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Jet's Introduction


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Hi, I am very very new to this community as I am loading into PoliceRP as of right now. I am Jet though, I have 1383 hours in GMOD and have been a head of staff on many servers. I was a modeler and General Manager on Revival and a Head Admin on Icefuse for a long time. I was also head of Forum Staff at revival also. I departed from my recent community due to them doxing and ddosing players. I won't say which community of the two it was (Revival) But yeah, I look forward to many years of service and staffing here at gaminglight Police RP :)

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Hello @Jet Hazard,

     Although we were acquainted earlier in teamspeak, I hope you have a great time in our community. Sad to hear the circumstances that brought you here but you will love it here. If you have literally any questions or issues you can message me on the forums or find me chilling in a public channel.


Manager John | Human Resources Department

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"Proud to be a T-Mod and here to help!"

[MilitaryRP] General of the Army

[PoliceRP] SGT Johns 1D46 & SNR Trooper & [Former] EMS Deputy Chief

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