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James - Staff Report


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Your In-Game Name: tcoops

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:161946636

Staff member's In-Game Name: James

What did they do?: So, me and @Freeze we dealing with a shots fired situation at car park across from spawn. Then James decides to attempt to drive off in our SWAT vehicle. Freeze physguns the car because by the time the admins got there, he would have drove off. James then constantly mic spams and argues with everyone there. I said to James "You're not allowed to steal PD vehicles." James then replies: "Yes you aaaaaaaaaaaaare". We then take him to PD forcefully because he doesn't comply even when we tell him he's arrested and whatever. In PD, we get him out of the car and then he pretends to go AFK. When we say in in-game chat that we'll just get someone to fly him in, he magically comes back complaining more.

I private message Alton explaining the situation and that James is just minging and breaking rules. Alton then minges James for 800 seconds and then James decides to warn Freeze because James got salty... James then logged off the server and here I am making a staff report.

This is James' profile link: steamcommunity.com/id/TheKaoticGamerX


Evidence (REQUIRED): https://imgur.com/a/NzBgme4

What do you think is an acceptable punishment? Demotion. Staff restriction. Temp ban.

Edited by tcoops
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As Tcoops said he was just minging around and abusing his staff powers by warning me of duty and calling everything abuse what we did even tho we told him that he was in the wrong.


Alton told me he is a donor mod so thats a thing also





Edited by Freeze

Former S.W.A.T Commander & J.M.T Member


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This type of behavior from a staff member is unacceptable regardless of the excuse... I want to apologize that this even happened.  

Id like to hear the other side of the story 

Edited by Issa
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@Alton Lewis @Freeze Your sides please

I was on the server at the time and minges James for multiple reasons, reasons I'm not going to go into over the forms however James is a donor mod and warned Tcoops was being minged as well as once being un-minged and was going to be spoken too by SMT he then instantly left

Anyways + support 

Police RP

Colonel Alton 1A72

Super Admin 

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Staff removal and temp ban absolutely necessary. This behaviour is not acceptable any way you look at it.

Head Admin SCP-RP || Event Team Overseer || Ethics Committee || Ex Security FTO 1LT || Ex Security Warden || Ex CI R&D Senior Agent || UMC Guest [LVL 0] || Former Research Researcher || Former DORSU || Former DOC || Former LCZ Manager ||  I aM sPeCiAl || 

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I've been trying to remove him but hes not on

Former Police Deputy Commissioner and supervisor of Departments

Retired Police RP Head Of Staff

Military RP US CORE S-Colonel  

I can do what you can not, you can do what i cannot, together we can do great things - Mother Teresa

If you give up easily how are you supposed to enjoy the feeling of accomplishment and victory as well as fulfillment, If you give up then it will never lead way for improvement so don't give up keep swimming little fish - NoOne Yukiteru 2K18





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