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MTF Delta-5 VCMDR Travar's Resignation Post


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MTF Delta-5 VCMDR Travar's Resignation Post

I don't like to make these too long so I will make this fast. I am going into reserves because I can't be as active or put time into the server as I am needed to anymore. I would rather open up my rank spot and let others move up that currently deserve it more. I have been in D5 before it officially came out, and I have to say it was fun. We went through hard times and fought to keep D5 strong. Now as I am going into reserves, Delta-5 is at its strongest point and has made a name for itself. I did my best to help D5 as much as I can, and hopefully I impacted D5 in a positive way. (I've made too many resignation posts like this in GL, rip)

Price - Price was the first person to tell me about D5 and he was excited to show me what it was. He is the reason I was able to help D5 from the beginning, thanks to him I was able to be in D5 at all. 

Jackwebb - I also have to thank Jack for letting me in on D5 and for trusting me to be one of the leaders of D5. I know we had rough times and communication was not at its peak at some moments; however, we got through each obstacle and came through stronger in the end. Now that you and Price are here in full strength, along with having loads of trustworthy subordinates, I believe my time in D5 can be concluded on a good note.

Robby - You were one of the first in D5 and have stuck with D5 for so long. You helped me out so much even though we just met, and we accomplished a lot together. I want to thank you for helping me with what I needed done, as well as for trusting me as your higher up.

Fusion and Jeffonator - I want to thank you both for also being here for so long. You both have helped a lot as well, and I can't wait to see what you become.

Buck, Blue, Kevlar, Husky - You 4 have helped me so much as well. You are the future of this branch. Each of you has contributed a part of you to the branch, and has shown you are capable of being relied on. You all have things you must overcome and work on; however,  I am proud to say that the branch will be secure with you guys. We had a lot of fun and I will hop on the server once in a while to make your day horrible by causing complete chaos as Doom Guy. Thank you for your help and I can't wait to see you grow more.

NCOs and Enlisted - You are also the future of D5, no matter what rank you are. Being active and getting on, representing D5 is what gets the D5 name out there. Trust in your superiors and follow the SOP well. You all will get your time to shine and show what you are made of.

Everyone Else - If you were not in this, don't feel butt hurt. Everyone played an important role and I had fun with everyone. It is just there are a LOT of people that I could shout out and I didn't want to make this too long. My time in D5 itself was fun and had its challenges. I still had a good time in D5 though, and I will return in the future. I will also hop on here and there to have some fun. 

It has been fun yall, this concludes my 5th resignation post on GL idek anymore.

 Former D5 VCMDR Travar | Former Event Team Leader ||  Former Admin || Former Nu7 HSU Commissar Requiem || Former RRH 

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Nu7 MSGT | Ex CI R&D AIN | Ex Sec 2LT | Ex OS | Ex CI 2LT

[CC] Owns: OPIF - Omnipurpose Infantry Force | Charple on Vacation | Vonzen Plushi | CI Take Force 'Blackhawks'

[CC] On: Farmer Jakub | MTF Sigma-66 | E-11 Rangers 'Reborn' | TF2 Solider | CI TF2 Heavy | Obama | Lone Wolf | Combine | STARS


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All of D5 will miss you. i wish you luck wherever you go

MTF Delta-5: OFTO CMDR Shadows SHDW, G9  GT1, DO Agent New York, CTF ODIR Polaris OC01, Overseer Raptor Operative/Creator of Raptor Operative's  MTF Alpha-1 COL Ghost | OH-1 Guardian Squadron/Salvus Unit Sierra 11 (1st Salvus) | A-1 Guardian Sierra-11
Imperial Commandos: CPT 0939 Shadows, SSVL, HCO, IC-4461: Maroon, ES-04 | Purge Troopers/Inquisitorious: CPL Shadows SH39 , Apprentice IV Shadows

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