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Everything posted by Alexxxx

  1. +Support Yeah, I don't know whos idea it was to get the Mp7 on jobs that get played a lot because it's really strong
  2. Someone promote this guy!
  3. +Support The current weapons of E4 are trash absolute trash.
  4. +Support Chill Dude! Active! And Very friendly! Would love to guard stonks -RRH Guardian Foxtrot 12
  5. Accepted! To get started join the SCP-RP Discord, Then navigate to the member-self roles channel react to the CI emoji and then you should see the channel Requesting-FTO and then just fill out the format!
  6. Eh -Support I don't think it's hard for non-combatants to just run and call it out on site comms who the SCP is disguised as.
  7. Man Im gonna miss you scottish man take care bruh loud watch out
  8. +Support As our recent activity has shown that we only have low numbers currently I think this would increase our activity and give our NCO's something to strive for, So I believe that this would help. Currenlty we only have 1 Special class (NOT INCLUDING E4) which is Dolos and Kronos however for us to get this class we have to raid but with our recent activity this is impossible. Also this would be a class that could help us defeat 7101 as it is very broken right now, Our only real counter against 7101 would be Dolos as It can be invis and 1 shot 7101 in the back with the knife but as I said we have to raid for this class and It's impossible right now due to our activity.
  9. ...but again they shouldn't apply to 912 in my opinion
  10. Man im gonna miss you bro take care and I wish you the best of luck in whatever you do in the future
  11. Well of course, But not for 912. In lore he would technically attack anyone that has a gun out and doesn't have a military uniform on.
  12. What are you suggesting? - I'm suggesting that CI raiding doesn't count to the rule that is in the motd for 912 "SCP-912 may attempt to arrest rule breakers and bring them to GENSEC or MTF personnel" Now the reason I am suggesting this is, It just makes no sense that CI raiding the facility counts as rule breaking for 912. In lore the only rule breaking for 912 is having a weapon out because right now 912 can just attack any CI it sees even tough they don't have a weapon out. Also 912 can't tell who is CI and who isn't that's not an arguement, And with that I would want a rule that specifiys this. (If this gets accepted) How would this change better the server? - It would make 912 a bit more lore accurate, And It would be a bit fairer for CI. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Not any that I can think of. Maybe It would be harder for 912 to capture an CI member. Who would this change mostly benefit? - CI. Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A.
  13. man im gonna miss you sosok you were always so chill take care man
  14. It is fixable, Brute spawned with the riot shield once as well but it's fixed now.
  15. Could you also include the questions in the application please. So question first then the answers.
  16. Honestly It's been 3 Years everyone deserves a 2nd Chance +Support
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