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Everything posted by skelel

  1. +1 yes this addon will be very good in helping dt get better aim
  2. so its like the movie or song awards thing
  3. +support good man, great trooper, has a positive attitude as well as good relationships. this guy would definitely be very fit for the position
  4. - support i agree with jax and what he said above but here's some other things (i have read the suggestion) the expansion is way too wide, and would just make the battalion 98% phase zero, 1% arc, and 1% heavy. While I do believe Phase Zero is pretty bland, maybe an addition of one or two jobs would settle for it, however I don't believe removing other jobs would solve much. Below are some extra things on why removing & replacing these jobs would be a bad idea. The marksman job is meant for those with the rank of initiate or higher can get slightly better weapons without needing to be trained for. Plus, from what I've seen when I was last in 501st, the Phase Zero tryout is a whole extra tryout on top of that, which would most likely drive people away. If this was the only sub-branch of the 501st, I would see no issue with it. Considering you have, in total, 2 other branches, those being ARC and HVY (last i remembered phz was apart of jt), they should also deserve some expansion as well, so the battalion would be mostly even. Most likely though, a complete overhaul of every single sub branch would be denied TLDR; I believe leaving the battalion as is, or at least some slight changes to the battalion, would be fine.
  5. i do agree that it should be made faster however this server uses LFS im pretty sure they can modify the speed however not 100% sure
  6. +big support you are a good guy and also you do good work however you can probably just get promoted faster than it takes to get this approved
  7. + support rasputin is a real good vice commander, he is very helpful and is overall a good guy, give this man BOSS!!!
  8. big +support a good officer, helps me with a lot of things in shore and other things as well, also a good man
  9. +support he is a good man, trustworthy, has experience
  10. +1 good guy good nco does good work
  11. +1 this guy has been everywhere and has done everything he will do a good job and i know it
  12. +1 both times i have been in IC this man has been there and has been awesome let this man be command
  13. +support hes a good guy and i don't know why he was banned for this video. confronting him could have been better
  14. +support bonez is a good man and i have worked with him before and he is a very capable and competent guy
  15. After joining The Christian Alliance of Gaminglight, I have reformed. I no longer spend my time on other things but Gaminglight. I get copious amounts of women now. Thank you GLCA.
  16. BRUH i didnt see this but BIG + SUPPORT MY MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COOL GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOULD BE AN AMAZING ADDITION TO COMMAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. if it were for the IQ temple teleports would be useful
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