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Techys LT Application


should i be promoted to LT?  

10 members have voted

  1. 1. should i be promoted to LT?

    • Yes
    • No

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In-Game Name: Techy

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:464850159

Current Rank: SM

How long have you been in your current rank?:   3 weeks (not sure exactly but it was around early december)

What timezone are you in?: EST

How many Warns do you have?: 0

Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum): I think i should be a part of PD low command because i have been in PD for about 5 months, i know several command members and etc. I am Sergeant rank in SWAT, SSA in FBI and a MSTR in State so i think i know my way around and how stuff works. I have been told by many supervisors in PD they reccomend me for LC and other players. i was previously staff so i think I would understand how to deal with toxic players or how to deal with mingy PD members and such. I also think that my reputation proceeds my as i have 0 warns and i haven't been striked or demoted from any Dep and never had any problems. activity won't be a very big problem since COVID and i have tons of freetime since I currently don't have a job. I think i should be LT because I know several members in low command so i don't think it would be very hard fitting into the group and im think im well known on the server. I hope this application was good, thanks for reading.

You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes

Edited by Techy

                     Former  PD CPT | SWAT COMMANDER | SL SOTTO CAPPO

                                           USMS SA  |  Former UMC 

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- Support 
- I Haven't saw you a lot on PD (might be timezone)
- I also haven't heard or saw about you training 
- I didnt even know you were a SM 
- Was promoted on the 17/12/20 which isnt 3 weeks away fully 

+ Seems Mature 
+ Seems like a good guy 
+ Respectful 
Overall I dont think you should be low command yet as I have not so you on PD a lot and feel you need to show yourself a bit more first other than that when ive saw you on other Depts you seem a nice guy that's mature and respectful 

Good Luck 

Edited by Cammy


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58 minutes ago, Cammy said:

- Support 
- I Haven't saw you a lot on PD (might be timezone)
- I also haven't heard or saw about you training 
- I didnt even know you were a SM 
- Was promoted on the 17/12/20 which isnt 3 weeks away fully 

+ Seems Mature 
+ Seems like a good guy 
+ Respectful 
Overall I dont think you should be low command yet as I have not so you on PD a lot and feel you need to show yourself a bit more first other than that when ive saw you on other Depts you seem a nice guy that's mature and respectful 

Good Luck 

As cammy stated I just feel like you can use more time on PD as well as making yourself  a bit known by maybe playing more on the PD job as well as training cadets and what not. Nevertheless, good luck.

USMS HC | PD Major  | SYP Owner

CC's | UMC RENEGADE/OG/VONTON/DOCTOR/Numb Gang/ Adams Crime Syndicate


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2 hours ago, Cammy said:

- Support 
- I Haven't saw you a lot on PD (might be timezone)
- I also haven't heard or saw about you training 
- I didnt even know you were a SM 
- Was promoted on the 17/12/20 which isnt 3 weeks away fully 

+ Seems Mature 
+ Seems like a good guy 
+ Respectful 
Overall I dont think you should be low command yet as I have not so you on PD a lot and feel you need to show yourself a bit more first other than that when ive saw you on other Depts you seem a nice guy that's mature and respectful 

Good Luck 

Yeah I also didn't know you were a SM (which just could be me)

Other wise techy is a good member I just don't know about low command ready yet

Retired Great Lake Side Police Deputy Chief of Police| Reserve PD Col | Rouge 141 operative| Harry Duke Member| Previous Senior Admin| Previous US Core VCMDR/ US Drill Instructors Commander/ US Military Police Chief/ Spetnaz Reserve 1LT.


 US GFH25 Delta Force Operative Chairman Designation A259 - SCO19 Chief Superintendent 

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3 hours ago, Cammy said:

- Support 
- I Haven't saw you a lot on PD (might be timezone)
- I also haven't heard or saw about you training 
- I didnt even know you were a SM 
- Was promoted on the 17/12/20 which isnt 3 weeks away fully 

+ Seems Mature 
+ Seems like a good guy 
+ Respectful 
Overall I dont think you should be low command yet as I have not so you on PD a lot and feel you need to show yourself a bit more first other than that when ive saw you on other Depts you seem a nice guy that's mature and respectful 

Good Luck 

Agree with cammy

That bald Aussie Guy

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5 hours ago, Cammy said:

- Support 
- I Haven't saw you a lot on PD (might be timezone)
- I also haven't heard or saw about you training 
- I didnt even know you were a SM 
- Was promoted on the 17/12/20 which isnt 3 weeks away fully 

+ Seems Mature 
+ Seems like a good guy 
+ Respectful 
Overall I dont think you should be low command yet as I have not so you on PD a lot and feel you need to show yourself a bit more first other than that when ive saw you on other Depts you seem a nice guy that's mature and respectful 

Good Luck 


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6 hours ago, Cammy said:

- Support 
- I Haven't saw you a lot on PD (might be timezone)
- I also haven't heard or saw about you training 
- I didnt even know you were a SM 
- Was promoted on the 17/12/20 which isnt 3 weeks away fully 

