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Icer - False Warn Report- Denied


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1. Questions


2. Your In-game:
HighWorks ( Shock VCMDR HighWorks 5125 )


3. Your SteamID:

4. The admin's name in-game:
Icer 9738


5. The admin's steam name (If you know it):
[GL] Icer (STEAM_0:1:567205559)


6. What warning did you receive:
Warning for FailRP


7. Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED):


8. Why do you think this warn was false:
This warning is false for many reasons:
- Misunderstanding
He was complaining about having this conversations many times but I never heard anything about it. I just followed common sence.

- Common Sence
Looking at the cloak you can see if he is running he is faded. You can still see him when he is running. Before arresting him he was standing still and we didn't know where he was until he popped out of cloak and back in cloak. We just followed common sence.

- No rule
There is no rule against this or not clear about if it is failRP or not. If it was in the rules this warn appeal wouldn't be made. 

- The foot steps
At the end if I did or didn't see him. I could here him loud and clear with his footsteps + his force jump. This is just common sence.

He just when inside brig and trying to avoid arrest plus calling me a prick. He just asks for him to get arrested. He abuses his force cloak to do bad stuff. After going in brig he did in again in bridge. (No evidence. Rumors from my shock)

9. Any extra information:
If you look at this evidence and my reasons why it was false, it would be just a false warning. Just give me a verbal warning instead. Now I have my warn for ever for something that could be verbal warning suited better.

~ HighWorks | Shock VCMDR HighWorks 5125
"Choo Choo Motherfucker"

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So in this situation sure the CC was in the wrong in the sense that they should not have entered brig cloaked as that is trespassing. But if this in RP you would not be able to see him as he is cloaked. So you should not have started to try and arrest him. Yes he might have became uncloaked for a second/became blurry when he started to run around, but still you would not be able to see them so you still should not have chased after him to arrest him.

{{ ImperialRP -  Naval Vice Admiral - Chief Medical Overseer - }}

{{ Divisions - Senior Administrator - Senior Game Master  }}

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Just now, Dragonrage661 said:

So in this situation sure the CC was in the wrong in the sense that they should not have entered brig cloaked as that is trespassing. But if this in RP you would not be able to see him as he is cloaked. So you should not have started to try and arrest him. Yes he might have became uncloaked for a second/became blurry when he started to run around, but still you would not be able to see them so you still should not have chased after him to arrest him.

Along with this, I think if you would not have continued chasing and gotten naval/shock to join then a verbal would've been fine but the fact you continued chasing him thinking it was not FailRP when this rule is used quite often and I would be surprised if you have not seen this happen before. Seeing someone while they are cloaked is FailRP.

^-^ | Former: 501st Commander | Senior Admin Senior Gamemaster | ^-^


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1 minute ago, Dragonrage661 said:

So in this situation sure the CC was in the wrong in the sense that they should not have entered brig cloaked as that is trespassing. But if this in RP you would not be able to see him as he is cloaked. So you should not have started to try and arrest him. Yes he might have became uncloaked for a second/became blurry when he started to run around, but still you would not be able to see them so you still should not have chased after him to arrest him.

That makes all CC with cloak powers Gods.
If I can't see him **Faded** that would mean he can just walk into brig while I was doing a simulation and could open all the cells. He can just walk in bridge and can't see him. It would make our lifes a pain and not fair. Explain how that would make RP sense. It just isn't right. Next time I will just call Staff immediatly as he suggested but this warning is just false for the many reason. It doesn't state in the rules. I have never encounter such degree before since I just arrest him immedialty but he ran away. I couldn't know, that is why my warning should of been a verbal warning since now I know. @Polarity

~ HighWorks | Shock VCMDR HighWorks 5125
"Choo Choo Motherfucker"

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13 minutes ago, Dragonrage661 said:

So in this situation sure the CC was in the wrong in the sense that they should not have entered brig cloaked as that is trespassing. But if this in RP you would not be able to see him as he is cloaked. So you should not have started to try and arrest him. Yes he might have became uncloaked for a second/became blurry when he started to run around, but still you would not be able to see them so you still should not have chased after him to arrest him.


Former: Grand Inquisitor   Lead Admin
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Yes within RP although it is annoying you cannot see them unless under certain circumstances, for example a DT with thermal, a IQ being able to sense them with the force or other certain things that I might not know atm. 
If someone is going into brig cloaked and opens cells, interrupting a tryout, or just straight up being a minge or anything else of the sort make a report for failrp

{{ ImperialRP -  Naval Vice Admiral - Chief Medical Overseer - }}

{{ Divisions - Senior Administrator - Senior Game Master  }}

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13 minutes ago, Dragonrage661 said:

So in this situation sure the CC was in the wrong in the sense that they should not have entered brig cloaked as that is trespassing. But if this in RP you would not be able to see him as he is cloaked. So you should not have started to try and arrest him. Yes he might have became uncloaked for a second/became blurry when he started to run around, but still you would not be able to see them so you still should not have chased after him to arrest him.


Given |
| Former Starfighter Marshall | Former Agent Del Meeko |
| Former Senior Gamemaster |

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15 minutes ago, Dragonrage661 said:

So in this situation sure the CC was in the wrong in the sense that they should not have entered brig cloaked as that is trespassing. But if this in RP you would not be able to see him as he is cloaked. So you should not have started to try and arrest him. Yes he might have became uncloaked for a second/became blurry when he started to run around, but still you would not be able to see them so you still should not have chased after him to arrest him.

