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Snuts - Player Report- Denied


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Your in game name: PvpSavage

The player's in game name:Snuts

The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:580475952


What did the player do: Harassment in Discord DM’s and GL Gaminglight servers, continues to call me a furry after being asked/told to stop. Obviously refusing to stop when asked to stop.


Evidence (required):

Posted Below








What do you believe should happen to the player: A warn or heavy talking to by SMT. Whatever SMT decides is fine.


Any extra information: I’m getting sick of people calling me it... I’ve asked him to stop in teamspeak (no proof though) but I have proof from discord DM’s. I scribbled out previous DM’s not related to the report/situation... When it occurred even more was in the POL (Purgatory Outlaws Discord, which is a GL related server) discord server. Some people may think this is a petty report, but it is harassment when people ask you to stop doing something they don’t like, but they still continue to do the same actions... So, it isn’t petty. It might seem like a joke but I’ve stressed it to him to not do it before. As a member of staff, he would know better especially since he’s a Senior Moderator for PoliceRP... Lastly, he’s done this to me prior in gmod behind my back in ooc. I was in a call with thumper so he could stream his gmod and see the news map etc. I’ll post the screenshot of what he said in ooc, which he was talking about me.  Please leave honest +supports and -supports in the comments below of this forum post. 

Edited by Pvp_Savage6767
Adding more to the extra information section and adding another screenshot as evidence
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Member since September of 2018

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Updated to -support once snuts side was given

Edited by Cecil Stedmen

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Now im going to -Support this for now heres reasons:

This seems a bit of a petty report as you can either block him or even just ingore him.

Second off there is not a enough proof for "Harrasment" 

Third off this is a case of just blocking him and don't talk to him if you think hes harrasing you, be the bigger man in this. 

And you legit call people furries and you say this is harrasment? Just petty once again.

Edited by MiniEpic


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there's a block button for a reason homes

-these pieces of evidence are kinda not good. there's no evidence of him directly calling you a furry except for the part of you being in a furry discord server.

snuts kinda took it too far but you can block him for a reason.


SWAT Lieutenant (Head FTO and Senior Sharpshooter)

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8 minutes ago, MiniEpic said:

Now im going to -Support this for now heres reasons:

This seems a bit of a petty report as you can either block him or even just ingore him.

Second off there is not a enough proof for "Harrasment" 

Third off this is a case of just blocking him and don't talk to him if you think hes harrasing you, be the bigger man in this. 

And you legit call people furries and you say this is harrasment? Just petty once again.


UMC l SS Assistant SAIC l SWAT PFC l 


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5 minutes ago, MiniEpic said:

Now im going to -Support this for now heres reasons:

This seems a bit of a petty report as you can either block him or even just ingore him.

Second off there is not a enough proof for "Harrasment" 

Third off this is a case of just blocking him and don't talk to him if you think hes harrasing you, be the bigger man in this. 

Yea - Support For Reasons stated above 

As well Harassments of fellow GL members is one thing but not true evidence was given, however this sounds like child banter and it seems to be extremely petty.

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  • Signed, Ajax Reyes.
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This is petty. Block him. You are enabling it. 

Gaminglight:$2200+ Donations Gaminglight Legend | Community Member since April 2020

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Heres my side

the evidence providing does not show me harrassing you, why make a report on me if other people are literally saying word for word that you are a furry. why dont i see "Monkey - Player Report" or "Vader - Player Report", why just me? everyone in the community jokes on eachother like this, infact ive seen you call people furries aswell so i do not see how i am "harrasing".  this is a petty report with lots of context missing. glad you showed your true colors.

you mentioned all these people yet only chose me to report. not sure what your problem with me is



Edited by Snuts

I hope there's a heaven for minges...

Former SRT, FBI, DOC, SS, SWAT, SCU, and PoliceRP Senior Moderator.

"Remember, this is YOUR life, and YOUR time" - Eazy E

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17 minutes ago, Asmodeus said:


This is petty. Block him. You are enabling it. 

If you have an issue block him. You call people furries all the time so don't even act like you are any better. Grow up and block him and then theres no more harassment 

Retired FBI Director|$2,000Donator gang|UMC LVL 4

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45 minutes ago, MiniEpic said:

Now im going to -Support this for now heres reasons:

This seems a bit of a petty report as you can either block him or even just ingore him.

