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Sprink's RRH App


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In Game Name:  Sprink

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:433844802

Job applying for (Medical - MEDIC + |  Red Right Hand - ANY MTF/CI RANK OR GENSEC COMMAND | Research/RND - Researcher+): RRH | Security 2LT.

If applying for Red Right Hand preferred O5 to guard: I do not mind who I am guarding but I would prefer guarding O5-3 (Matrices).

How many Strikes do you have: 0 Branch Strikes

Why do you want to join the O5 staff team: I wish to join the RRH because I believe it would add a whole new aspect to my time on the server. Every since I joined the server I looked up to these mysterious figures guarding the men in suits. Another reason why I want to join is because in Security there is a sub-branch called Wardens and my very favorite thing to do Is escort High Command and sometimes get to escort Site Administration. Pretty much what I am trying to say Is I would like to take it to the next level and be able to escort even higher personal and generally have a better time doing it. Finally I would like to join the O5 staff team because I do not really see that many RRH online often except for one or two people so I would like to help out the team and really show everyone who RRH is.

Why should we accept you: I think I should be accepted for RRH because I am ready to take on more responsibility's and and tasks to do other than my normal Security job all the time. Currently in Wardens on security we are tasked with similar goals like protecting High level personnel in the facility so I have a decent amount of experience with this field of work. One accomplishment that I have in Wardens is when Phill and all the special forces in the facility captured the HWD (Sixx). They took him to EZ so Phill gave us permission to go save him. The special forces put up a big fight but in the end me and another Warden came out alive with Sixx. We had killed all the special forces which had better guns than us and twice the amount of health and armor then us. In Security I am also a SFTO, JWD, and 2LT. I really care about this server and I have met so many new friends but I would like to continue with my trip on the server like for example joining RRH. If I was chosen for RRH even if I had stacked out weapons and armor, I would give up everything to protect the O5 even if that means I die. I am also loyal to security and will never leave, so I will keep the same thing for RRH and same motivations that I have in security till the day I am forced to leave this server or if it is shut down. With all the equipment I have on the RRH I have the ability to protect anyone. One of my most important tools or equipment that I will use is of course my rifle/shotgun a riot shield. Thankyou for reading and I hope this explains why I would like to be part of the O5 Staff Team.


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+Beefy application
+Very Active
+Command in Security
+Has experience

 Former Security 2LT | Former EWD|  Former OM5|Former Medical SM|Former Reznov Klushkie| Former SCP-RP Senior Moderator


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12 hours ago, Sprinklertek said:

In Game Name:  Sprink

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:433844802

Job applying for (Medical - MEDIC + |  Red Right Hand - ANY MTF/CI RANK OR GENSEC COMMAND | Research/RND - Researcher+): RRH | Security 2LT.

If applying for Red Right Hand preferred O5 to guard: I do not mind who I am guarding but I would prefer guarding O5-3 (Matrices).

How many Strikes do you have: 0 Branch Strikes

Why do you want to join the O5 staff team: I wish to join the RRH because I believe it would add a whole new aspect to my time on the server. Every since I joined the server I looked up to these mysterious figures guarding the men in suits. Another reason why I want to join is because in Security there is a sub-branch called Wardens and my very favorite thing to do Is escort High Command and sometimes get to escort Site Administration. Pretty much what I am trying to say Is I would like to take it to the next level and be able to escort even higher personal and generally have a better time doing it. Finally I would like to join the O5 staff team because I do not really see that many RRH online often except for one or two people so I would like to help out the team and really show everyone who RRH is.

Why should we accept you: I think I should be accepted for RRH because I am ready to take on more responsibility's and and tasks to do other than my normal Security job all the time. Currently in Wardens on security we are tasked with similar goals like protecting High level personnel in the facility so I have a decent amount of experience with this field of work. One accomplishment that I have in Wardens is when Phill and all the special forces in the facility captured the HWD (Sixx). They took him to EZ so Phill gave us permission to go save him. The special forces put up a big fight but in the end me and another Warden came out alive with Sixx. We had killed all the special forces which had better guns than us and twice the amount of health and armor then us. In Security I am also a SFTO, JWD, and 2LT. I really care about this server and I have met so many new friends but I would like to continue with my trip on the server like for example joining RRH. If I was chosen for RRH even if I had stacked out weapons and armor, I would give up everything to protect the O5 even if that means I die. I am also loyal to security and will never leave, so I will keep the same thing for RRH and same motivations that I have in security till the day I am forced to leave this server or if it is shut down. With all the equipment I have on the RRH I have the ability to protect anyone. One of my most important tools or equipment that I will use is of course my rifle/shotgun a riot shield. Thankyou for reading and I hope this explains why I would like to be part of the O5 Staff Team.


I mean hes CMD 

A administrator 

And pretty cool 

SCP-RP - Former: Moderator/ETSecurity SFTO SM, Research Researcher, MTF Alpha-1 Sgt, MTF Alpha-1 "Alpha-6", Noob-7 CplD5 RCT, R&D SIN, T-2 Blackjack, HFR, DHBI and E-11 DoFTO HCE SM | Current: CI Military DHLS SFTO SM 

Imperial-RP - Former - ModeratorRoyal Guard Senior Guard, Shadow Guard Lead, Stormtrooper 2LT, 501st MSG

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1 hour ago, Hope said:


Active and great application. Considering that he is a command, he is trustworthy.

I would trust him with my life and the protection of other 05 staff



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Retired DHOS || Former Wardens Comissioner Caligula || Former SRIC in R&D || Former OH8 Funni [Redacted] Man | | Retired OPSV in Maintenance || Former MMF Duck || Former HLPR Bot AC3 || Retired 2LT in E-11 || Former Head Field Scout || Former Ranger Pax || former ET || Former Omicron-9 CPT  || Former OM9 EXP Delta PoliceRP: PD LCPL | SCU LT

"We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard. " -John F Kennedy, Rice University, Sept. 12, 1962



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-Constantly says O5 or RRH in foundations comms an have been the sole reason for multiple class A adminstered in the vents


-Annoys 05 staff or sayin their named or attempting to bait their name 

-Doesnt take things serious 




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Ret MTF Nu7 1LT SFTO Surge| Ret OH2 RRH , Retired SM Gensec |  No officer that 24Pounds of plutonium isn't mine

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22 hours ago, Hope said:


Active and great application. Considering that he is a command, he is trustworthy.


[ SCP RP ] Director of Research & Security || Armored Shield Award Winner || First Head Warden & HOPO || Security Artillery Unit || D-7025 || D-Class High Council || Former Head of Security || Former Admin || Former Event Team Member



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