Was going to wait but yeah chasing him wasn’t a good idea it is fail RP you should have just reported him for fail RP he would be in trouble should be in trouble actually thinking about it but in this case - Support sorry dude

"Even the good leaders make poor decisions, it's the best leaders that take responsibility for them." - Kratos


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Okay so first thing is you are not meant to arrest someone that is cloaked you as a shock trooper can not see anyone that is cloaked. Also the CC should not of been using his force powers to cloak and then walk into brig this can be considered abuse of force powers. However the warn is valid and should stay 

  | EX Army HC for Imperial | EX DT SNR CMDR |  EX IC VCMDR SEV|
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+ Support

- In this situation highworks can still hear the man running around, this is realistic. The CC with a cloak is not physically gone, only visually, he creates sound and has no argument in this situation. 

You can't not hear someone cause they are gone from sight, that is like someone stood behind you laughing, you can hear them, not see them. 


So this warn should be removed as it is not right at all. 


                            "As a person, I dislike this"


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@Highworks I have decided to deny your warn because, I have gotten clarification that 1. it was in the rules, if need be, I can show you proof of it. 2. You cannot see him even if you can see his cloak pattern for rp reasons, 3. You may not arrest somebody that is cloaked. Although he shouldn't of went through restricted areas because that's abusing force power. Although this warn will still be standing.

Just now, Tage_.. said:

@Highworks I have decided to deny your warn because, I have gotten clarification that 1. it was in the rules, if need be, I can show you proof of it. 2. You cannot see him even if you can see his cloak pattern for rp reasons, 3. You may not arrest somebody that is cloaked. Although he shouldn't of went through restricted areas because that's abusing force power. Although this warn will still be standing.

Ignore my member tags. I'm Icer by the way.

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I don't think he should of got warned for that
1st and foremost he jump on a guys head and cloaked to get into a clearance zone that
he's not supposed to be in. And he came uncloaked for about like a 1.5 second and saw him 
and highworks was cleary doing something with his shock, but this guy comes in to interrupt him.
Highworks was trying to do his job at the end of the day. I feel this should've been discussed a bit more for highworks even got that 
warn. Also I guarantee if this was a high command member who arrested him it would've been a different story and outcome. 


Edited by Thermite

Retired Fleet Admiral
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Retired 501st Commander 


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This warning probably shouldn't be appealed quite yet, nor should the staff member be punished considering you should've instead called a staff member on the person cloaking rather than attempting to arrest him in roleplay.

I do believe however the person cloaking into brig then cloaking as an attempt to "avoid arrest" should be warned for FailRP themselves if they have not been already, considering cloaking as a means to escape punishment is in fact FailRP.

Edited by ClassyBuck

Former Grand Admiral Thrawn

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Maybe change this to a verbal warning instead and also warn The CC for fail RP and abusing force powers at DEFCON 5

Edited by STJokerICFIXER

"Even the good leaders make poor decisions, it's the best leaders that take responsibility for them." - Kratos


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4 minutes ago, ClassyBuck said:

This warning probably shouldn't be appealed quite yet considering you should've instead called a staff member on the person cloaking rather than attempting to arrest him in roleplay.

I do believe however the person cloaking into brig then cloaking as an attempt to "avoid arrest" should be warned for FailRP themselves if they have not been already, considering cloaking as a means to escape punishment is in fact FailRP.



Stamped by Deaky

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53 minutes ago, River said:


Okay so first thing is you are not meant to arrest someone that is cloaked you as a shock trooper can not see anyone that is cloaked. Also the CC should not of been using his force powers to cloak and then walk into brig this can be considered abuse of force powers. However the warn is valid and should stay 

Both parties are in the wrong and made questionable choices regarding their decisions. However we have staff on the server who are always available on standby for a reason. In my opinion both should be warned for failRP. Highworks for ignoring the cloak, despite the CC trespassing (seeing him for 2 seconds wouldnt be enough time to accurately track) and Evan for cloaking to avoid arrest/punishment. 
Icer in this instance was doing his job and should not be punished (perhaps he could have asked for a 3rd party opinion) Sorry for the minus support but it could have been handled better from both You and Evan. 

~With Care, Seaman 
Retired Grand Moff Tarkin
 Retired Head Gamemaster

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16 minutes ago, STJokerICFIXER said:

Maybe change this to a verbal warning instead and also warn Icer for fail RP and abusing force powers at DEFCON 5

Icer was not the person on the CC, Icer was the staff member that warned Highworks

^-^ | Former: 501st Commander | Senior Admin Senior Gamemaster | ^-^


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2 hours ago, River said:


Okay so first thing is you are not meant to arrest someone that is cloaked you as a shock trooper can not see anyone that is cloaked. Also the CC should not of been using his force powers to cloak and then walk into brig this can be considered abuse of force powers. However the warn is valid and should stay 


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6 hours ago, Polarity said:

Icer was not the person on the CC, Icer was the staff member that warned Highworks

Confused because he doesn't have a accepted application nor the tags on the forums. Anyway, -Support for the vaid reasons above.

Edited by Henderson

SCP-RP | Epsilon-11 "Nine-Tailed Fox" Former CE LCPL | Former Medical RFM Ex-Medic | Former Senior ResearcherFormer Maintenance Journeyman | Former CI PVT | Guest General Security Officer | Former Guest MTF Nu-7 Guest Agent

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12 hours ago, ClassyBuck said:

This warning probably shouldn't be appealed quite yet, nor should the staff member be punished considering you should've instead called a staff member on the person cloaking rather than attempting to arrest him in roleplay.

I do believe however the person cloaking into brig then cloaking as an attempt to "avoid arrest" should be warned for FailRP themselves if they have not been already, considering cloaking as a means to escape punishment is in fact FailRP.

- Support
| I believe both parties should've received some form of warning, That guy was disrupting a Simulation 'TIM' & Cloaked, However you ran after him instead of dealing with the situation professionally. 

Edited by Kieran ♡

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