Second off there is not a enough proof for "Harrasment" 

Third off this is a case of just blocking him and don't talk to him if you think hes harrasing you, be the bigger man in this. 

And you legit call people furries and you say this is harrasment? Just petty once again.


4 minutes ago, Lime King said:

If you have an issue block him. You call people furries all the time so don't even act like you are any better. Grow up and block him and then theres no more harassment 

And other people did this to and u only report Snuts?

Edited by MJTHEOG


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ok well hold on just a minute 

snuts does still need to be talked to as if he asked snuts to to stop and even went to his dm's to do so thats kinda of pushing it and a dick move 

but there are ways around it but i dont think snuts pushing it was a great idea and he should have stopped after being asked multiple times 

while people do like to joke around it a person by person case so you have to be careful. one person might be okay with it but another might not be. so snuts please stop if asked to stop multiple times 

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2 hours ago, ragle said:


there's a block button for a reason homes

-these pieces of evidence are kinda not good. there's no evidence of him directly calling you a furry except for the part of you being in a furry discord server.

snuts kinda took it too far but you can block him for a reason.


  SRT 1LT | UMC Management LVL 8

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- Support 

Reason being.

  • I understand that the online world can be full of Cyberbullying and you did handle this correctly telling them to stop. However "Snuts" is only one of the 3 players who were told to stop, I don't seem to see a report on the others.
  • "Snuts" shouldn't of made that comment in a public setting.
  • I understand why you were getting upset by other players calling you these names, but as I check discord myself to see if there is proof of you calling other players this name, I am shocked to see that it is infact true.
  • Discord Police Rp GamingLight rules states "Do not threaten / disrespect other players or staff" If you were finding "Furry" an insult why were you calling staff members this insult, even worse so being the exact day you told someone else not to call you this name. 


My future advice would be utilize the block system implemented within Discord.

Edited by Yobo
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6 hours ago, Snuts said:

There’s a difference between if asking a question which if asking a question which I was like how the magic and lime king was... and I swear that lime has called himself one before... so I was wondering if he was.... and for the ur a furry, if there could be more context behind it since like with lime one, I swear he’s called himself one before.....

Edited by Pvp_Savage6767
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1 minute ago, Pillow said:

i had a mini stroke reading this, what does lime have to do with this?

Because of one of the screenshots that snuts posted. Because my forums when I was editing my comment to add like more detail my forums has a stroke

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23 minutes ago, Pillow said:


pvp your being a hypocrite...


12 minutes ago, Pvp_Savage6767 said:

There’s a difference between if asking a question which if asking a question which I was like how the magic and lime king was... and I swear that lime has called himself one before... so I was wondering if he was.... and for the ur a furry, if there could be more context behind it since like with lime one, I swear he’s called himself one before... 

There isn't really a difference unless they have straight up said they're a furry. For example I'm not a furry nor have I ever said I'm one so you asking is implying I'm a furry. And unless their is proof of them saying they're furries then there is no difference. This is sad Pvp

Edited by [GL] Slick

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Of course I couldn’t edit this


9 minutes ago, [GL] Slick said:


There isn't really a difference unless they have straight up said they're a furry. For example I'm not a furry nor have I ever said I'm one so you asking is implying I'm a furry. And unless their is proof of them saying they're furries then there is no difference. This is sad Pvp

Like for the proof, them directly saying it to me in teamspeak 

Actually updated screenshot idk why this keep showing up


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And for yobo’s thing with the discord block king system, I’ve used that on ppl in gaminglight, but I still click on the blocked message to see the message and there wasn’t a report on others since it was like there first time kind of thing.... so that’s why I asked them to stop, but snuts has done it Multiple/Many times, which is why I just made a player report on snuts on the forums 

Edited by Pvp_Savage6767



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7 hours ago, MJTHEOG said:


And other people did this to and u only report Snuts?

And with reporting snuts it add onto this, it was a first time kind of thing with the rest of those people so I asked them to stop... but it’s happened multiple times of snuts doing this... 

Edited by Pvp_Savage6767
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-Fourm Diplomat Message-

Please keep messages to a +/- support only.

This this keeps going on this topic will be locked 

until SMT reviews it.

Ex PoliceRP- Senior Admin & Senior Event Team Ex Support | Ex Fourm DiplomatEX SWAT Commander | EX UMC Mercenary Leader Ex OG General

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- Support

you call people Furries all the time… this feels kinda targeted towards a single person. If you don’t like that person talking to you just block them

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