+ Seems Mature 
+ Seems like a good guy 
+ Respectful 
Overall I dont think you should be low command yet as I have not so you on PD a lot and feel you need to show yourself a bit more first other than that when ive saw you on other Depts you seem a nice guy that's mature and respectful 

Good Luck 


 PD SM | SWAT LT | SL Consigliere 

MLG Pro Negev player 



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7 hours ago, Cammy said:

- Support 
- I Haven't saw you a lot on PD (might be timezone)
- I also haven't heard or saw about you training 
- I didnt even know you were a SM 
- Was promoted on the 17/12/20 which isnt 3 weeks away fully 

+ Seems Mature 
+ Seems like a good guy 
+ Respectful 
Overall I dont think you should be low command yet as I have not so you on PD a lot and feel you need to show yourself a bit more first other than that when ive saw you on other Depts you seem a nice guy that's mature and respectful 

Good Luck 


Killer | Gaminglight Member Since 2016 | Retired PD Colonel l State Major l SPRT Co-Commander l FBI Assistant Director l  UMC Level 4

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15 hours ago, Cammy said:

- Support 
- I Haven't saw you a lot on PD (might be timezone)
- I also haven't heard or saw about you training 
- I didnt even know you were a SM 
- Was promoted on the 17/12/20 which isnt 3 weeks away fully 

+ Seems Mature 
+ Seems like a good guy 
+ Respectful 
Overall I dont think you should be low command yet as I have not so you on PD a lot and feel you need to show yourself a bit more first other than that when ive saw you on other Depts you seem a nice guy that's mature and respectful 

Good Luck 

My advice: start training more, get more active, and wait 3 weeks. The date you're eligible to actually apply is 1/07/2021. Good luck nonetheless.



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15 hours ago, Cammy said:

- Support 
- I Haven't saw you a lot on PD (might be timezone)
- I also haven't heard or saw about you training 
- I didnt even know you were a SM 
- Was promoted on the 17/12/20 which isnt 3 weeks away fully 

+ Seems Mature 
+ Seems like a good guy 
+ Respectful 
Overall I dont think you should be low command yet as I have not so you on PD a lot and feel you need to show yourself a bit more first other than that when ive saw you on other Depts you seem a nice guy that's mature and respectful 

Good Luck 



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15 hours ago, Cammy said:

- Support 
- I Haven't saw you a lot on PD (might be timezone)
- I also haven't heard or saw about you training 
- I didnt even know you were a SM 
- Was promoted on the 17/12/20 which isnt 3 weeks away fully 

+ Seems Mature 
+ Seems like a good guy 
+ Respectful 
Overall I dont think you should be low command yet as I have not so you on PD a lot and feel you need to show yourself a bit more first other than that when ive saw you on other Depts you seem a nice guy that's mature and respectful 

Good Luck 

got to agree with cammy here. Youre a good guy but you need to up your activity and be a SM for a bit longer

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+your a good person when it comes to character 

-you haven’t been all that active 

-you haven’t waited long enough in my opinion there’s always room for time to improve 

+I think you could handle the duties but i think you should get active and show your skills and enhance them

overall I can’t say you should be LT yet just because activity and lack of skill I think you should take the time you have and increase your skills so when the time to do this comes you get nothing but waves of +’s otherwise good luck!

Edited by Jager

|PD Captain|UMC LVL 2|Deputy Dispatch Director|

"I love the rain"

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On 1/8/2021 at 2:42 PM, Jager said:


+your a good person when it comes to character 

-you haven’t been all that active 

-you haven’t waited long enough in my opinion there’s always room for time to improve 

+I think you could handle the duties but i think you should get active and show your skills and enhance them

overall I can’t say you should be LT yet just because activity and lack of skill I think you should take the time you have and increase your skills so when the time to do this comes you get nothing but waves of +’s otherwise good luck!


  • Retired: 
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Drill Sgt. Kevin 1L-28

  • "You do not lose if you get knocked down. You lose if you stay down" -Muhammed Ali


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20 minutes ago, Xx_Tox1c Meme_xX said:



On 1/8/2021 at 1:42 PM, Jager said:


+your a good person when it comes to character 

-you haven’t been all that active 

-you haven’t waited long enough in my opinion there’s always room for time to improve 

+I think you could handle the duties but i think you should get active and show your skills and enhance them

overall I can’t say you should be LT yet just because activity and lack of skill I think you should take the time you have and increase your skills so when the time to do this comes you get nothing but waves of +’s otherwise good luck!




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On 1/8/2021 at 2:42 PM, Jager said:


+your a good person when it comes to character 

-you haven’t been all that active 

-you haven’t waited long enough in my opinion there’s always room for time to improve 

+I think you could handle the duties but i think you should get active and show your skills and enhance them

overall I can’t say you should be LT yet just because activity and lack of skill I think you should take the time you have and increase your skills so when the time to do this comes you get nothing but waves of +’s otherwise good luck!




Member since September of 2018

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