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Kade False warn and restriction of promotions


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Your In-game: Ryan The Epic Guy

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:177289514
The admin's name in-game: Kade
The admin's steam name (If you know it): i think its [GL] Kade
What warning did you receive: Combat Revive
Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED):

[AWarn] You have been warned by [GL] Kade: Combat Healing
[AWarn] Type !warn to see a list of your warnings.

Why do you think this warn was false: He had been told without proof i was "combat reviving" when i went to a spot far from any shooting to get cover where there happened to be a dead body and almost didnt give me a chance to fight back. I told him my side and asked him to check logs. He made me do that and also told me unless i could prove i didnt (its harder to prove you didnt do something than to prove you did) combat revive i would be warned and blacklisted from ems. He refused to get proof and went on someone's word who was in the situation. As I was looking in Plogs he warns me and almost blacklists me. I had to yell at him about him not even having proof before he stopped. He then says I will be permanently restricted from any promotions. I will never get further in EMS. This is extremely unfair. He should not ever be warning solely off of the word of someone who was there.
Any extra information: When I arrived I didnt even get out of my vehicle before it was blown up. I was shot at as I ran for my life to get behind cover away from the shootout. I find a dead person in cover where I wouldn't be shot so I revive him. The same people who said I was combat reviving were running over to me (i didnt know this) just so they could kill me. Kade ignored that they had RDMed an EMS and decided to take the word of the people who had shot EMS down. He didn't give me a chance to look through the Plogs either. I was warned after 6 seconds of looking at plogs. Now I'm never going to be promoted in EMS? I find this EXTREMELY false.
Edited by Ryan The Epic Guy
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So I tried to go to Sgt. Nick Val's Staff call but he was dead. His STaff call was: COMBAT HEALING AT MAYORS HOUSE. I then goto the President Myan. All the FBI, President, SS, people raiding(4) said he was combat healing. Fame(an admin) also said he was combat healing. After roughly 10 people say he was combat healing I then presume they were all right. He was the ONLY EMS down there. I tell him he is being punished by a warn and a blacklist from being promoted. I then give him a warning: Combat Healing, I then put 1 strike on his name on the roster. My Head Deputy(1 rank under Asst. Chief) tells me this is not his first time today but he had done it in the past. So I give him the appropriate strike amount(3 strikes, 5 is removed/blacklisted). I believe with all the knowledge and evidence I gave Ryan the Epic Guy the correct amount of punishment.


The fact that the people RAIDING told me you combat healed them was all the proof I needed. Now if you have any evidence that you did or didn't do please share. Because 10 people about half of them staff, says you combat healed.

If you would like to speak to me about your Promotion restriction then come to TS. Don't use it in a staff situation. I am the chief and I can give out any punishment necessary.

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Even if his house was at beach house how does that mean i automatically combat revived? You can't take his word for it! YOU NEED A SCREENSHOT!

You forced me into a position I couldn't win. It should be "innocent until proven guilty" not "guilty until proven innocent" I cant give a screenshot proving i didnt do it, but if he had a screenshot he could give it to you and it would prove it.

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Just post your -support or +support and dont argue on the post. If you want to continue something then start a conversation on the forums. Or take it on teamspeak.

SCPRP Head of Staff

Lead Discord Administrator 

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Firstly @Kade if I’m going to be honest with you I don’t think EMS should be able to arrive on scene untill it’s been called CODE 4. My reason for this is because I’ve witnessed so many combat reviving ems and combat healing ems in the past weeks that I can’t even keep count anymore. Ems only has two jobs: to revive and to heal. When EMS arrive on scene, the temptation is there to go and revive all the dead people while there is a shootout going on. 

Kade correct me if i’m wrong, please.


“Why do you think this warn was false: He had been told without proof i was "combat reviving" when i went to a spot far from any shooting to get cover where there happened to be a dead body and almost didnt give me a chance to fight back.”

