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Steven King / Asuna Yuki

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Everything posted by Steven King / Asuna Yuki

  1. Hello there, My name is Asuna Yuki leader of the yukis and one of the head diplomats for Anime Military Alliance. Im here by issuing executive directive 1a9378 All yukis hereby commence Operation Waterhorse Remember agents you are not required to participate in the rules of engagement as you are agents not combatants of war use any weapon you like. All participants in the alliance are required to aid such agents in their matters by any means necessary. You will know who they are I will train them my self I was informed by a member of the PD that such operations from BSI were happening Technically we are still at war but i needn't remind you i have agents posted in all ranks in government organizations and criminal. Code grey, red and black are authorized used them at your discretion Note if a agent or alliance member were to capture such BSI personnel you know what to do o7 and yes Hannah you can use your knife by any means Remeber our code of conduct we are to defend our way of life and those who cant it doesn't mean shoot up every cop but remember our code When questioned, should I become a prisoner, I am required to give name and rank. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my family and its allies or harmful to their cause. also remember this I will never forget that I am a Yuki family member, fighting for freedom, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made my Family free. I will trust in my skills and in my comrades. . besides, why not have fun in a cop car ;) now some of you are like why Asuna? simply put well its to defend our way of life It is the role of a leader to stand in front of their subordinates ... and protect them even if their legs were to give out at any moment. My companions make my heart strong. If I'm fighting for those I love, I care not what happens to me as their alive that all that matters. 007 yukis you are hereby activated on my authority give them and meet me for sniper training ill teach you how to close range snipe even when they are hopping around like idiots and tac call-outs they want war oh bet you ass were giving it to them
  2. Lul I mean come play with us tomorrow night :)
  3. will do sir can you remind me later when I get off work around 8 ish or so I'll make it all in one post :)
  4. https://myanimelist.net/animelist/gam3vidz?status=1 theres my anime list
  5. Hello friends so today I wanted to bring to you announcement I am hosting a game night on SCP Laboratory non-Gmod Edition it's on Steam it's free Me, Nolan and toxic are going to be playing. We encourage you to come with us on our private server and we are going to have a good time and we will be recording and we'll be making memes for a free copy of the game click here starts 8 cst servers name is gaming light dedicated server
  6. hey we all make mistakes but you cant remove warns mate becuase if thats so then i deserve to have my warns by valk removed but i will say any yuki is easily accessible by discord or forums or through me and you figured you would have her appeal it on the forums mate that kind of thinking can screw your self over big time take my advice and fame yourre growing up so damn fast i cant take it anymore xD
  7. Who said you could get out of your cage?!?!?!?!?!?!
  8. i had a female when i was a mod here on police rp back in the old days a female asked for help said i had a deep attractive voice and valk came by (i know) so valk put me and her in a tube and said enjoy love birds and i wanted valk then he 1v1 me and i killed him and i hit the wrong key bind hopping around like an idiot and well minted everyone but valk this was back when we didn't have the job checker for onduty
  9. It's a cluster Fu*k I mean both sides are always pushing back at each other and people are becoming targets if its another family that's shooting you then do, please tell I have astro astronomical Influence on them
  10. I believe his ban was already unlifter he came in the ts support room and I got him in contact with no one
  11. from Nolan "thr police need something to end all situations rather to stop overpowered ones and if the situation needs to end... also only high command will be able to spawn them in"
  12. when you mess with the yukis well you go swimming http://plays.tv/video/5aa4e3ad09f1e2cb6b/when-you-mess-with-the-yukis
  13. Hello, While i cant comment on this particular situation This staff member was acting immature and using his trial moderator rank to pull people into reacting to this post http://prnt.sc/ipljnm
  14. you earn my respect and liking if i respect and like you i promice you i can be your greatest ally
  15. Sir, we cant use witnesses. I understand your frustration regarding this matter but if you could provide me video or audio evidence it would be greatly appreciated. Then we can proceed regarding this matter. Thank you, Asuna Yuki PoliceRP Staff Moderator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ this is his response since he cant respond to this due to forum permissions - Support - You always minge around in game - I never told them to unwant anyone - You dissed me (http://steamcommunity.com/id/EternityAgar/screenshot/924799832437062259) - Kept saying "My friends were laughting and I was joking around" - Can't joke around on server when real RP is active - I never shouted at you Yours sincerely -Eternity E (I can't comment myself??)
  16. + support Rp with him many times actually uses brain and makes things interesting
  17. I prefierr anime i mean look at them also, a dog is like oh master i missed you let me love you when a cat is like oh my Hooman is home i mean if you are referring to this idk bro you got some kinky things
  18. this whos how and why state troopers are better and yukis love them MY GOD
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