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MS13 SS Issa - False Warn Report


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Your In-Game Name- Matthew

Your SreamID- STEAM_0:0;419477907

Admin's Name- MS13 SS Issa

Admin's Steam Name- N/A

What Warning I received- FailRP

Evidence of the Warn-  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BjTgG_AISOS03CORhbIvrsIRuZK-71ktJcdYiiDrKks/edit?usp=sharing 

Why I Think The Warn Was False- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ChztkSocO6OuZ7yLV87KLENEBvZYT89RNq8AFLmtLeI/edit?usp=sharing What happened was that I kill a guy (I was murder dude) and I adverted it (I killed him with the AWP). But I guess you cant kill any one that is not in a rural like area. I looked at the job description and MOTD and could not find that rule. And he said I got warned in militaryRP not PoliceRP?

Any Extra info- I recommend putting that rule in the job description

Edited by [GL] Matthew
Forgot to add somthing

PoliceRP Manager

Retired SRT Commander | Police Commissioner | Department Supervisor

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If it was an accident then that's fine everyone makes mistakes

But depending when you killed someone did you do it in a good location that no one can't see?

Or did you straight up and blasted them in the middle of the street

"Crack open a cold one mate, no worries mate, come to the outback mate, gonna go to maccas and get some brekky mate"

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So i was looking through the MOTD after this happened and found "Murder must be done in a secluded place". Now i warned you because i thought you blasted this guy in the street. After looking back at the logs i found you Awped that dude like across the map... So I think it should be removed... Sorry about that bud



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Where was the guy when you sniped him? You and te person you are murdering must be in a secluded place, you can't hide yourself and snipe people who aren't in a secluded area,

 no. I talked to Nolan about this one day. A dude was sniping on roof. So I go and all Nolan if that's ok. He said yes.

Edited by Chief_

Head Admin SCP-RP || Event Team Overseer || Ethics Committee || Ex Security FTO 1LT || Ex Security Warden || Ex CI R&D Senior Agent || UMC Guest [LVL 0] || Former Research Researcher || Former DORSU || Former DOC || Former LCZ Manager ||  I aM sPeCiAl || 

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So i was looking through the MOTD after this happened and found "Murder must be done in a secluded place". Now i warned you because i thought you blasted this guy in the street. After looking back at the logs i found you Awped that dude like across the map... So I think it should be removed... Sorry about that bud



every one dose mistakes learn from it Issa u are one of the best trial mods that I’ve seen when I am staffing keep up the good work 


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So i was looking through the MOTD after this happened and found "Murder must be done in a secluded place". Now i warned you because i thought you blasted this guy in the street. After looking back at the logs i found you Awped that dude like across the map... So I think it should be removed... Sorry about that bud




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