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SWAT Commander Ducky 1K99 Resignation


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Unfortunately, the time has come for me to resign from this department since I just got promoted to Deputy Chief. I joined SWAT department on 12/30/2021 just days before I got PD Lieutenant. SWAT was my first and only tac department I joined and it has always felt like a group of people I can love and trust. I’ve been through my fair share of ups and downs in the department as many do but serving as a member of SWAT for 2 years and 3 months has been the most incredible experience. Serving as a Department Head is truly an incredible experience especially when you help to build such an incredible department with such an incredible group of individuals. SWAT will always have such a special place in my heart.

Here’s my Thank You shoutouts:


@Chip&Dail : You were my first commander and I was even your commander for a short while. I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve taught me and for even welcoming me into SWAT in the first place. I’ve always remembered when I attended my SWAT tryouts and I was this scared-to-speak and shy person, you were the one who brought me out of my shell and I can’t thank you enough for that. I always greatly looked up to you because of your leadership and you knew how to run a department so well. We’ve shared many amazing memories ranging from finding my peacemaker name to watching How to Train Your Dragon movies and all of the SWAT memories. Thanks for coming out of reserves to help assist me. I have no doubt you’ll be able to run SWAT after I leave and make it incredible.


@Trumpo: My Taylor Swift bestie. Thanks for being the one to message me randomly like “R u PD HCom yet” and get disappointed when I say “no”. Thanks for always believing in me man and I finally did it. I loved serving in SWAT Command with you. And you finally got your Taylor Swift Birthday! 


@Azrael_ : You were the one who brought me into the EHC position and gave me the opportunity to be Commander. Even though I served as your CoCommander for a very short time, the time I served with you was incredible. I’ve looked up to you a lot since I joined SWAT, your leadership, kindness, and resilience have been so incredible. We’ve had so many incredible memorable memories together whether it was Peacemakers, SWAT, crim, or other shenanigans. Thank You for always believing in me and Thank You for everything o7


@Ion Davis: I know I was one of the people who helped bring you back after you had to resign. We’ve shared so many good memories together. You’ve been doing such an incredible job since you came back from reserves and I have no doubt you’ll continue to do amazing.


@Nicc: I know you had to resign from SWAT shortly after becoming a command member but I know you had to focus on your own department. Congrats on Assistant Chief man can’t wait to serve with you!


To the rest of the SWAT department whether you served with me or under me: I have taught you guys to be incredible individuals, to persevere through anything and to be incredible role models. I’ve had a shit ton of awesome and incredible memories with so many of you I will never forget. Never stop being an incredibly amazing group of people


I never thought this day would come that I would have to leave this amazing department. Thank you all for making my time in SWAT incredible o7






@MiniEpic This man asked for a shoutout in my resignation post (jk love ya thanks for my promotion)

Edited by DuckeyWizard

"Jimmy Can I minge With a Button?"

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Thank you for everything you have done for SWAT and me, Ducky!

I know you will proceed to be an absolutely amazing Deputy Chief, and I am ecstatic to be able to serve under you in the main department as that.

You will be supremely missed in SWAT by everyone. Thank you for your service, Commander.



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Bittersweet. I'm not even in swat, but I've seen you be a mentor to players and work to mold them into a better version of themself.

Congratulations on achieving HC, Ducky. You've put in a lot of work to get to where you are today. You deserve it.


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@DuckeyWizard When I first saw you, I saw the bright light shimmering light, hidden deep in the dark forest. When I see people with huge potential, I make it my goal to assist them in every way possible. 
The memories will always stay, and I am glad to have served along side you! In my eyes you will make the Perfect PD High Command, and who knows, maybe commisioner one day! 
I Salute you, and will miss you in SWAT, but I know you will always be around. 
P.S.: Hiccup is one of the best Code names to have existed! 
I take my Hat of and salute you o7

Edited by Chip&Dail

🔵S.W.A.T Commander ChipDail 1K15🔵

“You need to beaware of what others are doing, applaud their efforts, acknowledge their successes, and encourage them in their pursuits. When we all help one another, everybody wins.” – Jim Stovall 

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Peace ducky ☮️

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Im going to miss you as CMDR! 


Even though I didn't serve under you, I would have loved to have the chance. Too bad you left before I was re-instated 😞


Good luck on your future endeavors! 

 “The only way that we can live is if we grow. The only way we can grow is if we change. The only way we can change is if we learn. The only way we can learn is if we are exposed. And the only way that we are exposed is if we throw ourselves into the open.” — C. Joybell

|| Proud Member of GamingLight since March 2018 ||

|| Former MTF Alpha-1 MAJ || Former NSA Director || Former MTF E-11 CPL || Former SWAT CMDR ||

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You were a great commander, helping SWAT to its fullest. You were put in commander at a rough time of the departments history, still getting it through it. I would love to see how you do in PD High Command. O7.

Edited by MiniEpic


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