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Clovers SCP 049 Blacklist Appeal


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Steam Name:  Clover

Ingame Name: MTF Nu7 RCT Clover/CI RnD AR Clover

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:75836345

Job Blacklisted From: SCP 049 

Reason for the Job Blacklist: Wasnt told why

Dispute: So im confused as to what lead to my 049 Blacklist because I only have 1 warning on him which is for failrp, I was told that 2 warnings on an SCP gets you blacklisted which i understand but as I said i only have 1 and I was also never told what lead to my 049 Blacklist. 049 Being one of my Favorite SCPs this kinda confused me, I mostly didnt have any trouble with players while on 049 except for that one warning i got, Sure the occasional Player getting mad at being turned but thats about it. I dont have alot more to say.

Edited by Clover1
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-You have 3 Fail RP warns

-Today I saw you minge on 999



Edited by DarkSpirit

Nu7 MSGT | Ex CI R&D AIN | Ex Sec 2LT | Ex OS | Ex CI 2LT

[CC] Owns: OPIF - Omnipurpose Infantry Force | Charple on Vacation | Vonzen Plushi | CI Take Force 'Blackhawks'

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You received a blacklist after receiving the following three warnings in rapid succession:

10/17/2020, 08:41:48 - SCP - [GL] Sarge - FailRP (Playing as SCP-173)

10/23/2020, 14:57:36 - SCP - [GL] Eilish - Failrp as 173

10/16/2020, 09:48:51 - SCP - Weiss Schnee[GL] - FailRP | Prop Abuse | SCP-049

Based on the repeated abuse on multiple SCPs, including one of the high abuse SCPs, as well as the multiple warnings in rapid succession you were blacklisted from 049 and 173.

Retired SCP-RP Head of Staff

March 3rd, 2019 - December 16th, 2021

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11 minutes ago, Rookieblue said:

You received a blacklist after receiving the following three warnings in rapid succession:

10/17/2020, 08:41:48 - SCP - [GL] Sarge - FailRP (Playing as SCP-173)

10/23/2020, 14:57:36 - SCP - [GL] Eilish - Failrp as 173

10/16/2020, 09:48:51 - SCP - Weiss Schnee[GL] - FailRP | Prop Abuse | SCP-049

Based on the repeated abuse on multiple SCPs, including one of the high abuse SCPs, as well as the multiple warnings in rapid succession you were blacklisted from 049 and 173.

Yeah -Support

[ SCP RP ] Director of Research & Security || Armored Shield Award Winner || First Head Warden & HOPO || Security Artillery Unit || D-7025 || D-Class High Council || Former Head of Security || Former Admin || Former Event Team Member



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3 hours ago, Rookieblue said:

You received a blacklist after receiving the following three warnings in rapid succession:

10/17/2020, 08:41:48 - SCP - [GL] Sarge - FailRP (Playing as SCP-173)

10/23/2020, 14:57:36 - SCP - [GL] Eilish - Failrp as 173

10/16/2020, 09:48:51 - SCP - Weiss Schnee[GL] - FailRP | Prop Abuse | SCP-049

Based on the repeated abuse on multiple SCPs, including one of the high abuse SCPs, as well as the multiple warnings in rapid succession you were blacklisted from 049 and 173.


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5 hours ago, Rookieblue said:

You received a blacklist after receiving the following three warnings in rapid succession:

10/17/2020, 08:41:48 - SCP - [GL] Sarge - FailRP (Playing as SCP-173)

10/23/2020, 14:57:36 - SCP - [GL] Eilish - Failrp as 173

10/16/2020, 09:48:51 - SCP - Weiss Schnee[GL] - FailRP | Prop Abuse | SCP-049

Based on the repeated abuse on multiple SCPs, including one of the high abuse SCPs, as well as the multiple warnings in rapid succession you were blacklisted from 049 and 173.

-Support based off these reasons.

8 hours ago, Clover1 said:

I was told that 2 warnings on an SCP gets you blacklisted which i understand but as I said i only have 1 

Actually, blacklists can happen even with one warning. Other instances of different SCP rule infringements may affect your blacklist, as it happened here. 

~Your Local SCP Lead AdminAka: Rekti-High
The REAL Don Godfather 527 | CEO of the Minge Team | The Baby Joe | Leader of the Fish Mafia

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8 hours ago, DarkSpirit said:


+The person that blacklisted should have told you why

+I have never seen you minge on a SCP 

+And they fact that 049 is you favorite that will make it unbelivable that you fail-rp on it 

You should not have gotten the blacklist and the admin that blacklisted you should tell you and talk to eachother about it!!!

If the person does not recognize what they did wrong that is not staff's problem

6 hours ago, Rookieblue said:

You received a blacklist after receiving the following three warnings in rapid succession:

10/17/2020, 08:41:48 - SCP - [GL] Sarge - FailRP (Playing as SCP-173)

10/23/2020, 14:57:36 - SCP - [GL] Eilish - Failrp as 173

10/16/2020, 09:48:51 - SCP - Weiss Schnee[GL] - FailRP | Prop Abuse | SCP-049

Based on the repeated abuse on multiple SCPs, including one of the high abuse SCPs, as well as the multiple warnings in rapid succession you were blacklisted from 049 and 173.

This is clear to me that you not only have NITRP but no intent to actually follow the rules

 Former Security 2LT | Former EWD|  Former OM5|Former Medical SM|Former Reznov Klushkie| Former SCP-RP Senior Moderator


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  • Head of Staff
21 hours ago, [GL] Zeus said:


I have personally seen you minge countless times as well and the evidence checks out for me.


ImperialRP SMT | Head of Staff       

Head Forums Diplomat

Former High Admiral | Former DT Commander | Former State LTCOL | Former SPRT Commander

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On 10/31/2020 at 1:44 PM, Rookieblue said:

You received a blacklist after receiving the following three warnings in rapid succession:

10/17/2020, 08:41:48 - SCP - [GL] Sarge - FailRP (Playing as SCP-173)

10/23/2020, 14:57:36 - SCP - [GL] Eilish - Failrp as 173

10/16/2020, 09:48:51 - SCP - Weiss Schnee[GL] - FailRP | Prop Abuse | SCP-049

Based on the repeated abuse on multiple SCPs, including one of the high abuse SCPs, as well as the multiple warnings in rapid succession you were blacklisted from 049 and 173.



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+support I am all about 2nd chances and from what I have seen now that you have learned the rules a bit more, could be given another chance.

| SEC Armored Shield 1LT Wardens WC DHFTO | SVFTO Elite Medic |  SVFTO Maintenance Expert | Xray 42 | E11 CPL | Nu7 CPL | D5 PVT

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