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The Anomalous Wardrobe Suggestion - Accepted

Disgraced Merchant

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------- Out of Google Docs Version VV------

What you want to see?:

I wish to see the Anomalous Wardrobe (the GMod wardrobe prop) permanently placed (perma-propped) inside of the Research Bunks or the Safe Containment wing of the LCZ and I wish to see it given official SCP Classification (It’s own SCP number/designation) on the server.


Why should we add it?:

If you haven’t read my “Anomalous Wardrobe” test log yet, I strongly suggest you briefly read it; just so you know what I’m talking about. I will link to the test log at the bottom of this suggestion.

Ever since I got the approval from an admin (who’s name I unfortunately forgot) which allowed me to test and freely roleplay with my “Anomalous Wardrobe”, I have been expanding and furthering it’s lore and inclusion in the Research Division. By now, you may have seen my “Anomalous Wardrobe” tests and addendums in the Foundation Test Logs sub-forum. Mostly all of the Research Division has shown support and admiration for the creative works which I produced on the Wardrobe.  I feel like this should be added and given SCP Classification in commemoration of the copious amounts of hours that other Researchers, MTF, GENSEC, Utility, and I have spent roleplaying and testing on this Wardrobe. I also feel that making it “official” would prove that anyone on [GL] SCP-RP can accomplish anything with just a little creativity, thus improving morale of the whole Research Division and the Foundation. In my eyes, the Wardrobe is still full of undiscovered lore, roleplay, and possibilities that we as a community can discover together. The possibilities are endless by adding this into the server. By adding it, I see that it opens the gates for the rest of the community to continue the Anomalous Wardrobe’s story, or to possibly finish it. I would add every single addendum to the official ongoing log that I made. I would love to see the community unite over something I created and to continue the legacy.


What are the advantages of having this?:

By adding this prop onto the server and giving it it’s own SCP Classification, it would:

Improve foundation morale

Allow for Roleplay on a new SCP (one that players can spawn in themselves)

New events can be made off of this Wardrobe. Here are some examples

Mass testing with SCP’s to determine more about the Wardrobe.

Chaos Insurgency steals the wardrobe and uses it against the foundation. (It is completely invulnerable to all types of gunfire and combat, they could sneak or bring something dangerous inside the facility)

A new and spontaneous discovery is made of the Wardrobe.

We can trap an SCP/Person inside of the wardrobe due to its durability.

We could do mass tests in attempts to damage and test it’s durability.

We could see if it could become a new containment measure for an SCP, such as SCP-035 (read Addendum-3: Minor Setback).


Bring the community together to universally research and test on an SCP, that was created by the community!


Who is it mainly for?:

Mainly the Research Division, but technically EVERYONE!


Links to any content:

“The Anomalous Wardrobe”





Edited by Scoron
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+ support

I support this because you not only created this anomalous object yourself, but you have created a lore, origin and etc. Single handedly.

I believe this would be a great addition for the research division as there will be an endless opportunity of what the research branch can do now. 

Furthermore, it is accessible by anyone who has donated or are really ET or staff. However, one minor drawback of adding this would be. How are we going to contain and secure the SCP? Obviously we are not going to place it in the bunks since it is not a testing environment. How are we going to transport the SCP for testing.

Over all, I think it is a great addition to the server and I believe this should deserve a chance!

osu! achiever? I don't know

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why do you feel the need to post the suggestion on a google doc, paste it in the forums and i might consider going to this post again.

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Ex E11 COL, Ex A1 MAJ, Ex AHOTS, Ex Security 2LT, Ex Admin. Current CI 2LT.hpvmtjxv.gif.746119ffc4a9f625fc2b45279f09c097.gif

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  • Easy to implement
  • Good jumping off point for creative testing ideas
  • We could use more SCPs that don't require a player controlling them for tests


  • Seems to require heavy imaginative roleplay skills to utilize properly in RP, as it is essentially still just a wardrobe prop (players typically will ask "what does it do?" and expect some sort of actual in-game effect when interacting with it-- Maybe SMT could make it do something when clicked?)

O5-9: "Misfortune"  A.K.A.  "Mr. Unlucky"

"Accidents Happen-- Mostly to me!"


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+ Support 

Good SCP suggestion with what seems to be easy implementation into the server.

4 hours ago, Jakub said:

why do you feel the need to post the suggestion on a google doc, paste it in the forums and i might consider going to this post again.

^^ This was not needed. 

Femboy Hooters. No Cogs he's mine.

Omi9 2LT Lee JL6

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27 minutes ago, CanOBeanz said:


  • Easy to implement
  • Good jumping off point for creative testing ideas
  • We could use more SCPs that don't require a player controlling them for tests


  • Seems to require heavy imaginative roleplay skills to utilize properly in RP, as it is essentially still just a wardrobe prop (players typically will ask "what does it do?" and expect some sort of actual in-game effect when interacting with it-- Maybe SMT could make it do something when clicked?)

I could somehow make a Entity and it does something or opens? 

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11 hours ago, Scoron said:

Chaos Insurgency steals the wardrobe and uses it against the foundation. (It is completely invulnerable to all types of gunfire and combat, they could sneak or bring something dangerous inside the facility)

This is pretty much just sleuth.



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