Now Ryan I understand your dispute but at the same time, you’re wrong. Ems should not be reviving anyone untill the scene has been called code 4. There were still shots fired in the area, but you chose to still revive the officer who had been shot and killed. Now, you claim this isn’t combat reviving because you weren’t In combat, but you were. You probably didn’t see it but directly in front of you there were massive shots fired and officers being killed by the Yukis. You ignored, or didn’t see, the attack and continued to revive the officer. Now, I took this matter straight to the EMS chief simply because its getting out of hand. I’ve seen too many EMS combat reviving in the last few weeks, so I had to take it to a High Command. 

As for your punishment, I feel nothing was false about it. Considering it wasn’t your first warn the Chief, Kade, took every warn into consideration and punished you how he saw fit. Though he can revoke his punishments at any time, I don’t see it as a possibility at this point.

The simple truth is: 

You combat revived; therefore, you got punished.


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Firstly @Kade if I’m going to be honest with you I don’t think EMS should be able to arrive on scene untill it’s been called CODE 4. My reason for this is because I’ve witnessed so many combat reviving ems and combat healing ems in the past weeks that I can’t even keep count anymore. Ems only has two jobs: to revive and to heal. When EMS arrive on scene, the temptation is there to go and revive all the dead people while there is a shootout going on. 

Kade correct me if i’m wrong, please.


Now Ryan I understand your dispute but at the same time, you’re wrong. Ems should not be reviving anyone untill the scene has been called code 4. There were still shots fired in the area, but you chose to still revive the officer who had been shot and killed. Now, you claim this isn’t combat reviving because you weren’t In combat, but you were. You probably didn’t see it but directly in front of you there were massive shots fired and officers being killed by the Yukis. You ignored, or didn’t see, the attack and continued to revive the officer. Now, I took this matter straight to the EMS chief simply because its getting out of hand. I’ve seen too many EMS combat reviving in the last few weeks, so I had to take it to a High Command. 

As for your punishment, I feel nothing was false about it. Considering it wasn’t your first warn the Chief, Kade, took every warn into consideration and punished you how he saw fit. Though he can revoke his punishments at any time, I don’t see it as a possibility at this point.

The simple truth is: 

You combat revived; therefore, you got punished.

You got it Fame. That is what I tell my EMS. I told Ryan he should have waited in the Subs on hill, or on the city side hill. IF YOU HEAR SHOTS IT'S PROBABLY NOT CODE 4 

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Reason for-support 

I saw with my own eyes you combat healing I told you to return to station and we argued about how you combat revived. It was disappointed how a moderator mass combat revived 


Also adding to -Support 

You would not have been blacklisted you were given strikes you are a medical cadet the first rank all EMS get. You don't know how the EMS command runs everything so don't act like you know how we run everything. Ok? Thanks. :)




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I would have loved to go somewhere safer than behind a house. If I had a choice, I would have left. I didn’t have a chance to realize how bad the shootout was before my ambulance blew up BECAUSE SOME PEOPLE COULDNT RESIST RDMING THE EMS!

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Fame does not need to be on duty to warn you for combat reviving, and he just called Kade instead of warning you. so I see no issue with Kade warning you. 

- your argument is people kill ems and that’s why you combat revive, but it is against motd to kill ems unless they are combat reviving. 

- If you hear shots and knew people are dead why would you think it’s code 4?

