die, you can only see what your ragdoll sees. 


You know what would be better, instead of having death cards, you can make a custom command that appears in chat that tells you who killed you, what job they were on, what gun did they kill you with, and how much damage they dealt to you. I feel like this would take alot of coding and work to do for the SMT's, however I feel like it could work without it affecting the Hit Reg on the server


However I will admit that this might recieve some push back from those who bought custom deaths cards and which to I agree would be unfair. 


This topic is like a double edged sword no matter how you view It. But I would put a +support if it meant fixing the hitboxes on the server


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+support not knowing who killed you or how would prevent so much metagame for example

-killed by a CI infil, one of the most blatent uses for metagame to call one out after being killed.

-HP callouts people could no longer say “he’s at XXX hp” including 682 or 939 tranq hp

-No more zoom to location of killer. Prevents people from saying where they were shot from

-actually adds an aspect of stealth when people don’t know who or what killed them.

This is beneficial on so many levels and there are almost 0 downsides to it 


SCP-RP:Delta-5 CPT | Deputy Head G9| Medical DHFW Doctor. | E11 1LT | Head Ranger | D4 Vanguard FF5 | RnD EOI V3 Canibal

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Denied. The SCP-RP SMT has decided against adding this suggestion for performance reasons, the benefit to the server, or another unstated reason.

Head Admin SCP-RP || Event Team Overseer || Ethics Committee || Ex Security FTO 1LT || Ex Security Warden || Ex CI R&D Senior Agent || UMC Guest [LVL 0] || Former Research Researcher || Former DORSU || Former DOC || Former LCZ Manager ||  I aM sPeCiAl || 

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