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Sixx's Delta-5 Command Application


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Your In-Game Name: 










How long have you been playing on the server for?:

I currently have 14 Weeks of In-Game playtime on the server and have been actively playing on the server since December 2019.




List all of the RP ranks you hold on the server. (MTF, Gensec, Etc.) : 

Head of Security.


What Command position are you applying for? (list two): 

CPT -> LTCOL is where I will truly be able to shine. I'll be able to perform well, Organize events and D5 Members, Conduct patrols, and more as my rank. 


Why do you want to become Delta-5 Command? (250+ Words):

I believe I should become a member of Delta-5 command for numerous reasons. To start off, I believe I can help Delta-5 a lot. With my current and past experiences on the server, I believe I can help Delta-5 improve activity, Help the HCMD come up with new ideas for future additions to the branch, help with any rule changes or ideas, organize other CMD, NCO, and Enlisted, ensure that CI Is dealt with and that we respond fast, help recruit new members into the branch, And if possible I could help lead Sub-Branches within Delta-5. In addition to this, I believe I can do my job extremely well. I know what to do in stressful situations, whether it is a mingy Enlisted or an NCO that is acting out of line, I know how to handle the problem. Furthermore, I wish to become a member of Delta-5 Command as it will be a change of pace for me on the server currently. Ever since I joined the server I've always been on Security and back in the day I loved Alpha-1 and Omnicron-9, sadly those 2 MTF Branches were removed. I feel that becoming Delta-5 Command would be a lovely change of pace for me and could open up new experiences for me. I want to see Delta-5 Last long, be active, and not have that many problems while on this server, and that last thing I want to see is it to be removed like what happened to O9 and A1. 

Why do you feel you are the best option for this position? (150+ Words): 

I believe I am the best option for this position within Delta-5 Command for many reasons. For example, unlike some other people applying for this position, I'm not simply applying for a new shiny rank, I genuinely want to see this branch thrive and be active and I feel this mindset is amazing as someone in Delta-5 Command. In addition, I believe my current experiences as a Head of Security will greatly help me as a member of Delta-5 Command as I will be able to effectively motivate and organize people, organize events, and have a good sense of decision making. Furthermore, I will be very dedicated to this branch as I have been with GenSec since 2019. As I stated previously you guys will be needing good Command members and Command members that aren't applying just for a new rank, With my dedication, you can trust I will always be there to help out in any way I can. 

Why should we trust you for this position?:

I believe you should trust me for this position in Delta-5 Command as I believe with my current and previous experiences on the server, My seniority as a member of SCPRP, and the current powers im entrusted with, I can help this new Branch grow and can assure you I wont abuse any power bestowed upon me. 


Do you have past leadership / command experience? If so please list them. (Limit it to Gmod only please): 

For Gaminglight SCPRP, I am currently the Head of Security and a previous Admin. 




You are in LCZ and Security is requesting assistance due to a Mass D Block Riot; however, Chaos Insurgency has been called out for taking a SCP in HCZ. What would you do in this situation, and why?:

As Delta-5 our primary objective would be to deal with the Chaos Insurgency Raid immediately in HCZ and try to recover the SCP as soon as possible as having an SCP on surface like 682 could lead to the entire site being nuked. After the CI Raid is dealt with I will either hand the SCP off to Nu-7 or bring it back to its cell, after which I will head to D-Block and assist Security. 



What would you do if those under your command are not following orders and are breaking the SOP?:

I would pull them into a seperate TS room and talk with them about the rules they've broken and put answer any questions they have, then depending on the severity of what they've done I would then demote/strike them or simply leave them off with a verbal warning.



How would you react to someone asking to be put into Delta-5 without a tryout and to be fast promoted?:

I would quickly and promptly inform that person that they must attend a Delta-5 Tryout to enter the branch and you simply cannot be fast promoted, there are trial periods. Then once I finish informing them that it simply cannot happen I would then put them on a DNP/DNT for 3 Days. 



Explain how you would react to receiving an anonymous tip about a GOI group:

If I received an anonymous tip about a GOI group, if the site is currently fine, I would take a group of Delta-5 to investigate this "tip" and to see if there is truly a GOI present as long as the information that was given to me was a valid in-rp. 



Do you promise to be committed to Delta-5 and to lead by example if you are accepted into Delta-5?:

Yes, I swear that if im accepted into Delta-5 I will lead by example, be committed, organize people, and be entrusted with all the powers given to me. 

Edited by Sixx

[ SCP RP ] Director of Research & Security || Armored Shield Award Winner || First Head Warden & HOPO || Security Artillery Unit || D-7025 || D-Class High Council || Former Head of Security || Former Admin || Former Event Team Member



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This man has proved time and time again to be the most active and leading CMD. He got LTCOL and went straight to DHOS. He was a former HOPO and helped CMD start hosting PT's again. He shined great leadership and if it wasn't for him, i wouldn't have felt so motivated to get MAJ or let alone COL

|| Deputy Chief Of Security || Security OFTO || A1 LT WENDIGO || Former Delta-5 WO || Former Delta-5 DHRO || Former Delta-5 FTO || Former GT4 VALI || Former RRH Echo 45 || S.T.A.R.S || S.T.A.R.S  || Mr. Golf

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Where do I even begin with Sixx, as far as server High Command goes, Sixx is easily one of if not the most active member.
Sixx has put in alot of work in GENSEC and has managed to improve it greatly during his tenure as HOS, I can with confidence say that if it wasn't for him GENSEC wouldn't be where it's at today.
Sixx mentions that he will organize events for D5 if he gets accepted, this is huge. Sixx has hosted some really creative, fun events for GENSEC in the past and it has been generally well received by the members who partake in them.

Sixx, you're a really cool guy and I wish you the best of luck in the days to come.

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~ MM CSM Lo Wang Ex Nova VCMDR Mixtru NT03 Ex Lord VIII Mixtru

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very cool man 👍

competent and ready for the job


Senior Admin/Forums dip/Support Supervisor | former the following: HTF/E4 Head | Only Anubis award winner | Former Nu7 HFTO and CI OFTO | Sec MSGT+Pertinax

Owns: Omi-9 'Last Remnants' | Farmer Tucker | Farmer Darius XIIReznov Klushie | Foxx       On:  Alpha-8 |  S.T.A.R.SIota-13 'Luxxy's Soldiers' 


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