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There is a misunderstanding somewhere. People say I constantly combat revive? Yesterday was the first time I have been EMS in a while. Last time I was EMS was the first time I had ever been EMS and I was EMS for three days before I stopped. I don’t see how you constantly see me combat reviving if I haven’t even been on EMS for more than 12 hours MAX. I have NEVER been accused of combat reviving until them until then. Also I would like to make it very clear that I didn’t get a choice on being there. I went and before I realized the situation wasn’t code 4, was shot at and given no chance to leave and come back when the situation was code 4. I could not have possibly realized there was still combat and drive away safely before my ambulance was destroyed. I was FORCED to run for my very life as I was shot at. I ran the opposite direction from them and took cover. I got far from the combat and found a dead body who since I thought was far enough away, could be revived. I had NO chance of just leaving. I had insuficient experience to know that even though I was far from combat and behind cover, I wasn’t to revive the body. My thought was: “Ok, I’m far away now, I am behind cover, hey look! So is this body! He’s also far away from any shooting and behind cover!” I didn’t knowingly combat revive someone and I didn’t revive anyone else until Andrew was reviving people after it was all over. And for the combat healing Andrew told me that they were using fear RP on us and we had to. I never used the medkit for anything else.

Oh and another thing.

People hate all the EMS. They hate that they need to wait for an EMS to revive them and they hate that some help their enemies even though they shouldn’t and give them a disadvantage. This is evident in the immediate RDM upon my arrival on the seen. They don’t like EMS, so they just removed them from the equation. The Yukis in particular have voiced their anger towards EMS and guess what! The Yukis were the one who were raiding and the people that killed me. They were also 75% of the people claiming combat revive!

Edited by Ryan The Epic Guy
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People hate all the EMS. They hate that they need to wait for an EMS to revive them and they hate that some help their enemies even though they shouldn’t and give them a disadvantage. This is evident in the immediate RDM upon my arrival on the seen. They don’t like EMS, so they just removed them from the equation. The Yukis in particular have voiced their anger towards EMS and guess what! The Yukis were the one who were raiding and the people that killed me. They were also 75% of the people claiming combat revive!

I beg to differ. If they have read the rules then they know EMS have to wait. The reason you were killed and blown up(vehicle) is because you were not following the EMS SOP. YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN IN SUBURBS OR CITY WAITING. Just because you think you know the rules you don't. You should have known that you cannot be ANYWHERE AROUND a firefight. UNLESS it happened when you were there. WHICH IT DIDN'T.

Now please tell me I'm wrong.(In TS)

~EMS Medical Chief Kade

Edited by Kade
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People hate all the EMS. They hate that they need to wait for an EMS to revive them and they hate that some help their enemies even though they shouldn’t and give them a disadvantage. This is evident in the immediate RDM upon my arrival on the seen. They don’t like EMS, so they just removed them from the equation. The Yukis in particular have voiced their anger towards EMS and guess what! The Yukis were the one who were raiding and the people that killed me. They were also 75% of the people claiming combat revive!

Ryan I was told you were trained. I made a entire script that me and another FTO read off of. The script clearly explains EVERY SINGLE RULE you broke as a EMS. Next time I will put you through a 1 hour long session of training and every time you leave I will repeat it. You were EMS for one day and you already got all this punishment. I saw you combat revive several players. I told you DON"T REVIVE HIM BECAUSE THERE IS SHOTS FIRED AROUND THE AREA. But then yet, you ignore me... another reason to listen to higher ups. BECAUSE THEY MOST LIKELY KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING UNLIKE A MEDICAL CADET WHO IS BRAND NEW. 

- EMS Head Deputy Andrew (If you have any further comments about this Ryan message me on teamspeak. If I get texted in forums or any other form of communication It will be ignored. TS name = FTO RR D HD AndrewMunchiesians)

While this training may be ignored. I don't want Higher Ups to take blame for your insubordination. I recommend a removal from EMS or a longer training and more explained training for Ryan. I don't want to see another combat revive because us FTO's take time to train you but you decide to not listen to us. :) that's not our fault :D 

Edited by Andrew Munchiesians




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Fame does not need to be on duty to warn you for combat reviving, and he just called Kade instead of warning you. so I see no issue with Kade warning you. 

- your argument is people kill ems and that’s why you combat revive, but it is against motd to kill ems unless they are combat reviving. 

- If you hear shots and knew people are dead why would you think it’s code 4?

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