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What's the point of PD meetings?

Boonie McBone

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22 minutes ago, Roleplaygod said:

This is not a fact.

Then why are promotions only on meetings.

it is up to the dep CoC to notice this and know how is really on and who is just there for the meeting.


True but think about it and see it from an outside point of view. PD can't do anything but 10-80s 1. Because people don't RP 2. Cuz if it escalates more than a 10-80 to shots fired then the Speciality units take over.

the SGT training system is not working. From what I see I keep seeing Cadets and OFCs running around minging, RDMing, Cuffing people. Yes half of that is just people trolling but half of that is them sitting there without a ride along or a trainer for 30 minutes +

Has nothing to do with the issue here but ok... Also no you can't I tried once and he said "You are not a SGT your opinion does not matter" (not going to say names, also I forgot who the person was"

True. But don't get mad when people say promotions are not given. We can't just magically know when someone gets promoted. If you promote without announcing and all secretly then everyone thinks promos are not been given. Instead do them publicly and it will show people that they are been given and would make them hopeful and want to work for something. It is kinda like "why work hard when I get nothing in return" whilst "I want to work hard because I want to get promoted like that guy"

Again not a Fact. Also, SWAT isn't having this issue over and over and over that means they must be doing something right...

Because you are viewing it from a CoC point of view. You are at a good position what do you care about the rest... tbh I don't care I am in SWAT and that's where I plan to stay for a while now I don't go PD anymore. But it is an issue I see happening and it is something that does need fixing.

Ill go over your points in order.

Command don't always have to be online, they can be in ts discord etc, don't expect us to waste every hour of our lives on the server as our command role.


Promotions aren't always in meetings, if anything less promotions are given in meetings than in a day without a meeting.


We're not notifying everyone of scheduled PD meetings except Fridays - high commands choice.




PD can still deal with these scenarios, especially in 10-80s. PD also possess important roles at raids and hostage negotiations to make sure no one enters/leaves, to block off the area and to assist tac units if necessary.


The SGT training system works better than if anyone could just join ofcc straight away or if they have to do a 'test'. SGT training goes over more points and allows SGTs to have a taste at supervising officers.


Any rank can recommend anyone for a promotion as long as they have good cause, if command do not allow you to recommend someone then that's an issue you bring up with their superiors. They may choose to accept your request or deny it but they cannot say that your opinion does not matter.


If we always promote people in public with all PD there to watch, no one would ever get a chance to leave the base. If we were to always hand out promotions in front of an audience, it would take too much time and waste other people's time in which they can earn promotions and stop crime.


Think of it like this. Imagine 100-200 people joining a server and switching onto the PD job on one day at any given time, and then command have to add them to a roster and look at every time they join, how active they are, manage the 5-10 new PD that join every day. You would have to scroll down a list of 1000 names before getting to someone you think may deserve a promotion on their activity and performance. How would we make a system that works for us to know that one of the thousands of members is due a promotion? Auto promotions will cause time farmers, a roster would not be organisable for this amount of people.


Hope this answered a few things.

Retired Deputy Commissioner Bob Bob 1K51


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Just now, Kiki said:

I’m jk lol

LOL I am clueless on PD CoC I know SWAT CoC and some staff. rip

4 minutes ago, -Unknown- said:

Hope this answered a few things.

it did. I still think that things need to change but that is just my opinion. You are entitled to having your own opinion and I respect that. It is what it is so I am going to move on and hope that everything goes well I guess. LOL. Either way, thank you for taking your time to respond ❤️

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@Roleplaygod @-Unknown-

As you both have valid points, at first I was leant towards Roleplay's side, but after reading all of that, it kind of makes sense. How can you organize a department which is the basic starting level for all new players? That completely 100% makes sense to me. Buttttttt, I do have some points I'd like to be answered if you don't mind

  • Nobody actually gives out recommendations. People only give out recommendations to their friends, why would someone care about someone random? I've given out 2 recommendations and that's because I played with those 2 I recommended for about 2.5 hours.
  • I do think that the PD training manual should be updated... Like what does "understand how a vehicle works" mean? I usually skip that when I'm training OFC's because I'm not sure how to train that. I mean... there's wheels, and an engine, is that what we're supposed to explain?
  • Radios... How can I train something that they won't even have access too until they pass OFC... I still try to explain it to them, although it's very simple when you actually get it in the top right corner.
  • Other than that, PD is unorganized because it's impossible to organize, and promotions are actively given out, except not publically, which I can see from both a Command POV and Officer POV. Command knows that there's promotions being given out, although Officer's do not. I understand that now.
  • Overall, I think we should update the training manual, Sergeant Major should be able to demote Officer's to Cadet- or be able to call trainings for OFFICERS ONLY, and Sergeant+ should be given forms to fill out, and they must keep an eye on one Officer of commands choosing, a week. 

Keep in mind, these are just suggestions. Thank you for your time.

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In my opinion PD Meetings just waste time. The topics are mostly similar if not the same thing every time, and it limits RP (No Major Crime). Personally I think PD meetings should only be called by High Command, and should focus on a different reason every time. There is a lot of problems within the lower ranks of PD that need to be addressed and fixed procedure wise (SNR’s running into bank and Gen store Robberies) so if you structured your meetings around a certain topic every time, they wouldn’t take an hour at a time. In my opinion we should have less PD meetings, because I think officers would work harder in-game to receive promotions from Command


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