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Dredgens False Warn Appeal


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Your In-game: Dredgen 

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:491431877


The admin's name in-game: Ronin


The admin's steam name (If you know it): Idk


What warning did you receive: LTAP/LTARP


Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): https://gyazo.com/74b324030123511762e41fc260fb4dbf


Why do you think this warn was false: I asked Yobo MULTIPLE times if I could leave considering I had to sleep because I had school in the morning and I wasn't about to get yelled at. Yobo said I can leave and was completely fine with it. @Yobo


Any extra information: No

Forgot to clarify on why I was warned. I was warned because I was brought to a sit for something else that was dealt with. Then the cop arrested me. I asked multiple times if I could leave and Yobo said I could. The Cop called a sit later I guess and said I LTAPed knowing Yobo said I could leave. Yobo wasn't on so Ronin probably checked logs and saw I was cuffed and I left. 

PoliceRP: Former PD LT.

ImperialRP: Starkiller, former 8th Brother, StarFighter Vice Marshall, 501st CPT, and Admin.

MilitaryRP: Captain Price, former USAF Lieutenant Colonel.
JVS:  Former Darth Vader

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I'm waiting on word from Yobo, as I was not informed of this in game and warned based off of Dredgen leaving whilst arrested.

After hearing from Yobo I have decided that I will not oppose this warn being removed, as Yobo had indeed given permission for him to get off for the night.

Edited by Ronin
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Dredgen called a sit because of apparentl failrp. It turned out to be false, shortly after he was killed and hit respawn with EMS online. He was warned. And then taken to jail. 

He was planning on going from the start and I said he could.

Easy misunderstanding from anyone. As I had dipped out to grab a coffee shortly after.


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9 minutes ago, utetwo said:


  • I understand your motive to leave the game
  • Staff permission to leave


Gaminglight PoliceRP Retired Superadmin

“Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.”

“There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.”

“You are never dedicated to something you have complete confidence in."

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