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DB Cooper's Staff Application

DB Cooper

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  1. What is your in-game name?: DB Cooper

  2. What is your steam name?: asphyxiatedthreat

  3. What is your steam ID?: STEAM_1:1:427317360

  4. Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes, within the recent months I have received a position as a Head Admin on a DarkRP Server.

  5. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) February 16th, 2018

  6. What date did you make your forums account? February 17th, 2018

  7. Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? VIP+

  8. How many warns do you have on the server? 7 Warns

  9. Have you donated? Yes

  10. What rank are you applying for? Trial-Moderator

  11. Have you read the staff guidelines at http://gaminglight.com/main/topic/20650-staff-handbook/? You will be tested on it: Yes

  12. Timezone: Central Standard Time

  13. Permission (Admin+ need this): N/A

  14. Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Can be any length) I believe I deserve this rank because, I am always on this server. I'm a very active player whether it's FBI, EMS, or a Criminal, I roughly spend atleast 5+ hours on Gaminglight PoliceRP. So with that being said, I come across a lot of players who need more help than I can currently provide. I'm especially on during the morning hours 6AM +, This is where I see a huge lack of staff being online, I feel as if you hire me I know the server will be more productive having another staff member on in the early mornings. I enforce the rules as much as my jurisdiction will allow me to, If I see a player doing something against the rules, I make sure they know of it; simply because the rules are there to make the RP as fun as possible, without them the server wouldn't hold an basis. Thank you for considering my application, and best of luck to anyone else applying for staff.

  15. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? I would bring the person to a roof and jail them, then begin to explain where they went wrong and what to do properly. I would then explain to them that they are being warned and minged for their actions.

Make it idiot proof and someone will make a better idiot.


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Well done application 

Read the handbook 

Has experience




"Crack open a cold one mate, no worries mate, come to the outback mate, gonna go to maccas and get some brekky mate"

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