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Will's False Warn report- Accepted


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Your In-game: Phil GSC

Your SteamID: my SteamID: STEAM_0:1:114270629
The admin's name in-game: Will
The admin's steam name (If you know it): dunno
What warning did you receive: FailRP
Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): attached
Why do you think this warn was false: in this situation supremechow had been arrested i came down and told the officers multiplee times to let him go/freee my homie, after i telling PD multiple times to free my family i advert jailbreak and killed the 2 PD officers trying to put my family member in jail, this instance has happened many times with either family members of mine or many other people on the seerver and most times they dont even advert and dont get warned for it yet i for some reason get pulled up and warned for it
Any extra information: attached is proof of advert

Garrysmod Screenshot 2020.04.09 -

Garrysmod Screenshot 2020.04.09 -

That bald Aussie Guy

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I'll post the same things that I shared with you in Discord:

Logs (the highlighted section is the advert, and 2 spaces above you can see he started combat 2 seconds after beginning combat)


Screenshot of the MOTD (note the highlighted section)



(Attached is a cropped screenshot of chat of me informing you of the warning and the rule you broke).

The reason why I decided to warn you was because of the time frame of the advert and when combat began, and because it seemed that in logs that neither of them were paying any attention to you or noticed what was happening (which is why I also believe the sit for RDM was called and why both were surprised to hear that you had adverted.

Unless if you are John Moschitta Jr., I don't think you can properly negotiate with officers in less than 2 seconds.


(I can attach more evidence in logs along with screenshots from Discord if requested, please @ me)


(I would like it to be on the record that I did have a discussion with the 2 officers that called a sit for RDM along with Phil and noted "I was not sure who or where I saw it, but you must negotiate with the police before shooting and would tell him what I find."

I first looked in the MOTD and CTRL+F "jailbreak" and came across the highlighted section above and then crossed referenced it with logs for a solid 3-4 minutes before coming to a conclusion.)

Edited by Will (WTLM2013)


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in all my time on playing GL i have never seen anyone warned for adverting jailbreak hell ive seen plenty of otheer players and stafff whether low or high ranking and i've seen you do it will break people out of cuffs without rping it out or even adverting but me telling them multiple times beeforehand to releease my family member before adverting is against the rules and i get warned for it


your trying to tell me that yelling them multiple times and then adverting it is failrp, you said i didnt have enough time to rp it out yet i say i was rping it out before hand verbally asking them mutliple times to release my family member, told them right before i was going to do it and adverting it to reinforce that. thats more of a rp thing for geetting someone who was in cuffs out of cuffs than what ive seen in the last few months of coming back

Edited by Phil GSC
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That bald Aussie Guy

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you also tried claiming that i could of put them under fearRP and it was 2 officers vs me there is no way i couldve put them under FearRP, any other times ive advert jailbreak i have gotten the SINGULAR officer to uncuff said family member, in this situation it was impossible to place them under FearRP as 1v2 does not = fearRP on both



Another thing I don't get, you literally went out of your way to make sure I got warned out of that sit. it was called for rdm and in no way shape and form was it rdm in any circumstance with trying to help a family member out of cuffs. You then ended the sit and let me return to rp and then 5-10mins later instead of brining me to a roof to explain and let me say my side since I barely got to say anything other than say it wasn't rdm(since that was what the sit was called for) instead you private message me that I'm going to be warned and before i could say anything you warned me, tell me how that's a fair way to handle this situation

Edited by Phil GSC

That bald Aussie Guy

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+- support  I don't think this ever has been warnable but I can be mistaken


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6 hours ago, Sion said:

+/- support

Unclear what happened - Will's SS of MOTD says he needs to negotiate but Phil says he has

My issue is that both of the officers claimed that it was RDM and both questioned and had to look back in chat to see if anything was ever adverted. If he was actually negotiating with the officers, I think they would have been aware of the advert or at least his intentions before he started shooting.


Edited by Will (WTLM2013)


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2 hours ago, Will (WTLM2013) said:

My issue is that both of the officers claimed that it was RDM and both questioned and had to look back in chat to see if anything was ever adverted. If he was actually negotiating with the officers, I think they would have been aware of the advert or at least his intentions before he started shooting.


or because they were so sure that i couldnt do anything and then upset that i actually went through with what i was threatening them to do hence why theey called a sit for RDM not failrp

warned multiple times verbally to release my family member, i then advert jailbreak and broke my family member out reegardless of the time between the advert i had verbally in rp warned them multiple times to which they refused and yet you still claim its failrp since you couldnt warn me for rdm which the sit was called for. you then ended the sit after hearing my defense for RDM stating you were going to find articles about it to clear it up never mentioning once i could still be warned, fast forward 5-10mins later instead of bringing up to a sit where i could defend myslef for supposed FAILRP you pm me and warn me before i could explain myself.


you can see where i find this wrong and the warning false anyone reading has been in a situation where they have gotten their family out of cuffs and never warned for it yet for some absured reason will went out of his way to ensure i got warned for it.

Edited by Phil GSC

That bald Aussie Guy

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++ Support.


Honestly if Phil verbally warned them, as well as adverted the crime he committed in which HE'S REQUIRED to ADVERT while committing it, then how did he get warned for it? He verbally warned OFC/PD prior, and adverted it as well in chat logs. So if you ask me Phil followed all protocol and rules, not break them. Maybe a VERBAL warning for a first legit offense, but not a formal. Phil is a respected member of GL community. 

Edited by Hoi_HavoC
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Sorry Will, im with Phil on this one. Just like Havoc said in his comment, it was adverted so everyone knew what was going on. Im almost positive that i've never seen anyone be warned for adverting a crime (unless it was murderers breaking their cooldown) and to top that off, im almost positive that not the first person here would immediately warn them for something like that, new or old to the community. Verbals are always best when dealing with situations such as these because harsher punishments on smaller infractions such as this can lead to a distaste in certain areas. 

That being said, I do honestly believe the warning should be removed, as a verbal would have sufficed in the end. 

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I think a better solution to this would be only breaking out of DOC so it is more controlled so incidents like this dont happen. So that way staff can see that the advert is at the right time

+/- Support 


Edited by Echo

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Go into the ban panel (at the top it says ban) sign in, go to your profile, go to your warn and click appeal. Fill the information out and in the description put the link to this in it.

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