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Banning SCP 912 from D block elevator - Accepted


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What you want to see? - SCP 912 has a stunstick that interacts with the elevator in D block by displacing it. Not only that, but it is common that SCP 912 goes on elevator resulting in them eventually hitting the elevator out of place. SCP 912 should not be allowed to go onto the D block elevator due to this constant issue. It is annoying when security is trying to go back up and they knock the elevator out of place killing D class and security because of the glitch.

Why should we add it? - This glitch is irritating and really should not be a thing but there isn't a good way to fix it without changing SCP 912's stunstick swep.

What are the advantages of having this? - No more elevator glitches.

Who is it mainly for? - Security/D Class

Links to any content - None.

Edited by Matricies
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